Purpose:  For Decision

Committee:    FULL COUNCIL


Date:              20 JULY 2005




                        REPORT OF THE LEADER OF THE COUNCIL





1.                  For the Full Council to approve and adopt a medium to long-term vision for the Island which has been developed and agreed by Island Futures, our local strategic partnership.




2.                  Island Futures is the name given to the Island’s local strategic partnership. It brings together representatives of the public, business and voluntary sectors on the Island and is a powerful mechanism to pursue matters of common interest.  The Council Leader, Cllr. Andy Sutton, has recently been elected as chairman of the partnership.


3.                  In the summer of 2002 the Island Futures partnership approved a Community Strategy for the Island. Since that date much has been achieved both collectively and by individual partner agencies. In the strategy the partnership committed itself to reviewing its plans and activities in 2005.


4.                  Over the past year, partner discussions have concluded that a longer-term strategic vision is now required to provide a sense of purpose and direction and to inspire and motivate partners to a common end. The 2020 Vision described in this report aims to provide just such a framework. It is to be used as the basis for development of a revised Community Strategy which will set out in greater detail the priorities and targets to be pursued.


5.                  It is important that there is a clear understanding of what the purpose of the Vision statement is. It does not aim to capture the full detail of the partnership’s aims and priorities – as explained above this will follow in the revised Community Strategy. Rather, the Vision aims to capture the broad direction and aspirations that partners consider vital to the future of the Island. It provides a common frame of reference around which all partners can align their strategic and operational activities.


6.         Essentially the Vision consists of the following elements :


·        Headline statement : a sentence which describes the Vision

·        Key messages : a more detailed explanation of the key messages / promises contained within the Vision statement

·        Strapline : a “sound bite” statement which summaries the Vision


Developing the Vision


7.                  Initial discussions about the 2020 Vision began in 2004 – a number of reports were discussed by both the Island Futures Executive and the Island Futures Support Group of officers. This culminated in the holding of a half-day visioning workshop facilitated by an external consultant. This took place on April 18th at Northwood House with invitations extended to all members of the Executive and the Support Group.


8.                  Through a series of complementary workshop activities a high degree of consensus emerged as to the focus for the Vision. In particular, it was agreed that we need to :


·        Raise standards on the Island

·        Improve the quality of services & products

·        Generate more jobs and opportunities

·        Achieve development in a more sustainable way

·        Build confidence & self-belief

·        Join everything up


9.                  It was also agreed that the Vision statement itself should be a sharply defined framework in order to :


·        Provide clarity, focus & direction

·        Act as a tool to determine key priorities

·        Distinguish the Island from other locations

·        Inspire and engage its audience


10.             From the workshop the consultants developed a number of contrasting Vision concepts which were drawn from the descriptive sentiments which emerged during the workshop. Each of these concepts was then developed in greater detail to describe the implied content and priorities behind each concept.


11.       Subsequent to the workshop the consultant met with a smaller group, including the Acting Chairman of the Island Futures Executive and the Chairman of the Island Futures Support Group. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the emerging Vision concepts and develop recommendations for a preferred option.


12.             Following discussion with the Theme Champions group a final version of the 2020 Vision was developed and submitted to the Island Futures Executive for formal approval on June 13th. The Vision was also endorsed at the Island Futures AGM on June 27th. At the Board meeting it was also agreed that all key partner agencies be formally asked to approve the Vision statement, hence the report to Full Council.




13.             The Vision statement, as approved by the Island Futures Executive, is as follows :


            BY 2020 OUR VISION IS OF…..


            A progressive Island built on economic success, high standards and

            aspirations and a better quality of life for all.                                                         


            Key messages : the key messages which underlay this vision are as follows :


            We will create an Island with a first rate infrastructure where business can grow and provide well-paid sustainable job opportunities.


We will create an Island where everyone enjoys the best possible health, has a good quality affordable home and generally enjoys a good quality of life.


            We will create an Island where people value and respect one another and feel safe and secure.


            We will create an Island where young and old alike have the skills and qualifications necessary for a happy and fulfilled life.


We will achieve our goals through working in partnership to raise standards and aspirations and create a sustainable Island able to meet    community needs both now and in the future.


            Strapline : the strapline we will use to promote the Vision is as follows:


                        “Raising standards, creating opportunities”


Next Steps


14.             Following the approval of the Island Futures Executive, the intention is to use the Vision statement as the basis for drafting a revised Community Strategy – this will contain the detailed aims, priorities, targets and outcomes for Island Futures.  It is intended that a revised Strategy will be developed and submitted to the Island Futures Executive for approval by December 2005. Development of the             Strategy will be co-ordinated by the Council with members of the Cabinet having the opportunity to contribute to it. The final Strategy will also be brought to Full Council for approval.


15.             In parallel to this process, the Council is also drafting a new Corporate Plan for the period 2005-09. This will need to reflect both the priorities of the new administration and, subject to the views of Full Council, the authority’s support for the 2020 Vision.




16.             16.The Local Government Act 2000 requires local authorities to establish local strategic partnerships in their areas to bring together representatives of public, private and voluntary sector interests. On the Isle of Wight our partnership was named Island Futures.


17.             The 2020 Vision will be used as the basis for drafting a revised Community Strategy for the Island. Council support for the new Strategy will be vital to its successful realisation. The Vision will also have a strong influence on the Council’s new Corporate Plan which is currently being developed.




18.             The 2020 Vision has been developed in close consultation with all members of the Island Futures partnership including members and officers of the Council.




19.             The Council is currently responsible for providing officer support to Island Futures. This is met within existing budget allocations. The 2020 Vision will be a key strategic influence on future Council activities. Detailed budget implications will be addressed, as required, in appropriate plans and reports to members.




20.             The duty to deliver consistently improving services requires a strong, simple strategic framework with a long-term focal point. The proposed Vision fulfils that role.




21.       Two options are available to members :


            Option 1 : To approve the 2020 Vision


Option 2 : To reject it and refer it back to the Island Futures Executive for further consideration.




22.             Option 1 supports adoption of the product of extensive development work by Island Futures and allows immediate progress on the revised Community Strategy and the Council’s own Corporate Plan. Development of the vision has involved extensive dialogue with a range of partner agencies. Council members and officers have played a particularly active part in the development work behind the Vision.


23.             Option 2, however, would delay completion of the revised Community Strategy and Corporate Plan. The Vision has been developed by Island Futures and it is not for the Council to amend it i.e. reference back to Island Futures is the only other option.


24.             The advice of officers is that Option 1 is the preferred course of action. The proposed 2020 Vision provides a clear strategic framework for the future of the Island and a basis around which all partner agencies, including the Council, can unite.




1.         To approve the 2020 Vision.









25.       Community Strategy, 2002

            Consultants report on 2020 Vision workshop






Contact : John Bentley, Head of Policy and Communications; ( 823346

email : [email protected]





Head of Policy and Communications


Leader of the Council