Report from the Cabinet member for Island Health AND Community Wellbeing






The last month has been extremely busy and, therefore, this report highlights only the most significant events.


Adult & Community Services


A memorandum of understanding has been agreed between the Isle of Wight Council and the Isle of Wight NHS Primary Care Trust. The aim of the memo is to achieve the following:


1)                 Work together in order to improve the health of the Island population.


2)                 Agree a disposal programme for a joint property portfolio.


3)                 Agree a move towards shared ‘back office’ functions that will produce efficiencies for both organisations.


4)                 Develop joint commissioning arrangements, which will make best use of our available resources and meet the local needs of people.


5)                 Develop local models of joint health and social care delivery.


The full agreement can be viewed on the Isle of Wight Council website.


Director of Public Health


I am pleased to confirm that Dr Jennifer Smith has been appointed Director of Public Health. Members should note that this is a joint appointment and Dr Smith shall be commencing her duties shortly.


UK Inquiry into Mental Health and Wellbeing in Later Life


This inquiry has been initiated by the Government and I am pleased to represent the Local Government Association and the Isle of Wight Council on the advisory group. A first draft has been issued and further information can be found on A final report will be presented to the government in March and I am pleased to report that the Isle of Wight Council was able to contribute to the examples of good practice.


Carers Conference


The conference was part of the work undertaken by the Adult and Community Services Directorate to modernise the delivery of learning disability services. We were extremely encouraged by the number of parents and carers who attended.


Of particular interest was the work being undertaken to establish the ‘in control’ project. Through the project, the Council hopes to radically transform its social care responsibilities and change the way such business is conducted. Further information

about the project and alterations to the delivery of services will be forthcoming shortly.


IDeA National Network – Transforming Older Person’s Services


The Director and I were pleased to attend this event, and were both pleased to note that the direction of travel adopted here on the Isle of Wight is considered to be in line with good practice and our desire to provide greater choice and dignity to residents.


Fuel Poverty Strategy


A strategy was launched last week and the details can be found on the Isle of Wight Council website. The strategy is in partnership with Age Concern, Anchor Stay Put, Isle of Wight NHS PCT, Vectis Housing and the Footprint Trust. Many thanks to the Warm Homes Group for their work highlighting the need for vulnerable older people to stay warm during the winter months. This strategy meets the requirements of our healthy Island objectives.


Corporate Parenting


Members should note that we are organising specific training for members, with regards to corporate parenting. I am directly involved with organising events for members so that awareness of looked after children is improved.  Details to follow.


Children’s Services


We will shortly be advertising for an independent chair for the Children’s Trust. A review of arrangements are currently underway, the details of which will be reported to members in due course.







Cllr Dawn Cousins

Cabinet Member for Island Health and Community Wellbeing