Purpose : For Decision

                        REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE


Date :              12 MARCH 2003


Title :               ADULT LEARNING PLAN 2003/4








1.                  The LEA is required to submit an Adult Learning Plan to Hampshire and Isle of Wight Learning + Skills Council by 31/03/03 in order to access funding to deliver Adult & Community Learning Programmes. A copy of the Executive Summary and the Adult Learning Plan 2003-04 has been sent to members of the Executive under separate cover.  A copy has also been placed in the Members Room.




2.                  From 1st April 2001 the funding for adult learning moved from the LEA to Hampshire and Isle of Wight Learning + Skills Council. An Adult Learning Plan for the period August 2002 – July 2003 was submitted to the Learning + Skills Council in March 2002.


3.                  Funding was guaranteed until July 2003 at the previous level prior to the proposal to introduce formula funding from 2003/4. The Learning + Skills Council have decided not to move to formula funding in 2003/4 but to allocate funding at a similar level including an inflationary element subject to submission in the prescribed format of a further Adult Learning Plan.


4.                  The Key elements of the plan are:-


·                    Learner number data for 03/04 in the prescribed formats

·                    Review of provision 2001/02

·                    Review of provision 2002/03 Autumn Term

·                    Proposed programme 2003/04 including any changes from the 02/03 Adult Learning Plan

·                    Details of sub contracted provision

·                    Self Assessment Review 2003

·                    Development Plan 2003/4

·                    Business Plan 2003/4

·                    Disability Statement


5.                  The Key priorities of the 2003/4 Adult Learning Plan are;-


·                    Widening participation

·                    Social inclusion

·                    Family learning

·                    Quality assurance

·                    Partnership working

·                    Developing links with Community Development Services


6.                  In both the 2000/2002 and the 2002/2003 Adult Learning Plans the LEA delivered the core provision through the East Cowes Family Learning Centre and contracted with the Isle of Wight College Adult Education Division to deliver the leisure programme. In addition project based programmes aimed at widening participation; social inclusion and community regeneration were delivered through contracts with Workers Education Association, Platform One, Isle of Wight College Learning Opportunities Division and through the Isle of Wight Council Arts Unit. It is proposed to continue the programme in 2003/4 with the above providers.


7.                  Since the approval of the Adult Learning Plan 2002/03 in March 2003 Contract Standing Orders have been amended for intermediate value transactions of over £3,000 and higher value transactions of over £50,000. To enable continual delivery of the Adult Learning Plan this report seeks exemption from Contract Standing Orders in relation to the provision of Adult and Community Learning Programmes.




8.                  The Adult Learning Plan 2003/4 supports the Key objectives of the following strategies;-


·                    Community Strategy

Ø      Developing Learning and Skills


·                    Corporate Plan

Ø      Raising education standards and promoting Lifelong Learning


·                    Education and Community Development Strategic Plan

Ø      Raising Achievement

Ø      Community Learning

Ø      Inclusion


·                     Education and Community Development Service Plan

Ø      To promote the personal development of individuals

Ø      To enable and provide accessible cultural and leisure opportunities in order to support the economic (especially tourism) and social well being of the Island

Ø      To encourage participation in cultural and leisure activities as a constructive use of leisure time


·                     Isle of Wight Learning Partnership Business Plan

Ø      Basic Skills

Ø      Achievement and Retention

Ø      Quality

Ø      Access to Learning


·                     Hampshire and Isle of Wight Learning + Skills Council

Ø      Widening Participation

Ø      Family Learning

Ø      Basic Skills

Ø      Capacity Building




9.                  Consultation on the Isle of Wight Council Adult Learning Plan is ongoing throughout the year. Specifically it has been undertaken with:-


·                     Isle of Wight Learning Partnership Management Group

·                     Isle of Wight Learning Partnership Management Board

·                     Officers of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Learning + Skills Council

·                     Isle of Wight Basic Skills Network

·                     Isle of Wight Family Learning Network

·                     Isle of Wight Council Learning Providers Group

·                     Education and Community Development Management Team


Consultation has ensured the key objectives of the Adult Learning Plan are reflected in the current Learning Partnership Business Plan and Basic Skills Action Plan and support local priorities. Through consultation the Family Learning Network, Learning Providers Group and Education and Community Development Management Team ensure learning provision is not duplicated and opportunities for partnership working are developed. Consultation with officers of the Learning + Skills Council ensure the Adult Learning Plan is supporting their strategic objectives.




10.             The provisional allocation for the Isle of Wight LEA for 2003/4 from Hampshire and Isle of Wight Learning + Skills Council is £260,727 with revenue funding from the Isle of Wight Council to continue at the current level of £90,000.


During the initial planning meetings with the Learning + Skills Council the need for additional funding in particular to support the infrastructure necessary to deliver quality provision was identified. It is hoped that additional funding will be made available by the LSC. If additional funding is not provided there will need to be rationalisation of the planned delivery programme.




11.             The requirement for an adult learning plan in the prescribed format in order to attract funding is a statutory requirement under the Learning and skills Act 2000.




12.             The Local Education Authority of the Isle of Wight Council is required under the Learning and Skills Act 2000 to secure Adult and Community Learning Provision on the Isle of Wight in agreement with the Local Learning + Skills Council. The options therefore relate to agreeing the proposed plan and delivery programme or recommending revisions be discussed with the Local Learning +Skills Council.




13.             The main risk to the delivery of the Adult Learning Plan 2003/4 relate to:-


·                     Contractors withdrawing from the delivery of the programmes.

·                    Insufficient levels of funding to achieve the planned objectives

·                    Lack of dedicated space in schools for families to work in

·                    Loss of Key staff members.


15.      If an exemption from contract standing orders is not approved it is unlikely that suitable alternative contracted providers will be identified and approved by the Learning + Skills Council prior to the start of the 2003/4 academic year. The Learning + Skills Council will then withdraw the funding of £260,727.


16.       ½ termly review meetings are held with all contracted providers which enables early identification of potential problems. A flexible approach is necessary to enable the planned programmes to be revised as necessary.




17.     To recommend to Council that the Isle of Wight Adult Learning Plan for 2003/4 be approved.


18.   That Adult and Community Learning Programmes are exempt from Contract                     Standing Orders.




19.             Isle of Wight Adult Learning Plan 2002/3.

       Learning + Skills Council Guidance on Adult Learning Plans 2003/4.




20.             Adult Learning Plan 2003/4


21.      Appendices to the Plan


Appendix 1 – Report format as specified by Local LSC


            Appendix 2 – Learner numbers and retention rates


            Appendix 3 - External Evaluation – IW College Adult Education


            Appendix 4 – External Evaluation – Family Learning


            Appendix 5 – External Evaluation – ACL Projects


            Appendix 6 – Business Plan 2003/04


            Appendix 7 – Self Assessment Review 2003


            Appendix 8 – Development plan 20030/4


            Appendix 9 – Disability Statement


            Appendix 10 – Learner Numbers 2003/04 


            Appendix 11 – Learner Numbers 2003/04 Family Learning and Family Literacy Language and Numeracy


Contact Point :           Jo Treagus, Lifelong Learning Officer, Tel: (01983) 823823,

                                    E-Mail: [email protected]



Strategic Director

Education and Community Development



Portfolio Holder for Education and Lifelong Learning