Purpose : for Decision

                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              17 DECEMBER 2003


Title :               HOUSING STRATEGY 2003-8







1.                  To consider and agree the Housing Strategy statement.  A copy of the Housing Strategy has been emailed to members of the Executive and a copy has been placed in the members room.




2.                  This is not a confidential item.




3.                  All local authorities are required to produce an annual Housing Strategy that sets out the needs within the locality together with a series of proposals indicating how these needs will be addressed.  The Housing Strategy has traditionally been the vehicle used by the Government through the ODPM for determining the capital allocations to be granted to authorities. 


4.                  It is the aim of the Government Office for the South East (GOSE) to achieve a position that all local authority housing strategies in their region meet the `fit for purpose’ standard by April 2004.  This is in contrast with the position last year where no SE strategy met this criterion.


5.                  It has been agreed with GOSE that the Isle of Wight Housing Strategy will be submitted in draft before Christmas.  This will give sufficient time for them to provide feedback to enable any deficiencies to be addressed.  As such, the strategy document attached to this report remains a draft, subject to final consultation.  However, as the document has been subject to on-going consultation throughout the development process, it is not anticipated that there will be major changes.


6.                  The final document will be published along with a separate Technical Annexe, which members will see referred to as part 2 within the body of the text.  This will contain the technical detail to underpin and provide further detail to the main strategy document.




7.                  The Housing Strategy is the key strategic document for the Island focussing on the needs and aspirations of local households.  As such it is one of the major vehicles for delivering the corporate objective of “Improving health, housing and the quality of life for all”.


8.                  The need for decent, affordable housing is also one of the key objectives identified in the Community Strategy and underpins many of the objectives set out corporately.  The availability of suitable housing is key to the delivery of health, education, and social care targets.


9.                  The local strategies are also expected to reflect the Regional Housing Strategy (RHS), which has been developed recently by the newly established Regional Housing Board.  The RHS sets out a series of key priorities, each of which is fully addressed and responded to within the Island Housing Strategy.


10.             The Housing Strategy attached is built upon the approaches and commitments agreed in the earlier development of the Homelessness Strategy and Housing Renewal Strategy.  Members approved these in July and June respectively.  These three strategic documents will be further supplemented by the development of a Supported Housing Strategy over the next six months.




11.             There has been widespread consultation in the development of the Housing Strategy.  This has involved an initial seminar in July attended by over 80 delegates from a wide range of representation, including members, private developers, voluntary agencies, government bodies and other corporate representation.


12.             A Strategy Steering Group comprising key stakeholders, including members, IOW Economic Partnership, Planning Services, ROCC, the RCC, Housing Associations and the PCT has supplemented this.


13.             A further consultation forum with housing association tenants is planned for the beginning of December.


14.             Alongside these mechanisms, the initial part of the strategy has been sent to a range of individuals and organisations for comments related to approach or detailed content.


15.             Members will also be aware that the Housing Strategy is the overarching document, which also encompasses three more specific strategies relating to Homelessness, Housing Renewal and Supported Housing.  The first two of these have already been developed following further consultation.  The Supported Housing Strategy will be developed.




16.             There are a number of major financial implications attached to housing activity on the Island.  The Homelessness and Housing Renewal Strategies already adopted by members included costed action plans, and these have been incorporated within the Housing Strategy.


17.             The financial implications of addressing the various housing needs within the strategy are outlined fully in the Implementation Plan in Section 5.  The required levels of expenditure are offset where appropriate with expected income or the potential income generation opportunities.  The current indications are that revenue implications can be fully met subject to the outcome of Service Plan bids and bids to the ODPM for further resources.


18.             At the time of submitting the Housing Strategy for members’ consideration, the outcome of the Service Planning process remains unknown, as does the result of a bid for £180,000 to the Bed and Breakfast Unit.  Similarly, we still await notification from GOSE about our capital allocation for 2004/5 and from the Regional Housing Board regarding the ADP funding for the same period.


19.             As such, a number of the proposed targets are predicated on receiving anticipated levels of funding through these sources.  Should we not receive the expected amounts, we will either have to revise our targets or seek alternative forms of funding.


20.             There is less certainty relating to capital funding.  This is due in part to the change to Regional funding and the lack of clarity of how this might operate.  However, it is relatively easy to adjust schemes to take account of available funding.




21.             The duty to set up a Housing Strategy is contained in S87 of the Local Government Act 2003.  Many of the functions covered by the Strategy are the subject of statutory requirements in terms of delivering outcomes. 


22.             These are particularly apparent in the areas of Housing Renewal and Homelessness, where the Council has very clearly laid down responsibilities for responding to articulated needs.


23.             For homelessness, in particular, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister has recently announced its intention to make it unlawful for local authorities to place households with children in bed and breakfast for more than six weeks.


24.             As this strategy is a replacement/alternative to the housing investment programme, under Article 4 of the Council’s Constitution, the decision has to be approved by Full Council.




25.             The Housing Strategy is, in effect the outcome of a detailed set of option appraisals.  The content of the document is a collection of actions and commitments, which have either been to members previously or remain to be further developed.


26.             The production of a Housing Strategy is not optional, it is a statutory requirement.




27.             Each of the proposals within the Housing Strategy has been the subject of a risk appraisal which is set out within the document.  The mechanisms for ensuring effective delivery of the targets proposed are also fully outlined within the strategic document.




28.             To recommend to Full Council that the Housing Strategy be approved for submission to the ODPM.




29.             Isle of Wight Housing Strategy 2003-6


30.             Regional Housing Strategy 2004-6


31.             GOSE feedback on 2002 Housing Strategy


32.             Housing Strategy Matrix - Penningtons


Contact Point :           Martyn Pearl  823666




Head of Housing Services



Portfolio Holder for

Social Services and Housing