Director of Corporate Services

County Hall


Isle of Wight

PO30 1UD


You are hereby summoned to attend a MEETING of the COUNCIL to be held on WEDNESDAY, 17 OCTOBER 2001 in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, COUNTY HALL, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT commencing at 10.00 am for the transaction of the business set out in the Agenda below.



1. To approve as a correct record and to sign the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 3 September 2001 (Paper A)

2. To mark the retirement from Local Government of Mr David William Jaggar.

The Chairman to move:
"THAT the Council place on record its appreciation and most grateful thanks to Mr David William Jaggar for his long and distinguished service to local government over a career spanning 31 years and, in particular, for his service to the South Wight Borough Council between 1985 and 1995 and this Authority between 1 April 1995 and 30 September 2001 as Director of Economic and Tourism Services; Director of Planning, Economic and Tourism Services; Director of Development; and finally Director of Environment Services, and to express to Mr and Mrs Jaggar every good wish for a long and happy retirement."

3. To receive any declarations of interest.

4. To deal with any questions from members of the public.

If members of the public wish to ask a question then it must be submitted in writing to Committee Services, or by email to : [email protected], by 10.00 am on Monday, 15 October 2001.

5. To receive any official communications and correspondence submitted by the Chairman.

6. To receive such reports as the Leader of the Council may desire to bring before the Council.

7. The Leader of the Council to call a debate on Regionalism under Procedure Rule 16.

The Council will be addressed by Mr John Bentley of the Island Partnership who will introduce Mr Paul Lovejoy (Head of Strategy for South East England Development Agency) and Mr Paul Bevan (Chief Executive of South East England Regional Assembly).
Following these presentations there will be a debate on this matter.

8. Motions submitted under - Procedure Rule 11

To consider the following notices of motions :-
(a) As submitted by Mrs D Gardiner CC:-
That the Council remove the requirement for Members of the public to submit questions to full Council in writing.
(b) As submitted by Mrs D Gardiner CC:-
That provision be made in the agenda item 'Report from Select Committee Chair' for a 7 minute verbal question time, in line with the practice for Portfolio Holders question time.

9. To consider Political Proportionality following the resignation of Mr Buckle from the Labour Group (Paper B refers)


(a) To consider the following matters as recommended by the Executive at its meetings on the 4 and 25 September 2001 and 2 October 2001:-
(i) Annual Library Plan
Members were advised that the Council was required to submit an Annual Library Plan (ALP) to the Department of Culture Media and Sport by the end of September each year. The ALP was intended to be a working document which set out how the Council intended to deliver its library services over the next three years and especially in relation to the Government's declared aims and targets from library services. Members were requested to approve the ALP and recommend its adoption to full Council.
THAT the Annual Library Plan be approved and adopted.
(The report of the Director of Education, Community Development and Life Long Learning as considered by the Executive is attached as Paper C)
(ii) Final Accounts 2000-2001
The Executive considered the Council's Final Accounts for 2000-2001. Members were reminded that they had previously considered indicative figures at the meeting held on 24 July 2001. The Portfolio Holder also reported that the audit of accounts would commence on 16 October 2001 and the District Auditor's report would be issued by 31 December 2001.
The Director of Finance and Information, in response to Members questions, expanded on some of the details included in the Statement of Accounts relating to the Pension Fund. He also indicated that to accord with the revised Regulations the Final Accounts had to be approved by full Council.
THAT the Statement of Accounts for the financial year ended 31 March 2001 be approved.
(The report of the Director of Finance and Information as considered by the Executive is attached as Paper D)
(iii) Establishing a Local Strategic Partnership
A Presentation was received from Sue Charteris of Shared Intelligence, the Council's consultants, on the establishment of a Local Strategic Partnership.
The Local Government Act 2000 required local authorities to produce a community strategy for their area and this should be done via a Local Strategic Partnership. The purpose of such a strategy was to give a sense of direction for organisations, communities and individuals on the Island and steer actions and investments increasingly towards shared objectives. Without a strategy or Local Strategic Partnership the Island would find it increasingly towards shared objectives. Without a strategy or Local Strategic Partnership the Island would find it increasingly hard to access national and possibly international funding schemes in future.
(iv) THAT the Council's commitment to establishing a Local Strategic Partnership for the Island be confirmed.
(v) THAT the Council's representatives on the Local Strategic Partnership Board should be the Council Leader together with another Member of the Executive and one other Councillor be agreed.
(vi) THAT the draft constitution of the Local Strategic Partnership be agreed as a basis for discussion with other potential Members.
(vii) THAT the Acting Head of Paid Service and Leader of the Council be authorised to agree the final membership and constitutional details and make arrangements for a launch event.
(The report of the Acting Head of Paid Service as considered by the Executive is attached as Paper E)
(b) That it be reported to the full Council, at the meeting of the Executive held on 2 October 2001 (Min 59 - Urgent Business - Contract of the Chief Executive) the following was discussed and agreed:
The Portfolio Holder reminded the Executive that at the meeting of the full Council on 18 July 2001, it had been agreed that negotiations to determine the contract of the Chief Executive be delegated to him and the Chairman of the Resources Select Committee in consultation with the Personnel Services Manager.
The Executive was advised by the Portfolio Holder of the outcome of the negotiations and the recommendations arising from those. The Chairman of the Council agreed, after taking advice from the Monitoring Officer, both that the decision proposed was reasonable in all circumstances and to it being treated as a matter of urgency. The matter would be reported to the next meeting of the Council, outlining the reasons for the urgency.
(i) THAT the Chief Executive's contract of employment be terminated in the interests of the efficiency of the service with effect from 30 September 2001, subject to the amendment of the confidentiality agreement so that there is a mechanism to share with all Council Members the terms of departure but subject to them respecting that confidentiality and so that the public can be informed that there would be no sum paid in compensation for loss of office but there would be an early release of pension according to the Councils usual policy.
(ii) THAT the compromise agreement be signed by the Portfolio Holder for Resources on behalf of the Council.
(iii) THAT the above shall not be subject to the call-in procedure in accordance with the process set out in the Constitution.
(c) To receive the Minutes of the meetings of the Executive held on 21 August 2001, 4 and 25 September 2001 and 2 October 2001 (Paper F)
(d) Portfolio Holders to give answers to written questions, update on major issues and answer any general questions as follows :
(i) The Leader (Mrs S Smart);
(ii) Agenda 21 and Countryside Matters (Mrs B Lawson)
(iii) Economic Development and Regional Issues (Mr H Rees)
(iv) Education and Lifelong Learning (Mr P Harris)
(v) Fire and Emergency Planning (Mrs J White)
(vi) Public, Environment Protection and Waste (Mr M O Morgan Huws)
(vii) Resources (Mr R Barry)
(viii) Social Services and Housing (Mr J A Bowker)
(ix) Tourism and Leisure (Mrs M A Jarman)
(x) Transport (Mr E Fox)


(a) To receive for information the Minutes of the following Select Committees :
(i) Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services - 24 September 2001 (Paper G)
(ii) Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning - 10 and 18 September 2001 (Paper H)
(iii) Environment and Transport - 26 September 2001 (Paper I)
(iv) Fire and Public Safety - 17 September 2001 (Paper J)
(v) Resources - 7 and 24 September 2001 (Paper K)
(vi) Social Services, Housing and Benefits - 20 August 2001, 5 and 19 September 2001 and 3 October 2001 (Paper L)
(b) To receive a report from the Chairman and to answer any written questions in respect of the following Select Committees :
1. Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services (Mr D T Yates);
2. Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning (Mrs J L Wareham);
3. Environment and Transport (Mrs T Butchers);
4. Fire and Public Safety (Mr D Knowles);
5. Resources (Mr G Kendall);
6. Social Services, Housing and Benefits (Mr R Mazillius).


(a) To consider the following recommendation of the Licensing Committee held on 27 September 2001.
(i) Consideration of Procedural Issues
The Chairman [of the Licensing Committee] then raised a number of issues relating to the operation of the Committee. He indicated that there should be a limit on the number of items considered at each meeting so that it did not have to sit late into the afternoon. Members also believed that the title should be amended to Licensing Panel so to reflect its different status to that of other Council Committees in that it acted in a quasi judicial role.
THAT the title of the Licensing Committee be amended to Licensing Panel.
(b) To receive for information the Minutes of the Regulatory Committees :
(i) Development Control Committee - 24 August 2001, 4, 14 and 25 September 2001 and 5 October 2001 (Paper M)
(ii) Licensing Committee - 7 and 27 September 2001 (Paper N)
(iii) (Regulatory Appeals Committee - 31 August 2001 and 28 September 2001 (Paper O)

Members are reminded that questions to Portfolio Holders or the Chairmen of the above Select and Regulatory Committees must be submitted in writing to Committee Services, or by email to: [email protected] , by 10.00 am on Monday, 15 October 2001.


Director of Corporate Services