Present :


Mr J Fleming (Vice Chairman in the Chair), Mr J R Adams, Mr A C Bartlett, Mrs T M Butchers, Mr C H Lillywhite, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr A J Mellor, Mr R C Richards, Mr D G Williams, Mr D T Yates

Portfolio Holder :


Mr H Rees

Also Present (Non-Voting) :


Mr B C Buckle, Mr P D Joyce, Mrs M Miller, Mr V J Morey, Mr A J Mundy

Apologies :


Mrs D Gardiner, Mrs M A Jarman, Mrs B Lawson, Mr D T Yates


 20.      MINUTES




THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 13 December 2002 be confirmed.




           (a)       Central Newport Playground Proposal


The report of the Strategic Director, Education and Community Development was received reminding members of the Stephen Jenkins Millennium Playground Appeal in Sandown, where the Jenkins family had organised themselves into a charitable committee and raised and donated approximately £100K to enable a playground in Sandham Gardens to be constructed, in memory of their son. This work had acted as a catalyst for other groups on the Island. It was reported that one such group, the Newport Inner Play Area Committee (NIPA), had undertaken a consultation exercise of visitors and local residents to ascertain how the play facilities in and around Newport might be improved. The overwhelming result identified the need for a properly constructed facility in central Newport, similar to the playground in Sandham, and for it to be available free for all to use. An area of land at Church Litten had been identified as the ideal location. .


The NIPA committee were currently drawing up a business plan which should indicate their aim to receive £100K of funding. However, in order for them to be able to start accessing the more substantial funding streams formal notification was required that they had the authority to use the land for such a scheme. As part of the consultation exercise discussions had taken place with the Diocese of Portsmouth, Newport Area Forum, various Council Departments and other interested social groups. Members noted that the Planning Department had expressed some considerable concern with regard to the viability of the scheme and that planning approval might not necessarily be a certainty. It was highlighted that, initially, there should be no financial implications to the Council. The Strategic Director indicated that the on-going insurance and maintenance cost could be funded from the revenue budget without any substantive additional revenue funding being required.




THAT the Executive be recommended to approve the request of NIPA to formally set aside a piece of land, as per the plan attached to the report, for a period of 24 months, for the purposes of them fundraising to provide a childrens’ playground within Newport.


           (b)       Skandia Life Cowes Week Evening Entertainments Programme


At the last meeting of the Select Committee further information was requested with regard to the programme of evening entertainments organised to support the shore based activities during the Skandia Life Cowes Week. Consultations had taken place with all the current hirers of the Northwood House marquee to establish the implications to the historic, high profile events should the entertainments programme be dissolved. Discussions primarily focussed on the Chairmans’ Civic Reception, the Crew Ball and the IW Radio Bash and the outcomes of these were set out in the report of the Strategic Director, Education and Community Development. It was noted that an events management company had expressed an interest in hiring the marquee for the final Saturday evening should the programme continue for 2002. Specific details were not available. However, the proposal had been included within the revised programme and the budget details outlined. Members noted that an additional maximum of £7,500 could be required to address the existing budget in order to cover rising infrastructure costs.

Members considered the proposal to create an alternative entertainments programme on Cowes Parade, which had the potential of reaching tens of thousands of people and with much of the required infrastructure already in existence. Members were minded that due to the unpredictability of the English climate it would not be reasonable to schedule all the events on the Parade and that on balance the existing programme at Northwood House should be maintained. Wight Leisure were currently negotiating sponsorship packages with the private sector which, if successful, would enhance the Northwood House Entertainment Programme by a further £12K. Discussion ensued upon the difficulties encountered in obtaining sponsorship due to the uncertainties surrounding Northwood House and its future use. Members stressed the urgent need for clarification on this issue and it was suggested for the Resources Select Committee to be requested to give the matter a high priority.




                      (i)        THAT the Executive be recommended to keep the Northwood House Marquee entertainments programme, as revised in Appendix 1, and increase the financial provision to cover the additional costs of meeting increased licensing and health and safety conditions of £7,500 with the proviso that should the event attract additional admissions or unbudgeted sponsorship, then the budget be reduced accordingly;


                      (ii)       THAT the Resources Select Committee be requested to consider the issue of the future of Northwood House as a matter of urgency.


           (c)       Representative on Strategic Overview Group for Music Festival


The Director referred to his report requesting the nomination of a suitable representative to sit on the Strategic Overview Management Group for the Isle of Wight Music Festival planned for 3 -16 June 2002. The Management Group would receive a two-weekly project update from the Managing Director of Wight Leisure facilitating a review of the plans and progress against key milestones identified in the business plan. This would enable members to identify any areas of concern at an early stage and identify any appropriate actions which needed to be taken.




THAT Mr R G Mazillius be nominated to sit on the Strategic Overview Management Group for the Isle of Wight Music Festival.



The Strategic Director advised of the need to appoint a Council representative to the Yarmouth (Isle of Wight) Harbour Commissioners Elected Councillors’ Advisory Committee (ECAC). Details had been circulated to all members of the Council and two nominations had been received. Members were advised that in accordance with the procedure for appointments to Outside Bodies that this appointment fell specifically to the Executive. It was therefore agreed that there should be no further discussion on the matter and the appointment pass to the Executive for their decision.



THAT the Executive be recommended to consider the appointment of a Council representative to the Yarmouth (Isle of Wight) Harbour Commissioners Elected Councillors’ Advisory Committee (ECAC).


23.      BUDGET 2002/03 AND FORWARD PLAN 2003/05

The Select Committee had been requested by the Executive to consider the draft budget proposals for 2002 - 03, in so far as it effected their respective service areas. The report of the Strategic Director, Finance and Information was received setting out the proposals which incorporated possible increases and decreases in expenditure identified by the Directors Group, an overview of the grant settlement and its implications, a summary of the proposed increases and decreases for each service unit, a three year projection of the overall budget and detailed information regarding each service within the Committee’s Terms of Reference. Members also had before them a list of desirable Capital Bids and the result of Council Budget consultations undertaken in 2001. The Select Committee were made aware that if the Council were able to constrain the increase in spending to the corresponding increase in SSA then the Council Tax increase required would be 5.1%. The Director referred to his report which indicated that to meet pressures including those of Social Services and extra waste management costs would necessitate an increase of up to 13.25%.

Members expressed their concern of a number of key issues, highlighted, which could effect the budget identified for Wight Leisure in particular the lack of provision of a budget for repairs and renewals of major plant and a rolling programme of maintenance and repairs. It was noted that Wight Leisure was currently the subject of a Best Value Review and consideration of these issues would form part of the Best Value process.

With regard to the Capital Programme for 2002/03 it was reported that the Directors Group were to consider and prioritise the bids submitted. Historically priority had been given to those which related to Health and Safety issues, were statutory/mandatory, or maintained income streams. The Strategic Director undertook to write to Members regarding the recommendations of the Directors Board for the Capital Programme.




           (i)        THAT the report be noted;


           (ii)       THAT the Strategic Director of Finance and Information and County Treasurer write to members of the Select Committee regarding the recommendations of the Directors Board for the Capital Programme;


           (iii)       THAT the Executive be recommended


                      (b)       THAT in relation to the possible increases and decreases in expenditure the following only be approved, as set out in appendix 1 of the report:


Committed Growth


                                   86 Tourism     Change of Use of Conference Centre 


                                   Fortuitous Savings


                                   233 Events     Pop Festival - finance from Wight leisure reserves


Essential Service Improvement


                                   91 Structure maintenance      Seaclean Wight structures - maintenance liability


Least Undesirable Service Reduction


                                   113 Christmas Trees 

116 Watering for parishes

115 Hanging baskets - discontinue provision


                      (c)       THAT, in future years, the supporting papers to the draft budget proposals contain clear recommendations from the Strategic Directors and give greater detail as to how those recommendations were determined.



In accordance with the resolution of the Liaison Committee, the Select Committee received the Council’s Forward Plan covering the period January to April 2002. It was noted that the Best Value Review of Wight Leisure was due to be considered by the Select Committee at its March meeting prior to being presented to the Executive in April. Members indicated that the value of the Forward Plan would be increased if, in future, it described the issues to be considered by the Executive in more detail.



THAT the Forward Plan be noted.