The month since the budget speech has seen the many initiatives we outlined being prepared for implementation from 1st April 2007 – allowing us to demonstrate our One Island commitment to residents. It is only through the hard work of our officers that we will be able deliver these projects and improve the quality of life enjoyed by local people.


At the beginning of March, Cllr Cousins and I visited Knowsley, along with Sarah Mitchell and Barry Cooke, to examine the joint working arrangements between their PCT and Social Services. It was impressive to see how they jointly commissioned and provided services – and shared key personnel. We were able to bring back to the Island many examples of best practice which we can adapt to our Island circumstances, enabling us to deliver an enhanced, joined-up service at a more efficient cost.


I was privileged to attend the Wight 2 B Heard conference at Bembridge Coast, attended by engaging young people from across the Island. A range of topics were discussed – including problems of drugs in schools. Superintendent Dean Jones and I were able to outline our concerns in relation to potential drug use within our schools, and indicating the important role that exists for staff and governors to ensure that each institution has a robust zero tolerance of drugs on their site.


Yesterday Cllr Joyce and I visited Jim Knight MP, Minister for Schools, at the Department for Education and Skills. We outlined our vision for 14-19 education at the Island, and shared thoughts on how this could be best achieved. We intend to make a decision in April after listening to the results of the recent consultation exercise. I have been disappointed at some of the aggressive behaviour we have seen at recent public meetings, but I am determined that we take a decision based on a rational assessment of what approach is most likely to improve our educational attainment.


This evening we will be making another important decision – on the future governance arrangements for the Isle of Wight Fire & Rescue Service. I am delighted that the service was recently recognised as “improving well” – and this will be taken into consideration when we make a decision on how we can best continue the improvement agenda.


I am also delighted that we are to begin recruitment for a Director of Customer Services. This demonstrates our commitment to place the Customer at the heart of our work – driving as the overriding theme through all departments of the Council. I look forward to us appointing a high calibre individual to fill this post in the near future.


Cllr Andy Sutton

Leader of the Council