Purpose:  For Decision

Committee:    FULL COUNCIL


Date:                20 JULY 2005


Title:                 Adoption of Isle of Wight 'Spirits Raised' Brand and Logo







1.                   BACKGROUND


The Isle of Wight is recognised by SEEDA (South East England Development Agency) as having a fragile economic base (Economic Business Bulletin Spring 2003). This predicted the Island would be the poorest performing area in the south east region by 2012.


The Inspire Programme has been developed as a unique initiative to reverse this trend, with the aim of building self belief and confidence on the Island to ensure a positive future. The successful completion of the programme will act as a benchmark in the regeneration of poorer performing areas across the region.


The aims of the project are:


·         To maximise awareness of the Isle of Wight, as a business / career / visitor destination, on a regional, national and global basis.


·         To generate self belief and “inspire” local people about the strengths and achievements of the Isle of Wight


·         To raise aspirations of young people – to encourage greater achievement and therefore support the future prosperity of Island business.


(a) Aims of the Isle of Wight branding project


A key element of Inspire has been to develop a positive new brand to promote the Isle of Wight as an investment and visitor destination. For operational reasons – a delay in funding allocations through the Area Investment Framework (AIF) - the branding work was undertaken as a separate project known as ‘Brand IW’.


Inspire / Brand IW has been identified within the AIF and by the LSP (Local Strategic Partnership) as a priority for the Island to encourage new investment which supports economic development for the Island, funded by SEEDA with devolved funding through the AIF. The project was also presented to the Isle of Wight Council (Full Council meeting – January 2004) and was approved as a key priority for the Island.

The Isle of Wight ‘Spirits Raised’ Brand has been designed to help raise the profile of the Island and promote it as a modern, progressive and attractive place for people to visit, invest and live. The Isle of Wight “Raised Sprits” Brand was developed specifically to help deliver the Island’s 2020 Vision and provided a significant financial contribution to the development process and delivery.


The 2020 Vision is:


“A progressive Island built on economic success, high standards and aspirations and a better quality of life”


‘Raising standards, Creating Opportunities’”


(b) Development of the ‘Spirits Raised Brand


Development of the Isle of Wight “Spirits Raised” brand began in January 2005 with the final designs completed in early May 2005.


IWEP (Isle of Wight Economic Partnership) established a Brand Development Group drawing expertise from the key marketers for the Island, comprising: Isle of Wight Tourism, IWEP, Isle of Wight Chamber of Commerce, LSP, Red Funnel, Wightlink, UKSA, Skandia & Liz Earle Cosmetics.


The Brand Development Group then selected a branding agency to carry out the work, based on a competitive tender process (three Island businesses and three mainland businesses put forward tenders). The contract was won by a London agency, Corporate Edge, who demonstrated impeccable credentials and an excellent track record in this field, comparing very competitively on cost.


(c) Next Steps


Following the completion of the Brand development work the next phase is to implement a campaign to introduce the new brand. This will include recruiting potential brand associates, who will be allowed to use the ‘Spirits Raised’ brand under license to promote the Isle of Wight regionally, nationally and internationally. Isle of Wight agencies, organisations and private sector businesses will be selected to adopt the new Isle of Wight ‘Spirits Raised’ brand, including:


IW Tourism

IW Economic Partnership

IW Council

Other public / voluntary

Private sector


‘Spirits Raised’ should be the primary brand for all external (off Island) communications undertaken by public sector partners to promote the Isle of Wight as a whole – not for the promotion of any specific organisation.


The Isle of Wight “Spirits Raised” brand can be thought of as a flag or badge that selected members are allowed to fly. It is not an accredited quality or area of origin mark - but is a mark to show membership / support of the Isle of Wight


Examples of use:


·          Promotion of the Island as a visitor destination – eg: IW Tourism marketing activity, adverts, exhibitions, etc.


·          Promotion of the island as an investment destination eg. Inward investment – websites, brochures, exhibitions etc.


·          Events – Supported by the Isle of Wight.


·          Generic promotional films, stills etc – for use by partners as a recruitment tool.


(d) Use of ‘Spirits Raised’ Brand by organisations / private sector.


It is important for individual organisations to retain their own identities to promote the services they offer and ensure distinction between organisations. However, it will add momentum and maximise profile of the brand if partner agencies take on the ‘Spirits Raised’ brand as a ‘membership mark’ to show support for the Isle of Wight.


Selected organisations will be given permission to adopt the Spirits Raised brand, subject to terms and conditions as laid out in the licence agreement (a leally binding document – currently being developed)


Organisations will be licensed on the basis of their ability & commitment to fulfil and project the values of the brand. Specific guidelines will be laid down as to how the mark may be used in practice. It is essential that the brand is not compromised -particularly at this early stage - by association with inappropriate organisations or activities. The application of the brand will be carefully controlled as ‘Spirits Raised’ is a registered trademark and subject to copyright restrictions.


(e) Adoption by the Isle of Wight Council


It is proposed that the Isle of Wight Council will support and promote the Isle of Wight “raised Spirits” brand and associated campaigns.


Initially it is proposed that the Isle of Wight Council adopt the “Spirits Raised” brand as its primary brand for the purposes of external promotion of the Isle of Wight as a visitor destination through Isle of Wight Tourism and through the Cultural and Leisure Services Events Unit where the Isle of Wight is being promoted as an entity in itself, eg as part of a recruitment campaign.


It is proposed that for all other communications activity, both internal to the council and with local community that the IWC will adopt the “Spirits Raised” brand as a “membership mark” to show support for the campaign in the short term.


It is then proposed that in the medium to long term the isle of Wight Council explore the possibility of adopting the brand more fully, phasing in the brand over time to limit cost implication and make best use of finance and resource.


(f) Adoption by Other Agencies


Isle of Wight Economic Partnership has committed to adopt the ‘Spirits Raised” brand for all external promotion of the Isle of Wight and as the mark for the Inspire project.


(g) LSP


The LSP have voted to adopt the ‘Spirits Raised’ brand to promote the Isle of Wight and to promote the 2020 Vision along with the strapline ‘Raising Standards, Creating Opportunities’.


(h) Other Public / Voluntary & Private Sector


Other agencies will be invited to adopt the ‘Spirits Raised’ brand as a membership mark on all promotional activity and may use the brand as a primary mark for external events/ promotion where it is the Isle of Wight as a whole that is the subject of promotion rather than the activities of the agency itself.


Note: permission/ licence to use the brand will be determined against a set of criteria (currently being developed) to ensure that brand is not compromised or associated with any agency which does not fulfil the brand values.


(i) Further Funding for the Inspire Project


A bid is currently with SEEDA to fund the implementation phase of the Inspire / Brand IW project over a three year period. It has already received the go ahead from the IFSG (Island Futures Support Group) to apply for funding, has received approval from SEEDA’s Project Approval Board and is now in the final appraisal stage with SEEDA.


The council has indicated it would be open to a bid for additional funding for the Inspire project to support the economic development of the Island - this would be in the region of Ł30,000 per annum. A proposal will be submitted to the council by September 2005.


2.                   STRATEGIC CONTEXT


The Inspire / Brand IW project is identified as a priority for the Island to attract new investment and visitors and to generate self belief and raise aspirations which will help to ensure that the quality of Island’s product or offering is improved and will lead to prosperity for the island as a whole.


Inspire/Brand IW is identified both with the LSP and the AIF as a priority. It aims to enhance the work of other agencies including SEEDA, The IW Council Learning Partnership, Chamber of Commerce and private sector.


Inspire/Brand IW will help to deliver the island’s 2020 Vision – ‘Raising Standards, Creating Opportunities.’


The Inspire project shows a strong commitment by partners to the well being and prosperity of the Island community (business and the public) and a strong desire to improve aspirations and attainment in the educational system. The Inspire project will raise the profile of the Isle of Wight as a place to live, work and play and will therefore contribute to the recruitment of high quality staff to help the council in its aims to improve public services and education.


3.                   CONSULTATION


Consultation on the concept of the Inspire project and development of the brand included one to one interviews and group discussions with:


NHS Trust

IW Chamber of Commerce

IW College


IW Council

IW Tourism



Red  Funnel




Liz Earle Cosmetics

IW Youth Council

Rural Community Council

North Medina Development Trust

Other private sector




There would be no fee to the Isle of Wight Council or Isle of Wight Tourism for the License to use the “Spirits Raised” Brand.


There may be a limited budget implication for reproduction costs of the brand on promotional items. However, this will be offset by phasing in the brand over time, replacing items towards the end of their life rather than embarking on a comprehensive re-brand of all services.


In the short term, for Tourism and Events application costs will be mitigated due to the fact that a majority of high cost materials have a short shelf life eg brochures, guides.


5.                   LEGAL IMPLICATIONS


None at the present time.


6.                   OPTIONS


Option 1: To approve the adoption of the “Spirits Raised” brand for external communications ie IW Tourism and Events and on a wider basis over the longer term.


Note: a more detailed paper will be submitted to the Full Council to outline adoption on a wider basis


Option 2: Not to approve its adoption




Isle of Wight Council has been a key partner in the development of the Inspire project and the Spirits Raised brand. The project has been identified as a priority within the AIF and the LSP Island Futures Strategy and will assist in the delivery of economic development across the Island. The aims and objectives of the project are in line with the council’s and therefore the project presents a low risk.



8.                   RECOMMENDATION


Members are asked to approve the adoption of the “Spirits Raised” brand as outlined in Option 1.


9.                   APPENDICES





Contact point:  Stephanie Light, Communications and Public Relations Manager,

( 823107; email: [email protected]




Managing Director of Isle of Wight Economic Partnership


Head of Corporate Policy and Communication


Leader of the Council