Food Safety 


Members may like to hear about yet another innovation from Consumer Protection.  We will be launching a scheme on 21 March designed to publicly recognise well managed hygienic food businesses whilst encouraging poorly performing ones to improve.  The “Scores on the Doors” scheme introduced by the Environmental Health Team will make available the hygiene rating – from zero to five stars - of food premises following targeted inspections.  Restaurants, pubs, cafes and takeaways will be urged to display their star rating certificates on their shop fronts and potential diners will be able to view individual premise ratings on a web site at:  The scheme was introduced following consultation with businesses and the public which revealed overwhelming support.  The scheme is also supported by the Chamber of Commerce.  The beauty of this scheme is that two main aims are achieved; businesses are encouraged to raise hygiene standards offering greater protection to public health and the public are provided with clear information on the actions Council Services are taking to ensure their safety. 


Buy With Confidence


Also within Consumer Protection, the Trading Standards Service trader approval scheme “Buy With Confidence” received extensive coverage in the press recently.  All such businesses are extensively vetted and their trading performance monitored before scheme membership is confirmed and the claim can be made that they are “approved” by Trading Standards.  A few weeks ago the membership of this scheme reached over 100, when applicant businesses were welcomed into the scheme following a special presentation ceremony here in this Chamber. 


Trading Standards Peer Review


The peer review process for the Trading Standards Service reached an important milestone at the end of February when an external review team of Councillors and officers from other authorities carried out a two day on-site visit to verify the Service’s self assessment and draft improvement plan. The review team gave preliminary feedback at the conclusion of the visit that was very positive.   We await the final report.


Matalan Retail Limited


One of the more significant prosecutions brought by this Council in recent years was concluded in the IW Crown Court in January.  Matalan Retail Ltd was fined £34,000 and directed to pay significant Council costs of almost £12,000 following breaches of Health and Safety legislation in Newport.  Members may have noticed media coverage of events that prompted the prosecution.  On the 6th June 2005 an Island resident suffered serious head injuries after the vehicle they were in collided with an unsecured horizontal swing type car park barrier.  A comprehensive and professional piece of work undertaken by the Environmental Health Team was brought to a successful conclusion.  I have passed on my congratulations to officers.


Smoke Free Legislation


In readiness for the introduction of smoke free legislation from 1 July 2007, Island businesses are being invited to free events in April and May.  Seminars to advise and educate businesses have been arranged right across the Island at various locations* by the Environmental Health Team in partnership with The Isle of Wight Chamber of Commerce ‘Healthy Business Partnership’.  The seminars aims are to provide more information and answer questions about the new Smoke Free Legislation.  I hope that all businesses will take this opportunity to find out more and ensure they are prepared for the 1 July. 


*Newport x2, Cowes, Freshwater, Ryde and Sandown



2.             SAFER COMMUNITIES


CREW week – East Cowes


Crime Reduction and Environment Week was held in East Cowes. The Safer Neighbourhoods Partnership trailer was parked outside the Town Hall.


Trading Standards carried out test purchasing for alcohol and also did licensing checks.


The Police did truancy sweeps, had the passive drugs dog there at certain times, and introduced the safer streets buses on Friday and Saturday night.


The Community Support Officers conducted dog chipping, Parent evenings along with agency partners, and held pet care sessions in Osborne Middle. They also engaged the students in litter picking sessions.



Cllr  Barry Abraham

Cabinet Member for Safer Communities and Fire and Rescue Modernisation