Over the past month I have been familiarising myself with the responsibilities in my new portfolio, and establishing a clear picture of where the immediate and longer-term challenges lie.


1.                  Regeneration

Much of what happens now with regeneration in dependent on the Core Strategy of the Local Development Framework (Island Plan), which is subject to revision due to new government guidance. Whilst this is primarily within Cllr Brown’s Cabinet responsibilities, I am working with officers to ascertain what implications this may have for regeneration projects – such as in the Bay. As a result, the Bay Regeneration Steering Group is currently on hold, but we hope to bring these stakeholders together in the near future to discuss how we progress forward to deliver some tangible outcomes for the Bay.


I have been pleased to welcome Bernadette Marjoram as our Interim Director of Regeneration and Development, and she is looking at our existing regeneration projects in East Cowes and Ryde to ensure that they deliver the quality and infrastructure that we need to enhance the local communities.


2.                  Leisure

Members will be aware that the Heights swimming pool had to be closed temporarily to allow specialists to search for where a leak was occurring. This has now been identified in the piping, and has been repaired. The pool is now being monitored for the impact this repair has had on the water loss. Further work may need to be done over the next few weeks, but we hope to minimise the disruption to users of the facility.


We have received the draft report of the Leisure Needs Analysis, which provides an invaluable assessment of the likely local demand for leisure facilities into the future. This is informing our thinking as we prepare a report to Cabinet in July on the future of community leisure facilities on the Island.


One of areas of unmet provision in the analysis was in Ryde, for gym facilities. We have been able to respond to this ahead of the July decision, by relocating some of the gym equipment to be placed in an unused squash court at Westridge, and bringing new equipment in where necessary. This will be opened up in the near future and promoted accordingly.


We are also considering how both Ryde and Shanklin theatres can be utilised more effectively in the future, and what opportunities exist for greater community use. I have already had discussions to this end with Shanklin Town Council, and plan to meet with Ryde Town Management Committee in the near future to seek their views on their venue. I will bring a report on these theatres to Cabinet in July.


I was pleased to attend the sending off ceremony for our 35 strong-team to the World Island Youth Games in Corsica. The Island can be rightly proud of such an enthusiastic team, whose participation has been enabled through sponsorship from the Youth Opportunities Fund and a number of town and parish councils, amongst others.


3.                  Communications

As members know, the One Island magazine has now published monthly – and this provides us with increased opportunities to communicate with residents. The focus of the magazine is very much on informing the public of the services on offer, whilst also featuring campaigns on behavioural issues – such as road safety. I would welcome any feedback from members, or any comments from their constituents.


The magazine has been complemented by “One Council” – the internal publication for staff. This works alongside the Vine, the weekly email bulletin to staff, and together they aim to improve communications directly with officers, to ensure they are the first to know about the latest developments from the Council.


The Corporate ID guidelines are now being finalised and will be rolled out across the Council, to ensure that we have consistent and recognisable branding for all our services, including those with our partners. This will raise awareness amongst Island residents of which services are being provided by whom – and should in turn allow us to improve the quality of services as we receive feedback directly to us as an authority.


The quality of services is tested in our residents’ survey, and we have just completed another survey of public opinion, which will be published shortly. As the One Island projects from Budget 2007 are rolled out, it is vital that we continue to gage the views of Island residents to help us shape those projects to meet local demands.






Cllr  David Pugh

Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Leisure and Communications