Present :


Cllrs Roger Mazillius (Chairman), Barry Abraham, Henry Adams, Wendy Arnold, John Bowker, George Brown, Ivan Bulwer, William Burt, Charles Chapman, Dawn Cousins, Mike Cunningham, John Effemey, Jonathan Fitzgerald-Bond, Barbara Foster, Deborah Gardiner, Charles Hancock, John Hobart, Heather Humby, Tim Hunter-Henderson, Patrick Joyce, Geoff Lumley, Muriel Miller, Brian Mosdell, Erica Oulton, Lady Pigot, Garry Price, David Pugh, Susan Scoccia, Ian Stephens, Andy Sutton, Melanie Swan, Arthur Taylor, Diana Tuson, Ian Ward, Margaret Webster, Alan Wells, Colin West, David Whittaker, Julian Whittaker, David Williams, Jilly Wood


Apologies :


Cllrs Anne Bishop, George Cameron, Vanessa Churchman, Gill Kennett, David Knowles, Win McRobert, Lora Peacey-Wilcox



Before the commencement of the meeting, the Chairman introduced Dr Marguerite Howick, the Extended Schools Consultant, to Council.  Members were shown an extract from a DVD depicting the recent Power FM Rock Challenge.  Following the presentation, Members were introduced to Harry Roberts and Joshua Sheekey, pupils of Dover Park School, who presented the Council with a plaque in recognition of their support for the event.


The Chairman also introduced Cllr Tim Gladdis, and Cllr Geoff Banks the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the ORP Blyskawica Society.  Cllr Gladdis presented a framed print to Council to mark the Society’s 65th anniversary.


15.             MINUTES




(i)                 THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2007 and 23 April 2007 be confirmed.


(ii)               THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 23 April 2007 be confirmed subject to the second resolution under Minute 14 be amended to read:


            “THAT Option 2 be adopted with 6th Form provision being delivered in a Trust Foundation under a single governing body, with College separate, bringing together the current 5 high schools under one leadership and governance (the Trust).”




There were no declarations received at this stage.


17.             PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


Questions were put to the Chairman as follows :


A written question had been received from Mr Welch of Shanklin (PQ 13/07) regarding the recruitment and funding for the Head of Music Service post.  The Cabinet Member advised that funding had been maintained and recruitment would proceed now that the Options Consultations had concluded.


A written question had been submitted by Mrs Welch of Shanklin (PQ 14/07) regarding the Council’s policy on severance payments.  The Cabinet member informed Council that a revised Discretionary Provisions Policy was formulated in 2005, but the Council’s Severance Policy (March 2007) now complemented the original policy.


An oral question was put by Mrs Rounsevell of Newport about a further consultation period before the decision on creating a Revoking Byelaw for Hackney Carriages was made.  The Cabinet Member advised that the decision had been taken in August 2006 and the creation of the Revoking Byelaw only served to ratify this decision.


An oral question was put by Mr Blezzard of Sandown regarding recent changes to the Town and Parish Council’s representative on the Scrutiny Committee.  The Cabinet Member advised that a written response would be provided.


An oral question was put by Mr Horn of Newport regarding obstructions to taxi ranks and the licensing for Tuk-Tuk’s.  The Cabinet Member advised that this would be investigated and a written response would be provided.


An oral question was put by Mrs Wareham of Brighstone regarding the cost of appointing a Director for the 2011 Island Games.  The Leader advised that the appointment reflected the importance of good management for such a large event, which could impact on future inward investment for the Island.


18.             CHAIRMAN’S REPORT


The Chairman and the Leader informed Council of the recent trip to the Isle of Wight County in Virginia, USA and showed Members a number of the gifts received, including an American flag, which would be flown at County Hall on 4 July in recognition of the Friendship Agreement.




A motion had been submitted by Cllr Alan Wells for discussion, concerning a change of name for the Policy Commission for the Economy, Tourism, Regeneration and Transport.  It was proposed and seconded that the Commission’s title should be amended to the ‘Policy Commission for Business and Infrastructure’, which would more accurately describe the work undertaken by the Commission.




THAT the Policy Commission for the Economy, Tourism, Regeneration and Transport be renamed the ‘Policy Commission for Business and Infrastructure’, to more accurately reflect the work of the Commission.




Members had received a copy of the Council’s draft submission to the Boundary Committee which recommended a reduction from 48 wards to 40 wards on the Island.  Detailed plans of the proposed new boundaries had been made available on the Council’s website as well as in County Hall.


It was envisaged that as a result of the enhanced role of the Island’s Town and Parish Councils, greater community participation would inform a more streamlined Council and enable more effective local democracy.




THAT the Council submission to the Boundary Committee be for 40 single member electoral divisions and that the proposed submission and maps, as available at:  www.iwight.com/boundaryreview, be approved.




Members were asked to consider the creation of a revoking byelaw to include all existing byelaws which encompassed the former boroughs and Districts of the Isle of Wight.  If approved, the new byelaw would ratify the Council’s decision to de-zone the Island’s hackney carriage trade, taken on 19 July 2006.


Members were advised that the new byelaw would need to be advertised in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 and the date of effect would be agreed by the Secretary of State for Transport.


An amendment was proposed and seconded:


THAT the decision to revoke the byelaw be deferred to enable further consultation.


Following a debate on the amendment and the vote, the amendment was lost.


The debate returned to the substantive motion. 


Under Procedure Rule 18(5) the following four Members stood to ask for a named vote: Cllrs Deborah Gardiner, Geoff Lumley, John Bowker and Henry Adams.


In favour:  Cllrs Andy Sutton, Barry Abraham, Wendy Arnold, George Brown, Ivan Bulwer, William Burt, Brian Mosdell, Erica Oulton, Lady Pigot, David Pugh, Susan Scoccia, Melanie Swan, Dawn Cousins, Mike Cunningham, John Effemey, Alan Wells, Colin West, David Whittaker, Julian Whittaker, David Williams, Jilly Wood, Jonathan Fitzgerald-Bond, Diana Tuson, Ian Ward, John Hobart, Tim Hunter-Henderson, Patrick Joyce, Margaret Webster, Heather Humby and Arthur Taylor.


Against: None.


Abstentions:  Cllrs Charles Chapman, Charlie Hancock, Muriel Miller, Ian Stephens, Deborah Gardiner, Geoff Lumley, Henry Adams and John Bowker.




(a)               THAT Council formally make the draft revoking byelaw in respect of hackney carriages in the Isle of Wight area.


(b)               THAT the byelaw be advertised in accordance with section 236 of the Local Government Act 1972 and following the period of deposit be sent to the Secretary of State for confirmation.


(c)               THAT the byelaw would take effect on a date agreed by the Secretary of State for Transport.




Following the Council’s decision on 21 March 2007 that the Fire and Rescue Service should remain part of the Isle of Wight Council, consideration was given to establishing an Appointments Panel of five members to appoint to the post of Chief Fire Officer.    The Appointments Panel would be time limited and politically proportionate, with nominations being invited from the political groups.




THAT Council establish a politically proportionate Chief Fire Officer Appointments Panel of five members, with the actual members to be appointed by the Interim Director of Legal and Democratic Services in accordance with the nominations from Group Leaders.


23.             CABINET


Reports Of The Cabinet Members and the Chairman of Scrutiny


(i)                 The Leader


A written report had been circulated for information and the Leader also informed Council that he had attended the Annual Civic Service at St Thomas’s Church.  He also thanked the Cabinet Members for Resources and Environment and Transport for managing Council business whilst other Members visited Virginia, USA.


(ii)               The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Schools Leadership and Governance


A brief update was provided by the Deputy Leader.


Cllr Gardiner asked if the Cabinet Member would support the activities of the Local Schools Partnership.  The Cabinet Member concurred.


(iii)             Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing and Supporting People


A written report had been circulated, and the Cabinet Member also informed Members of recent discussions between the Local Government Agency and the Department of Health about services for older people.  During this debate interest had been shown in the Island’s free homecare initiative.


Cllr Hancock asked for reassurance that discussions about funding for social care and health would include the third sector and further asked for the Cabinet Member’s views on funding awards in other parts of the country.  The Cabinet Member advised that the Island had submitted a bid, without success, but discussions had since been held with Government Ministers about the current funding system. 


(iv)              Chairman of Scrutiny


Council was advised that a written report had been circulated by the Chairman prior to the Council meeting.  Members were informed that changes had been made to the political structure of Scrutiny Committee, which had caused concern.


Cllr Stephens asked why the Chairman’s report had not been available at the Council meeting and was advised that the content had been deemed to be in contravention of the Local Authority Code Practice on Publicity and that the Council would be in breach of the Code by publishing it.


Cllr Gardiner also questioned issues of legality, following which the Chairman requested that a written response be provided to the Chairman of Scrutiny, copied to all Members and the media, by the Interim Director of Legal and Democratic Services.


(v)                Cabinet Member for Customers and Parish Empowerment


A written report had been circulated and the Cabinet Member added that visits to Kent and Brighton and Hove had been planned in order to share information about Customer Record Management systems (CRMs).  In addition the Cabinet Member offered to assist any Parish or Town Councils with obtaining Quality Status.


Cllr Hancock asked the Cabinet Member for responses to questions raised in March 2007.  The Cabinet Member gave assurances that this would be dealt with immediately.


Cllr Stephens asked for clarification of one of the performance measurements for the Call Centre and the Cabinet Member advised that calls were timed from inception to response. 


(vi)              Cabinet Member for Economy, Tourism, Assets and Planning


A written report had been circulated.


Cllr Hancock asked if congratulations could be passed to the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership’s Inward Investment Team who had secured another boat builder for the Island.  The Cabinet Member was pleased to concur.


Cllr Stephens asked about the future of Ryde Town Hall and the Cabinet Member advised that a meeting had been arranged between senior council officers and the Ryde Town Management Committee to discuss the issues.


Cllr Miller asked the Cabinet Member to ensure that major developers do not publicly display plans prior to consideration by the Planning Committee.  The Cabinet Member advised that the proposed new Pre-Planning Application Process would include a meeting between Local Members, the applicant and planning officers, at the earliest possible stage.


(vii)            Cabinet Member for Resources


A brief oral update report was provided.


There were no questions.


(viii)          Cabinet Member for Safer Communities and Fire Modernisation


A written report had been circulated.


Cllr Miller asked how the Cabinet Member envisaged enforcing the forthcoming smoking ban in public service vehicles.   The Cabinet Member advised he would investigate and provide a written response.


Cllr Williams asked for clarification of the result of the recent Fire Service Performance Assessment.  The Cabinet Member advised that an appeal had been lodged against the results of the inspection and the appeal decision was imminent.


Cllr Sutton asked if the Cabinet Member would agreed that congratulations were due to the Fire and Rescue Service staff and that a letter of thanks should be forwarded to Fire Service staff and the Fire Brigade Union about the results of the Direction of Travel appeal.  


(ix)              Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport


A written report had been circulated.


Cllr Sutton asked if the Cabinet Member was aware of the Biomass crops being grown in the West Wight and the Cabinet Member advised that he would investigate further.


Cllr Hancock asked when the final traffic plan for the Isle of Wight Festival would be available and also if further thought had been given to the markings on the dual carriageway.  The Cabinet Member informed Council that he would investigate and provide a written response.  Members were also advised that a complete transport infrastructure plan for Newport was currently under consideration.


Cllr Effemey asked if the number of road accidents on the island had been affected by road surface materials used in the past.  The Cabinet Member asked Cllr Effemey to put his question in writing and a written response would be provided.


Cllr Burt asked about the current availability of compost bins and the Cabinet Member requested that Cllr Burt put his question in writing and a written response would be provided.


Cllr Cunningham asked if the Cabinet Member was aware that Newport Town Management Committee was available for discussions regarding a transport infrastructure plan for Newport.  The Cabinet Member advised that a meeting had been arranged.


Cllr Whittaker asked if the Cabinet Member would meet with residents to discuss the possibility of a one-way traffic system for Newport.  The Cabinet Member advised that he would discuss the matter with officers and provide a written response.


(x)                Cabinet Member for Children’s Services


A written report had been circulated.


Cllr Miller asked for a review of Looked After Children regarding school exclusion and changing schools.  The Cabinet Member agreed to investigate and report back to Council.


Cllr Gardiner asked how many children were currently in the Council’s care, what the trend indicated and what was being done to address the issue.  The Cabinet Member advised that a review was currently being undertaken and an update would be provided for Council.


Cllr Hancock asked for confirmation of the number of children under corporate care and reassurance that children were taken into care as a last resort.  The Cabinet Member agreed that this was a vital responsibility and everything possible would be done to improve the situation.


(xi)              Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Leisure and Communications


A written question had been received from Cllr Humby (MQ 02/07)about the possibility of using an Isle of Wight flag at the Island Games in 2011.  The Cabinet Member agreed to discuss this further with Cllr Humby.


A written report had been circulated.


Cllr Hancock asked if a meeting could be arranged to include the Cabinet Member, the Interim Director of Regeneration and Local Members to discuss the East Cowes regeneration project.  The Cabinet Member agreed to arrange a meeting.