Present :


Mr D T Yates (Chairman), Mr J R Adams, Mr A C Bartlett, Mrs T M Butchers, Mr J H Fleming, Mrs D Gardiner, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr A J Mellor, Mr R C Richards, Mr D G Williams

Portfolio Holder :


Mrs M A Jarman, Mrs B Lawson, Mr H Rees

Also Present (Non Voting) :


Mr B C Buckle, Mr M J Cunningham, Mr C R Hancock, Mr J F Howe, Miss H L Humby, Mr V J Morey, Mr A J Mundy, Mrs S A Smart

Apologies :


Mr C H Lillywhite


 25.      MINUTES




THAT, subject to the deletion of Mr D T Yates from those Members listed as present, the minutes of the meeting held on 28 January 2002 be confirmed.



Mrs M J Lloyd declared a non pecuniary interest in Minute No 28 - Isle of Wight Economic Partnership (IWP) - Chairman’s Update.



The Chairman agreed to consideration of an item of urgent business seeking support of the Select Committee for the submission of a petition to the European Parliament in pursuit of the Island’s claim for objective status under the EU structural fund regulations.

The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, UK and EU, Regional Issues referred to the report of the Head of Paid Service which set out the background to the complaint lodged by the Council with the Ombudsman, in April 2001. The Council alleged that the Commission had supplied incorrect information to the Ombudsman during his investigation into the original complaint, in 1998. A decision had recently been received from the Ombudsman, on this further complaint, finding that there was no case of maladministration to answer. The Ombudsman, however, observed that the Council could pursue the claim for NUTS Level 2 status by presenting a petition to the European Parliament, which should take into account political and moral arguments as well as legal ones.


Members were informed that the report would also be discussed as an item of urgent business at the meeting of the Executive on 26 February 2002.



THAT the Executive be recommended to approve the submission of a petition to the European Parliament in pursuit of the Island’s claim for NUTS Level 2 status.




           (a)       Update on Arrangements for Delivering the Councils’ Economic Development Services


In April 1999 the Council determined to deliver its economic development services through the Isle of Wight Partnership (IWP). Under the terms of a Service Level Agreement (SLA) the Council agreed to second staff of its Economic Development Unit together with a cash contribution to the operational activities of the Partnership. Originally, the IWP also received support and finance from SEEDA and Wight Training and Enterprise (WTE). As part of a change in Government policy, however, the national network of Training and Enterprise Councils was abolished, with effect from 1 April 2001 and the responsibilities transferred to a new network of Local Learning & Skills Councils. The implications to the IWP, as a consequence of this move, were explained in the report of the Head of Paid Service. It was noted that the emerging difficulties which then faced the Partnership were reported to the Executive on 11 December 2001 together with the actions needed to be taken by the Board of Directors in order for the IWP to continue its valuable role in bringing new investment to the Island, creating new jobs and securing Government and European funding to support regeneration activities.


Discussion ensued on the restructuring exercise undertaken to reshape and re-focus the IWP so to ensure that the Partnership had a sustainable future. With the involvement of the County Treasurer, a Business Plan for 2002/03 had been prepared which assumed a continuation of Council funding at the present level of £104K per annum and provided a foundation on which to build the ‘new’ Partnership. Members were informed that further support from the Council would be required in the form of a cash flow facility, estimated to be in the region of £150K. It was emphasised that the Council had not been asked to make an increased contribution to the Partnership but to facilitate this cash flow requirement through its own cash flow management. It was noted that Ernst and Young had been instructed to undertake a full financial audit of the Partnership in order to ensure that all assets and liabilities had been accounted for assess whether assumptions made in the Business Plan were sound. The District Auditor was being kept informed of progress. Members requested that a further up date report be presented to the Select Committee once this work had been completed. This should be supported by basic details as to the Partnerships’ aims and activities and the areas of responsibility of staff. It was stressed that while a number of questions regarding past actions still remained the need was to now focus on the future.




                      (i)        THAT the report be noted;


                      (ii)       THAT a further report on the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership be presented to the Select Committee upon completion of the full financial audit by Ernst and Young;


                      (iii)       THAT regular scrutiny of the actions of the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership be included in the Select Committees’ Work Plan.


           (b)       Isle of Wight Economic Partnership (IWP) - Chairman’s Update


Members noted the report of the Head of Paid Service which provided an update on the recent activities of the 3 executive staff teams of the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership (IWP) covering Policy and Strategy, Area Regeneration, Inward Investment and Marketing. In March 2001, the IWP Board had approved a revised Island Regeneration Strategy (IRS) for 2001-2005. The IRS had been developed following close liaison with both local and regional partners over a 6 month period. The Strategy set out 6 strategic objectives to be addressed with a vision of establishing the Island as one of the fastest growing economies in the South East by creating sustainable new jobs and investment opportunities and ensuring that all Island residents would share in the benefits of improved prosperity. It was reported that while the IWP had undergone significant organisational change over the past year, the Strategy still remained valid. The Chairman of the IWP, Mr D Fisher made a presentation on five initial, specific priorities which had been identified to achieve this vision.




THAT the report be noted.





THAT the Forward Plan for February to May 2002 be noted.