Present :


Miss H L Humby (Chairman), Mr J R Adams, Mr R R Barry, Mr A C Bartlett, Mr J A Bowker, Mr B C Buckle, Mrs T M Butchers, Mr A C Coburn, Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J Effemey, Mr J H Fleming, Mr E Fox, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr C M Gauntlett, Mr C R Hancock, Mrs M A Jarman, Mr P D Joyce, Mr G S Kendall, Mr D J Knowles, Mrs B Lawson, Mr C H Lillywhite, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr R G Mazillius, Mrs M J Miller, Mr V J Morey, Mr A J Mundy, Mrs E Oulton, Mr R C Richards, Mr I R Stephens, Mr R A Sutton, Mr A A Taylor, Mr D G Williams, Mrs J White, Mr D T Yates


Apologies :


Mr C B W Chapman, Mrs B D Clough, Mrs B E Foster, Mr P G Harris, Mr J F Howe, Mr A Mellor, Mr K Pearson, Mr G P Price, Mr H Rees, Mrs S A Smart, Mrs J L Wareham,



78.             MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 19 February 2003 be confirmed.


79.             PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


Mr Wortham asked an oral question relating to the value of the senior management team development days. The Portfolio Holder replied appropriately.


80.             CHAIRMAN’S REPORT


The Chairman updated members on a number of visits by primary schools to the Council Chamber and a number of visits that she had undertaken to animal charity establishments.


81.             EXECUTIVE


(a)               Recommendation From The Executive


(i)           Traffic Regulation Orders


The Council noted that since modernisation, (which the Council had implemented prior to legislation being made and implemented by the Government), the Regulatory Appeals Committee had dealt with Traffic Regulation Orders where objections had been received.  The Local Government Act 2000 and The Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities)(England) Regulations 2000, which had been amended since the adoption of the constitution, stated that Traffic Regulation Orders were an Executive function and could only be dealt with through the Executive and not the Regulatory Appeals Committee therefore the Council’s Constitution needed to be amended to reflect this.




THAT the Constitution be amended by deleting reference to Traffic Regulation Orders in the Terms of Reference of the Regulatory Appeals Committee.


(ii)         Adult Learning Plan 2003/04


The recommendation of the Executive on the Adult Learning Plan 2003/04 was received. The Council was required to submitted the plan to the Learning and Skills Council for Hampshire and Isle of Wight by 31 March 2003 in order to access funding to deliver the Adult and Community Learning Programmes.




THAT the Isle of Wight Adult Learning Plan for 2003/4 be submitted to the Learning and Skills Council for Hampshire and Isle of Wight.


(b)               Executive - Reports Of The Portfolio Holders


            (i)         The Leader


A question relating to delay in answering letters was raised. In the absence of the Leader the Portfolio Holder for Resources promised to look into the matter.


(ii)               The Deputy Leader


            The Deputy Leader being absent no report was given to the Council.


(iii)             Agenda 21 and Countryside Matters


The Portfolio Holder updated members on the appointment of the Principle Planning Officer Policy. Following a number of questions the Portfolio Holder explained how the Countryside section would be dealing with various Tree issues in the light of reduced resources. Following a further question the Portfolio Holder explained that she was aware of various funding initiatives from SEEDA and these were all being followed up.

(iv)              Economic Development, UK and EU, Regional Issues


The Portfolio Holder being absent no report was given to the Council. Following a question the Chairman  agreed to pass on the request that absent Portfolio Holders submit a written report to the Council.

(v)                Education and Lifelong Learning


The Portfolio Holder being absent no report was given to the Council. Following a question the Portfolio Holder for Resources updated the Council on the latest position with regard to the lift at Ventnor Botanic Gardens.

(vi)              Fire, Emergency Planning and Consumer Protection


The Portfolio Holder updated the Council on the latest position with regard to the FBU dispute and promised to circulate the latest offer paper to all members as soon as it was available.

(vii)            Resources


Mr B Bartlett submitted a question (and was given a reply) on the operation of the pension fund (MQ 9/03).

The Portfolio Holder updated the Council on the latest position concerning the appointment of the Director of Environment Services.  He informed members that he had recently taken a decision under his delegated powers which would allow those who were ‘economically active’ to be employed beyond normal retirement age.

Following a question the Portfolio Holder informed the Council that new advice and arrangements for Members attendance at Conferences would be issued shortly. Following further questions on early retirements the Portfolio Holder promised to provide written details of the number of non-senior officers who had retired with an enhanced pension.

(viii)          Social Services and Housing


The Portfolio Holder reported to Council on the major issues arising from a recent conference he had attended on the Victoria Climbie Inquiry. He promised to arrange for a summary of the findings of the Inquiry to be circulated to all Members.

(ix)              Tourism and Leisure

The Portfolio Holder updated the Council on the success of the Isle of Wight stand at a Tourism show in Brussels.

Following a question from a Member the Portfolio Holder promised to supply him with the current estimate for the loss arising from the 2002 Rock Festival.

(x)                Transport


The Portfolio Holder updated members on the highways capital spending programme, the proposed car parking policy, and the newly agreed prioritisation scheme for road repair works.


Following a question from a member the Portfolio Holder promised to provide that Member with written details relating to the future of the Cowes Park and Ride scheme.




(a)       Reports by Chairman of Select Committees


(i)                 Co-ordinating Committee


The Chairman indicated that he had nothing to report.


(ii)               Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services

The Chairman indicated that he had nothing to report.


(iii)             Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning

The Chairman indicated that he had nothing to report.


(iv)              Environment and Transport

The Chairman indicated that he had nothing to report.


(v)                Fire and Public Safety


The Chairman indicated that he had nothing to report.


(vi)              Resources

The Chairman indicated that he had nothing to report.


(vii)            Social Services, Housing and Benefits


The Chairman indicated that he had nothing to report.

(b)               Regulatory Committees

(i)                 Development Control Committee

No written questions were received.

(ii)               Licensing Panel

No written questions were received.

(iii)       Regulatory Appeals

                        No written questions were received.


The meeting closed at 11.20.