Report from the Cabinet member for Island Health AND Community Wellbeing




1.   Children’s Services


Two very important events took place this month:


Firstly, the Special Educational Needs Information Day, held at the Isle of Wight College on the 3rd March, was attended by many parents/carers and key staff. Sadly, I was unable to attend this event but the feedback from parents and carers has been very positive.


Secondly, the annual Wight 2B Heard conference was held in Bembridge on the 9 March, with a large number of island young people participating.


We were disappointed to hear that the Department of Health has reduced the funding for preventative work with young people on substance misuse. The Director, Steve Beynon, will be assessing the impact of this reduction and further details will be forthcoming.


On a more positive note, members will be pleased to hear that £80K has been allocated within the Children’s services budget to secure a training centre for our Looked After Children.


A comprehensive training programme on the role of the corporate parent is being planned for all members. The National Children’s Bureau has been approached to lead this initiative and details will be issued shortly.


Members should please note that the inspection of the Youth Offending team will be taking place soon.


2.   Community Services


Earlier this month, I visited Knowsley Authority. Together with the Leader, Sarah Mitchell and Barry Cooke, I had the chance to view positive joint working in action.


The Chief Executive of Knowlsey PCT is also the Director of Adult Social Services and they have many combined services at both the commissioning and provision level.


During the visit, we were given a very interesting presentation on how they positively deliver joined up health and social care services and had the opportunity to meet with key members and officers.


David Behan Director of Social Care at the Department of Health visited the IOW on the 9th March. The feedback received was very positive and David described us as "an organisation in transition but very positive - an organisation ready and about to deliver."  Thanks to Sarah Mitchell and everyone involved who made the visit so successful.


The Director and I attended the South East Regional Network - Lead members and Directors meeting held in Aylesbury. Key items that were discussed included cost pressures and the upcoming spending review and the local authority interface with health.


I was pleased to attend the launch of the Telecare initiative yesterday.  In 2005 the government set aside £80M to enable local authorities to promote independent living through the help of technology and the Isle of Wight is using their share of the allocated funds to develop the service in conjunction with Tunstall UK.


The telecare solution consists of various sensors placed around the home, which are linked to a lifeline home unit. The system is monitored 24hrs a day and will be operated by Wightcare services, which currently provide the valuable Wight-alarm and home warden service.


Telecare will be part of a wider preventative agenda enabling residents to stay at home as long as possible and reduce lengthy stays in hospital. A briefing note is being prepared and will be issued shortly and in the meantime I have placed some information from the launch in the member’s rooms.


3.   Local Government Association (LGA)


I attended the Community Well Being Board of The Local Government Association on the 7th March. Items on the agenda included:


  • The Fair Care Campaign


  • The State of Social Care report issued by CSCI (Commission for Social Care Inspection)


  • The Performance Framework proposed for local authorities.


  • An update on Learning Disability services post the recent serious events in Cornwall and Merton/Sutton LBC


  • The emerging cost pressures for adult social care.


  • The Department of Health commissioning guidelines now out for consultation


Please access the LGA website for further details.






Cllr Dawn Cousins

Cabinet Member for Island Health and Community Wellbeing