Purpose: For Decision


Committee :    EXECUTIVE


Date :              8 OCTOBER 2002


Title :               CORPORATE PLAN 2002 – 2005









On July 2nd the Executive approved a draft Corporate Plan and recommended that it be subject to a 2 month consultation period. The Plan has been amended to reflect the views received and a copy has been placed in the Members Room. This report recommends that the revised Plan be recommended to Full Council for approval.





1.         On May 7th and May 15th the Executive and Full Council respectively, approved a “Council Corporate Plan – Vision Statement” which was envisaged as the first step towards the drafting of a detailed Corporate Plan for the authority. In doing so, the Executive recognised the importance of drafting a document which explicitly set out the Council’s vision and strategic objectives for the Island.


2.         On July 2nd the Executive approved a draft Corporate Plan for the Council and recommended that the document go out for a 2 month consultation period with staff and key partners. That consultation period ended on September 6th.


3.                  Comments have been received from staff the following partner agencies :


·         Environment Agency

·         South Wight Housing Association

·         Primary Care Trust

·         National Farmers Union

·         Hampshire & Isle of Wight Learning & Skills Council

·         Freshwater Parish Council


4.                  The Plan has been amended to reflect the views received. The majority of changes have been minor in nature. Member attention is, however, drawn to 2 specific changes which are recommended :


1.      Part 2 : The Council’s Strategic Objectives

In the draft Corporate Plan this section contained reference to 7 strategic objectives. Following consultation, it is recommended that Objective 1 (Providing High Quality Council Services) is best dealt with in Part 3 : Making it Happen. The text relating to Objective 1 in the original draft is effectively covered by the first two corporate governance commitments in Part 3. This leaves Part 2 containing the 6 key operational objectives of the Council.



2.      Part 5 : Next Steps

This section has been re-written to better explain the delivery process for implementation of the Plan.


5.         The Plan’s overall vision is “to improve Island life.” This is to be achieved through 6 strategic objectives :


·         Improving health, housing and the quality of life

·         Encouraging job creation and economic prosperity

·         Raising education standards& promoting lifelong learning

·         Creating safe and crime-free communities

·         Improving public transport and the highways infrastructure

·         Protecting the Island’s physical environment


For each of these objectives the Corporate Plan sets out associated aims and priorities.


6.         The Plan will be supplemented by an Annual Action Statement which will set out in-year priorities and specific delivery targets. The first such Statement will be brought to the Executive for consideration before the end of the year.


7.         Delivery of the Plan will be the responsibility of members and staff supported by partners and community representatives. Regular reports will be brought to Executive detailing progress with implementation of the Plan.




8.         Approval of the Corporate Plan will assist the Council in ensuring effective use of the staff and financial resources at its disposal.




That the Corporate Plan be recommended to full Council for approval together with any comments that the Executive would wish to be considered.












The Council’s Strategic Vision – Executive, May 7 2002

Comments received from staff and partners




John Bentley, Head of Corporate Policy & Communications, tel 823346






Head of Paid Service


Deputy Leader of the Council