Present :

Mr V J Morey (Chairman), Mr B E Abraham, Mr J R Adams, Mr R R Barry, Mr A C Bartlett, Chevalier Bowker, Mrs T M Butchers, Mr C B W Chapman, Mrs B D Clough, Mr A C Coburn, Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J Effemey, Mr J H Fleming, Mrs B E Foster, Mr E Fox, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr C M Gauntlett, Mr C R Hancock, Mr P G Harris, Mr J F Howe, Miss H L Humby, Mrs M A Jarman, Mr P D Joyce, Mr G S Kendall, Mr D J Knowles, Mrs B Lawson, Mr C H Lillywhite, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr R G Mazillius, Mr A J Mellor, Mrs M J Miller, Mr A J Mundy, Mrs E Oulton, Mr K Pearson, Mr G P Price, Mr H Rees, Mr R C Richards, Mrs S A Smart, Mr I R Stephens, Mr A A Taylor, Mr A F Tiltman, Mrs J L Wareham, Mrs J White, Mr D G Williams, Mr D T Yates

Apologies :

Mr M O Morgan Huws, Mr R A Sutton


THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 3 September 2001 be confirmed.


Members paid tribute to Mr David Jaggar the Director of Environment Services on his recent retirement.
THAT this Council place on record its appreciation and most grateful thanks to Mr David William Jaggar for his long and distinguished service to Local Government over a career spanning some 31 years and, in particular, for his service to South Wight Borough Council between 1985 and 1995 and this Authority between 1 April 1995 and 30 September 2001 as Director of Economic and Tourism Services; Director of Planning, Economic and Tourism Services; Director of Development; and finally Director of Environment Services, and to express to Mr and Mrs Jaggar every good wish for a long and happy retirement.
Mr Jaggar replied accordingly.


A presentation was made by Mr John Bentley of the Island Partnership, Mr Paul Lovejoy from the South East England Development Agency (SEEDA), and Mr Paul Bevan the Chief Executive of the South East England Regional Assembly on the issue of regionalism.
Members debated the issues involved and the ways in which it could be taken forward. Positive impacts of Regionalism were discussed, including the increase of democratic accountability, economic performance and greater involvement in European issues. Members however were concerned about loss of local influence and competition between regions.
THAT this Council notes with concern the impact Regionalism will have on Local Government and the Council calls on the Government to honour its commitment to the Amsterdam Treaty Article 158, thus ensuring that this Authority's Democratic interests, both fiscal and human, are fully represented within the evolving Regional Agendas.


Questions were put to the Chairman as follows:
Mr Wortham of Brighstone in relation to the implementation of anti social behaviour orders (PQ30/01)
Mrs Eglinton of 16 Furze Hill Road, Shanklin in relation to Autism Spectrum Disorder (PQ31/01)
Mrs Swan of 124 Carisbrooke Road, Newport in relation to Autism Spectrum Disorder (PQ32/01)
Copies of questions and answers are contained in the Public Questions Register.


The Chairman reported that he had recently visited the new Air Control Centre in Hampshire.
The Chairman also attended a Memorial Service held at St Pauls Cathedral London in respect of those fire fighters who lost their lives in the recent attacks in America.


The Leader reported that she had received correspondence from the local branch Chairman of the National Farmers Union inviting Members to support the need for a public enquiry to investigate the causes, progress and administration of the Foot and Mouth outbreak. The petition needed to be returned by the 15 November 2001 and would be presented to both the House of Commons and House of Lords. The Leader indicated that she would arrange for the Executive to discuss the petition at a forthcoming meeting.


Mrs Gardiner asked that the 2 motions that she submitted be considered by Members together. These were as follows:-
"That the Council remove the requirement for Members of the public to submit questions to the full Council in writing"
"That provision be made in the agenda item 'Report from Select Committee Chair' for a 7 minute verbal question time, in line with the practice for Portfolio Holders question time."
Members were advised that it was anticipated that the Modernising Panel would be re-established at the meeting of the Executive on the 30 October 2001. It was hoped that a meeting of the Panel could then be arranged to take place in mid-late November. It would therefore be appropriate to defer this item to the Modernising Panel before being considered by the Council at a later date.
After consideration by the Chairman he determined under Procedure Rule 11(4) that the motions should be referred without further discussion to the Modernising Panel once it had been re-established by the Executive
THAT the two motions be deferred to the Executive and then to the Modernising Panel.


Members were advised that following Mr Buckle's resignation from the Labour Group, the Council was required to review the political proportionality on Committees. The effect of Mr Buckles resignation was that the Labour Party lost 2 seats overall across all the Committees on which it currently had a seat. The Council had discretion to appoint Mr Buckle to those 2 seats.
(i) THAT the political distribution for Committees as set out in the Ready Reckoner be approved
(ii) THAT the appointment of Mr Buckle to the Regulatory Appeals Committee and Licensing Committee be deferred until such time as Mr Buckle had been consulted.


(a) Recommendations from the Executive
(i) Annual Library Plan
Members were advised that the Council was required to submit an Annual Library Plan to the Department of Culture Media and Sport by the end of September each year.
THAT the Annual Library Plan as submitted to the Executive on 4 September 2001 be approved.
(ii) Final Accounts 2000-2001
Members were advised that to accord with revised regulations the Final Accounts, usually approved by the Executive, now had to be approved by full Council.
THAT the Council's Final Accounts for 2000-2001 as submitted to the Executive on 25 September 2001 be approved.
(iii) Establishing a Local Strategic Partnership
Members were advised that under the Local Government Act 2000 local authorities were required to produce a Community Strategy for their area which would be achieved through a Local Strategic Partnership (LSP). The LSP would enable the Island to obtain access to national, and possibly international funding schemes in the future.
(i) THAT the Council's commitment to establishing a Local Strategic Partnership for the Island be confirmed.
(ii) THAT the Council's representatives on the Local Strategic Partnership Board should be the Council Leader together with another Member of the Executive and one other Councillor.
(iii) THAT the draft constitution of the Local Strategic Partnership be agreed as a basis for discussion with other potential Members.
(iv) THAT the Acting Head of Paid Service and Leader of the Council be authorised to agree the final membership and constitutional details and make arrangements for a launch event.
(b) Contract of the Chief Executive
The Leader advised Members that at the meeting of the Executive held on 2 October 2001 negotiations to determine the contract of the Chief Executive were discussed. The Chairman of the Council had agreed, after taking advice from the Monitoring Officer, that it was reasonable in all circumstances for the decisions made by the Executive to be treated as a matter of urgency and therefore not be subject to the call-in procedure.
The report was noted.
(c) Minutes of the Executive
Members received the Minutes of the Executive held on 12 August 2001, 4 and 25 September 2001 and 2 October 2001.
(d) Reports of Portfolio Holders
(i) Agenda 21 and Countryside Matters
The Portfolio Holder reported that she had been on a official visit to the Swedish Island, Gotland to see the Islands renewable energy systems.
(ii) Economic Development and Regional Issues
The Portfolio Holder reported that he had taken representatives from Government Organisations on a tour of the Island which highlighted some of the Islands key issues.
(iii) Education and Lifelong Learning
The Portfolio Holder reported on matters relating to the Schools Admission Policy and Special Educational Needs.
(iv) Fire and Emergency Planning
The Portfolio Holder reported that the Community Steering Group had been renamed the Crime and Disorder Strategy Group and the new Crime and Disorder Offices were now located in the former Tourist Information Centre at South Street, Newport.
The Portfolio Holder reported that she had attended the Memorial Service at St Pauls Cathedral, London for the Fire Fighters who lost their lives in the recent terrorist attacks in America.
(v) Resources
A question was put to the Spokesperson as follows:
Cllr Rees in relation to the Council's life expired computers (MQ14/01). A copy of the question and reply is contained in the Members Questions Register.
A number of questions were asked orally to the Spokesperson.
(vi) Social Services and Housing
The Portfolio Holder updated members on issues related to bed blocking.
Questions were asked orally to the Spokesperson.
(vii) Tourism and Leisure
The Portfolio Holder reported on a range of issues including the current success of the Dinosaur Island Museum, and the most recent figures relating to the tourism on the Island during the summer. She explained that despite the Foot and Mouth crisis, the Island's tourist season had been successful.
Questions were asked orally to the Spokesperson.
(viii) Transport
The Portfolio Holder reported on matters relating to the development of the Islands railway, Military Road, and Car Parking Review.
Questions were asked orally to the Spokesperson.


(a) The Minutes of the undermentioned Select Committees were received
Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services - 24 September 2001
Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning - 10 and 18 September 2001.
Environment and Transport - 26 September 2001
Fire and Public Safety - 17 September 2001
Resources - 7 and 24 September 2001
Social Services, Housing and Benefits - 20 August 2001 and 19 September 2001 and 3 October 2001
(b) Reports by Chairman of Select Committees
(i) Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services
The Chairman reported that the Committee had its first meeting on 24 September 2001, which had included a presentation by the Head of Tourism Services. The Committee's next meeting would take place on 22 October 2001 and would include a report on the preparations for the Queen's Jubilee.
(ii) Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning
The Chairman reported that the Committee had set up a number of Working Parties and Task Groups.
(iii) Environment and Transport
The Chairman reported that the Select Committee's Workplan for the forthcoming year had been approved and that small Task Groups had been established.
(iv) Fire and Public Safety
The Chairman had attended the Annual Conference of the National Taxi Association which was held on 10 October 2001 in London.
(v) Resources
The Chairman reported that the Select Committee had set up 4 Task Groups.
(vi) Social Services, Housing and Benefits
The Chairman reported that the Committee had had 4 meetings and additional meetings had been arranged to take place in November and December 2001.


(a) Recommendation from Licensing Committee
The Vice Chairman of the Licensing Committee advised Members that the Committee believed that to reflect its different status to that of other Council Committees, in that it acted in a quasi judicial role, its title should be amended to Licensing Panel.
THAT the Licensing Committees title be changed to Licensing Panel
(b) The Minutes of the undermentioned Regulatory Committees were received
Development Control Committee - 24 August, 4 and 25 September 2001 and 5 October 2001
Licensing Committee - 7 and 27 September 2001
Regulatory Appeals Committee - 31 August 2001 and 28 September 2001