Present :


Mr J Effemey (Chairman), Mr B E Abraham, Mr J R Adams, Mrs W Arnold, Mrs A Bishop, Mr J A Bowker, Mr J Brown, Mr I Bulwer, Mr W R Burt, Mr G Cameron, Mr C B W Chapman, Mrs V Churchman, Mrs D Cousins, Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J Fitzgerald-Bond, Mrs B E Foster, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr C R Hancock, Sir J Hobart, Miss H L Humby, Mr T Hunter-Henderson, Mr P D Joyce, Mrs G Kennet, Mr D J Knowles, Mr G Lumley, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr W McRobert, Mrs M J Miller, Mr B Mosdell, Mrs E Oulton, Mrs L J Peacey-Wilcox, Lady Pigot, Mr G P Price, Mr D Pugh, Mrs S Scoccia, Mr I R Stephens, Mr R A Sutton, Mrs M Swan, Mr A A Taylor, Mrs D Tuson, Mr I Ward, Mrs M Webster, Mr A Wells, Mr C West, Mr D Whittaker, Mr J Whittaker, Mr D G Williams, Mrs J Wood




1.                  INTRODUCTION AND WELCOME


The outgoing Chairman, Mrs Jarman, took the Chair and welcomed all invited guests, Elected Members and members of the public to the Annual Council meeting.  Canon Palmer was asked to lead the Chamber in prayers.


Council was advised that there may be some minor changes to the order of business.  The report of the Chief Executive Officer, regarding appointments and constitutional amendments, should therefore be taken in conjunction with the agenda.




A motion to formally suspend Standing Orders under Procedure Rule No. 18 (4), regarding voting procedures for appointments, was proposed and seconded.  This enabled all votes at the meeting to be taken by a show of hands.   Following a vote by a show of hands it was:




THAT Standing Orders for Procedure Rule 18 (4) be suspended for the duration of the meeting to enable voting by a show of hands for all appointments.


3.                  ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN


Mr J Effemey was duly proposed and seconded to undertake the role of Chairman of the Council.  There were no further nominations.  Following a vote by a show of hands it was:




THAT Mr Effemey be elected Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year.


The Council then adjourned for a short time to allow the Chain of Office to be passed to the new Chairman.


Following the recommencement of the meeting, Mr Effemey thereupon took the Chair, formally declared his acceptance of the office of Chairman, and thanked Members for his election.  Canon Palmer was formally appointed as Council Chaplain, with Canon Bucket deputising when necessary.  The Earl Mountbatten Hospice was nominated as the Chairman’s charity for the year.  The Chairman then presented his Consort, Mrs Effemey, with her Badge of Office.


The new Chairman and a number of Elected Members paid tribute to the outgoing Chairman, Mrs Jarman, who responded accordingly and presented a cheque for £3,500 to her nominated charity, the Kidney Patients Association.


4.                  ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN


Mr Chapman was duly proposed and seconded to undertake the role of Vice Chairman of the Council.  There were no further nominations.  Following a vote by a show of hands it was:




THAT Mr Chapman be elected Vice Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year.


The Chairman presented the Vice Chairman with his Chain of Office and Mr Chapman formally declared his acceptance and thanked Members for his election.


5.                  MINUTES


The minutes from the Council meeting held on 13 April 2005 were presented for approval.


The Council was informed that the meeting held on 13 April 2005 had closed at 10.35 am, and not pm.  Mr Adams advised that he had attended the meeting, but his name had not been included in the minutes.




THAT subject to the two amendments mentioned, the minutes of the meeting held on 13 April 2005 be approved.


6.                  DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST


There were no declarations received at this stage.




(a)               It was proposed and seconded that all references to the post of Deputy Chairman of the Council be deleted from the Constitution.  Mrs Miller paid tribute to the former Deputy Chairman, Mr Bartlett, for his commitment to his work for the Island. 




THAT the role of Deputy Chairman be deleted from the Council’s Constitution.


(b)               The Chief Executive Officer referred Members to Appendix 1 of Paper B which contained the results of the Isle of Wight Council election held on 5 May 2005.


Members congratulated and thanked the Chief Executive Officer, and the staff involved in the election, for a well conducted election process.




THAT the report be received.


(c)               Election of the Leader of the Council


It was proposed and seconded that Mr Sutton be elected Leader of the Council.  There were no further nominations.   Following a vote by a show of hands it was:




THAT Mr Sutton be elected Leader of the Council.


(d)               Cabinet – Size and Appointments


Members discussed the proposals contained in Paper B and suggested that the size of the Cabinet and appointment of Cabinet Members should be delegated to the Leader of the Council.  It was further proposed that portfolio titles and responsibilities should be delegated to the Leader.  It was requested that a report be brought to a future meeting making the necessary consequential changes to the Constitution.  Following a vote by a show of hands it was:




THAT the size of the Cabinet, the appointment of Cabinet Members, the portfolio titles and responsibilities should be delegated to the Leader of the Council.


The Leader of the Council announced his intention to appoint six Cabinet Members as follows:


i.        Mr Joyce as Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children.


ii.      Mrs Wood as Cabinet Member for Resources, Audit and Customer Champion.


iii.    Mr Ward as Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Planning.


iv.     Mr Abraham as Cabinet Member for Safer Communities.


v.       Mrs Cousins as Cabinet Member for Care, Health and Housing.


vi.     Mr Hunter-Henderson as Cabinet Member for the Island Economy, Regeneration, Tourism and Leisure.


The newly appointed Cabinet Members addressed the Council providing a brief statement of aims and objectives within their areas of responsibility.


Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children


Mr Joyce informed the Council that his priority would be to raise the standards of Education at all key stages, with individual schools being monitored within the existing three-tier system.  He also reiterated his party’s commitment to retaining primary schools within communities and ensuring that facilities were utilised for the benefit of the whole community.  Mr Joyce called upon all Members and Officers to work together to support these priorities.


Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Planning


Mr Ward announced that in support of the manifesto, parking charges relating to decisions made during 2004, would be re-examined.  In particular, parking charges at the Heights Leisure Centre had been suspended with immediate effect.  An urgent report would be presented to the Cabinet on 7 June 2005, recommending that charges would also be suspended at Appley Park, Brannon Way Wootton, Carisbrooke, Seaview and Puckpool Park. 


Cabinet Member for Resources, Audit and Customer Champion


Mrs Wood stated that all discretionary spending would be suspended with immediate effect.  It was envisaged that all services would obtain evidence of value for money and draw up efficiency improvement plans.  Strategic Directors would be expected to deliver sustainable, on-going savings linked to long-term plans.  The combination of such value for money measures together with a clear focus on priorities should support a reduction in the Council Tax increase for 2006 in line with inflation.


Cabinet Member for Care, Health and Housing


Mrs Cousins informed the Council that a review of all systems within her remit had been launched in order to ensure a high quality, best value for money service.   In particular, the limited resources of housing allocation should be prioritised for Island residents, so that local families were provided with the best opportunities.  The housing review would be completed by mid June 2005.  The £50,000 grant to the Law Centre would be reinstated to enable this vital service to be continued. 


Cabinet Member for Safer Communities


Mr Abraham stated that the Safer Communities had a clear agenda.  A meeting had been held with the Safer Communities Services Team Manager in order to bring forward the policy for Community Support Officers and enable the authority to present a bid to the Home Office.  It was also envisaged that the existing Traffic Wardens would be transferred to the Safer Communities Team and would become Accredited Community Support Officers.  A meeting had been arranged to discuss the progress of the Fire Modernisation Agenda.


Cabinet Member for the Island Economy, Regeneration, Tourism and Leisure


Mr Hunter-Henderson informed the Council that the quality of the Island’s tourism product, together with marketing, would be the immediate priorities.  A meeting had been arranged with the Strategic Director of Environment Services and consultations would also take place with other officers to discuss future plans. 


(e)               Proportionality


It was proposed that the rule of proportionality should be disapplied for the Scrutiny committee, the Regulatory Committee and the Investment Panel.  Seats of the Policy Commissions were allocated in accordance with a revised table circulated at the meeting.




Ind. Scrutiny

Lib Dem


Cllr Foster

Economy, Tourism, Regeneration & Transport Commission


7 Seats





















Care Trust Delivery & Health Scrutiny Commission


7 Seats





















Safer Communities Commission


7 Seats
















Children & Schools Results Commission











Aggregate seats













Following a vote by a show of hands, with no Member voting against, it was resolved:


THAT the rule of proportionality be disapplied for the Scrutiny Committee, the Regulatory Committee, and the Investment Panel


(f)                 Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Policy Commissions


It was proposed that a Scrutiny Committee should be established comprising eleven Members to undertake scrutiny of policy and budget at strategic level. 


In addition, it was proposed that four Policy Commissions should be established consisting of seven Members each to consider policy and service delivery issues.  The vote was taken by a show of hands, and it was therefore:




i.        THAT a Scrutiny Committee be established comprising eleven Members.


ii.      THAT four Policy Commissions be established.


(g)               Appointment of Chairman and Vice Chairman to the Scrutiny Committee


It was proposed and seconded that Mr Mazillius be appointed Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee and that Mr Stephens be appointed Vice Chairman.  There were no further nominations.  Following a vote by a show of hands it was:




i.        THAT Mr Mazillius be appointed Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee.


ii.      THAT Mr Stephens be appointed Vice Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee.


(h)               Appointment of four Commissioners


It was proposed and seconded that Mr Brown, Mrs Oulton, Mr Williams and Mrs Swan be appointed as Chairmen of the four Commissions.  There were no further nominations.  Following a vote by a show of hands it was:




i.        THAT Mr Brown be appointed Chairman of the Economy, Tourism, Leisure Regeneration and Transport Commission.


ii.      THAT Mrs Oulton be appointed Chairman of the Care and Health Trust, Health Scrutiny and Housing Commission.


iii.    THAT Mr Williams be appointed Chairman of the Safer Communities Commission.


iv.     THAT Mrs Swan be appointed Chairman of the Children and School Results Commission.


(i)                 Appointment to Regulatory Committee


It was proposed and seconded that one Regulatory Committee be established with one Chairman, who would take responsibility for Development Control matters.  Two Vice Chairmen could then be appointed to lead on Licensing and Human Resources and Miscellaneous issues respectively. 


Mr Taylor was nominated for Chairman with specific responsibility for Development Control.  Mr Cunningham was nominated as Vice Chairman with responsibility for Licensing, and Mr D Whittaker was nominated as Vice Chairman for Human Resources and Miscellaneous issues.  There were no further nominations.  Following a vote by a show of hands it was:




i.        THAT one Regulatory Committee be established made up of fifteen Members and five named deputies.


ii.      THAT Mr Taylor be elected Chairman of the Regulatory Committee with specific responsibility for Development Control.


iii.    THAT Mr Cunningham be elected Vice Chairman of the Regulatory Committee with responsibility for Licensing issues.


iv.     THAT Mr Whittaker be elected Vice Chairman of the Regulatory Committee with responsibility for Human Resources and Miscellaneous issues.


(j)                  The Standards Committee


It was proposed that a Standards Committee be established comprising 7 independent members, 2 Members of the Isle of Wight Council and one representative of Parish and Town Councils.  The terms of reference were set out in Appendix 2 of Paper B.  Following a vote by a show of hands it was:




THAT a Standards Committee be established to include 2 Members of the Isle of Wight Council, 7 independent members and one representative of Parish and Town Councils.  The terms of reference would remain the same as for the last Council.

(k)               Pension Fund Investment Panel


It was proposed and seconded that Mr West be appointed Chairman of the Pension Fund Investment Panel.  There were no further nominations.  Following a vote by a show of hands it was:




THAT Mr West be appointed Chairman of the Pension Fund Investment Panel.


(l)                  Scheme of Delegation


Members were reminded that the Constitution requires Full Council to determine a Scheme of Delegation at Annual Council.  It was proposed that Full Council should renew that part of the Scheme of Delegation, for which it was responsible, without amendment.  It was also suggested that the Cabinet should renew the Scheme of Delegation for which it was responsible, without amendment, at its first meeting.  Following a vote by a show of hands it was:




THAT the Scheme of Delegation for Full Council and the Cabinet should be renewed without amendment.


(m)             Further Constitutional Amendments


It was proposed that one of the consequential amendments to the Constitution should include a guillotine of three hours for all meetings.  Following a vote by a show of hands it was:




THAT all Council meetings will be limited to three hours duration.




Members noted that appointments to outside bodies were usually undertaken by the Executive function of the Council.  However, the Isle of Wight Police Authority was run under strict proportionality rules and therefore required a Conservative nomination.  Mrs Tuson was proposed and seconded for this appointment.  Following a vote by a show of hands it was:




THAT Mrs Tuson be appointed to the Isle of Wight Police Authority.




It was proposed that with the exception of Liquor Licensing, formal meetings during 2005/06 would not begin before 6.00 pm.  However, opposition Members raised concerns about the potential conflict with Councillors’ local commitments and availability for constituents.  In addition, Members discussed whether evening meetings were more suitable for local stakeholders or members of the public, particularly those with children or responsibilities for caring for the elderly.  Members also asked whether public transport would be available, to support the Council’s ‘green’ policies.


Members were advised that the proposed approach would be monitored and the Standards Committee could investigate whether there would be an overall effect on Members’ attendance records and report back to the Council.


Following a vote by a show of hands it was:




THAT all Full Council meetings would begin at 6.00 pm.


THAT the dates of future meetings of the Full Council would be:


Wednesday, 22 June 2005

Wednesday, 20 July 2005

Wednesday, 17 August 2005

Wednesday, 14 September 2005

Wednesday, 12 October 2005

Wednesday, 23 November 2005

Wednesday, 21 December 2005

Wednesday, 18 January 2006

Wednesday, 22 February 2006

Wednesday, 15 March 2006

Wednesday, 12 April 2006

Wednesday, 24 May 2006 (Annual Council)


All Full Council meetings to commence at 6.00 pm and to be held in the Council Chamber at County Hall, Newport.



The meeting closed at 12.30 pm.