Report by Cabinet Member for economy, tourism,  assets and planning


TO THE MEETING OF Full Council – 16 may 2007


1.                  Economy

The Isle of Wight Economic Partnership (IWEP) Board is considering the best organisation of the company to contribute to the economic prosperity of the Island.  It is expected that proposals will be made to partner members of the company, including the Isle of Wight Council, during the next Quarter.

2.                  Tourism

Evaluation and negotiation continue on transferring operational activities of Isle of Wight Tourism to a Joint Venture company, the Shadow Board of which comprises representatives from the Isle of Wight Council, the Chamber of Commerce Tourism and Industry, Isle of Wight Economic Partnership, Tourism South East, SEEDA and the ferry companies.

3.                  Assets

Legal investigation is proceeding of obligations attaching to a number of important assets, including land around Newport Harbour. 

The Isle of Wight Council, partnering with the Primary Care Trust and Police, has short listed two major property services firms to assist in the best value use of the partners’ combined land and building assets.  Final interviews are being arranged for this important selection.

4.                  Planning

A draft protocol for Ward Member and Planning Officer co-operation, particularly on pre-application discussions, will be put before elected members in a meeting to be arranged shortly for that purpose.  Implicit in that protocol is training for Planning Officers and Members, aimed at improving standards and delivering service to residents.

Training has been conducted for members of the Planning Committee.

External resources will be added to the Planning Enforcement function to reduce an unacceptable backlog.