Report by Cabinet Member for Assets, Planning and Housing


TO THE MEETING OF Full Council - 21 March 2007



1.                  Assets

Tender documents have been sent to three international property services firms (referred to in last months report) inviting them to quote for both the Council’s Operational Property Project and a Joint Strategic Property Review with our asset Partners, the PCT and Police.


The company that is appointed will be charged with identifying opportunities for co-location and the replacement or disposal of unfit-for-purpose buildings.  It will also have operational responsibility for a number of high priority projects against specified targets.


2.                  Planning

The time by which the Unitary Development Plan will be replaced by the Island Plan remains obscure.  Officers are currently working on a revised draft Core Strategy for submission to the Government Office South East.  Area Action Plans for the Medina and Bay continue in development.


A written procedure for pre-planning application consultation between ward councillors, planning officers and applicants is being produced for formal approval.  This is intended to identify and resolve a significant proportion of local problems before applications are submitted formally.


Further training will be provided to members of the Development Control Sub Committee on matters pertaining to its quasi-judicial duties and the conduct of proceedings.


Strengthening professional planning resources to handle major applications, enforcement policy and planning control is a management priority.


3.                  Housing

The draft strategy has been shared with a number of stakeholders, prior to submission to the Cabinet.  Reaction has been generally positive, with some doubts expressed about the availability of land to meet targets and the consistency of planning guidance and decisions.  Rural affordable housing provision has been highlighted as an important requirement.


A report on Pan Urban Development will be brought to Cabinet at its forthcoming meeting in Pan.


Cllr George Brown

Cabinet Member for Assets, Planning and Housing