1.                  FIRE AND RESCUE


Options Appraisal Report - Consultation


Consultation on the Report is now complete and the Authority is awaiting the publication of the consultation report from Opinion Research Services (ORS), which will evidence the outcomes from both public and stakeholder consultation, including the questionnaire results.


By way of additional information for use by Members, will be the report on those issues identified during the recent fact-finding visit to Somerset and Devon Fire and Rescue Authorities.  This report will focus on the transitional costing potentials for a voluntary merger between the two Authorities and will be relative to Option III within the Appraisal Report, for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.


Direction Of Travel Assessment


This evening’s Council meeting will receive the score for our direction of travel, which has been recently undertaken by the Audit Commission. 


Integrated Risk Management Plan 2007-09 - Consultation


Consultation on this Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) will focus on two main areas:


·        value for money

·        use of resources


The consultation period will be announced soon in the local press.


Staff, stakeholder and Member workshops will be held to discuss the objectives within the plan and outcomes from these will inform the final recommendations to be approved by Cabinet.


The IRMP sets out the Authority’s strategy, in collaboration with other agencies, for:


·        reducing the number and severity of fires, road traffic collisions and other emergency incidents occurring in the area for which it is responsible

·        reducing the severity of injuries in fires, road traffic collisions and other emergency incidents

·        reducing the commercial economic and social impact of fires and other emergency incidents

·        safeguarding the environment and heritage (both built and natural)

·        providing value for money


2.                  CONSUMER PROTECTION


Food Safety


We will be launching a scheme next month designed to encourage food businesses to improve standards of food hygiene whilst at the same time reducing the frequency of inspections undertaken by our Environmental Health Officers.  Our “scores on the doors” scheme will take the form of a 0-5 star food hygiene rating.  Scores are derived from food hygiene inspections.


Scores will be available for the public to view on line and about 1500 businesses including restaurants, cafes, pubs and takeaways will be invited to display rating certificates prominently at their premises.  The scheme is designed to reward those food businesses that effectively manage food hygiene and simultaneously provide an incentive to businesses to make improvements and so achieve a higher rating.


Buy With Confidence


The Council’s trader approval scheme “Buy With Confidence” received extensive coverage in a recent edition of the County Press newspaper.  Editorial describing the scheme was supported by 3 pages of advertisements from about 60 island businesses in membership of the scheme.  All such businesses are extensively vetted and their trading performance monitored before scheme membership is confirmed and the claim can be made that they are “approved” by the Council’s Trading Standards Service.  I am delighted to report that Cllr David Williams will be officiating in this chamber on 2 March when another group of businesses will be welcomed into Buy With Confidence membership.  This will increase membership to in excess of 100.  I invite any councillor who is at County Hall on the afternoon of 2 March to attend the event.


Matalan plc


One of the more significant prosecutions brought by this Council in recent years was concluded in the Crown Court last month.  Matalan plc was fined £34,000 and directed to pay significant Council costs of almost £12,000 following breaches of Health and Safety legislation in Newport.  Members may have noticed media coverage of events that prompted the prosecution.  A local resident suffered serious head injuries.  A comprehensive and professional piece of work was brought to a successful conclusion. 


Newport Post Office


Several members have spoken with me about levels of customer service at the main post office in Newport.  Exceptionally, I have taken the decision to write to the Managing Director of the company Primeco Ltd who operate the business to express my concerns and the concerns of many local people.  I have invited the company to review what I consider to be the current level of customer service with a view to introducing improvements.  I am waiting for his reply!


3.                  SAFER COMMUNITIES


Safer Neighbourhoods Partnership


·        The Night Shuttle buses pilot was extended, and these have been proving successful in dispersing club and pub goers back to their home areas.

·        A multi-agency problem solving meeting was held to aid in solving some of the problems in Coppins Bridge car park. Improvements already implemented are replacement of broken signage, removing garden waste, increasing patrols and replacement of both the rubbish and dog bins.

·        A multi-agency problem solving meeting was held at Freshwater, where 3 priorities were established, and further meetings and multi-agency working will endeavour to address.

·        A meeting with Red Funnel and the council was held to try and alleviate traffic congestion on East Cowes car terminal. Issues being addressed are the road signage and review of holding yards practice.


Domestic Abuse


A key stakeholder workshop was held at Northwood House to review and develop a better multi-agency approach to Domestic Abuse on the Island. Keynote speakers were Superintendent of the Police, Domestic Abuse Coordinator Portsmouth City Council and the local manager of the Women’s Refuge.

The outcomes of the day will direct the Domestic Abuse Forum in developing a strategy for the Island which will include:


·        Health and Child Protection

·        Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferencing (MARAC’s)

·        Integrated Domestic Abuse Programme (IDAP)

·        Rape crisis interventions


Adult Drug Treatment Plan for 2007 – 2008


Following a consultation day for key stakeholders in December, the Adult Drug Treatment Plan has been developed and a draft plan submitted to National Treatment Agency NHS for the commissioning and delivery of the Islands adult drug services.




Cllr Barry Abraham

Cabinet Member for Safer Communities and Fire and Rescue Modernisation