1.                  FIRE AND RESCUE


Peer Review


A mini peer review facilitated by the Improvement and Development Agency (IDeA) and led by the Chief Fire Officer and Chief Executive of Essex County Fire and Rescue Service, took place on 23 and 24 April 2007.


Feedback provided on the last day of the review, reported amongst other messages that:

·         there is a clear commitment from the Council to improve Member involvement and this is supported by strong leadership from the Acting Chief Fire Officer

·         there is evidence that corporate interaction between senior officers and Members is providing benefit to the service in its quest to seek improvement

·         partnership working remains extremely strong, proving the Service continues to deliver improvement in conjunction with other key agencies


2.                  CONSUMER PROTECTION


      Rogers Review


A little over one month ago government published the Rogers Review.  The review reflects work undertaken by a group of professionals under the chairmanship of Peter Rogers as some in the chamber will know as the Chief Executive of Westminster City Council.  The review predominantly impacts on the work of officers working in the Trading Standards and Environmental Health disciplines, that is this Council's Consumer Protection Service.  Its aim is to make regulation work more effectively, to ensure that our citizens and the environment are protected whilst minimising burdens on businesses.  The review identifies 61 enforcement priorities but systematically evaluates the significance of each to identify 6 overarching national priorities:-


Air quality

Fair trading

Alcohol licensing

Animal and public health

Food hygiene

Health and safety


I can reassure colleagues that these 6 overarching national priorities truly reflect existing local priorities.  I anticipate that we will all hear more about the Rogers Review and the importance of outcomes focussed local enforcement services in the weeks and months ahead.


Smoking Controls


Council officers will be responsible for enforcing new legislation prohibiting smoking in enclosed public spaces from 1 July 2007.  We are working with colleagues in the health sector and the local chamber of commerce to smooth the introduction of these national controls.  This work includes dealing with additional smoking related litter that will arise as a result of the new legislation.  Direct funding in the sum of £77k was obtained from the Department of Health to cover all reasonable costs we incur; including local advertising, several seminars for local businesses and start up enforcement costs.  I am confident that there will be a high level of compliance from day 1 of the new legislation.  We must hope that the positive health benefits the legislation is intended to deliver are realised. 





Cllr Ian Ward  

Cabinet Member for Safer Communities and Fire Modernisation