Present :


Miss H L Humby (Chairman), Mr B E Abraham, Mr J R Adams, Mr R R Barry, Mr A C Bartlett, Mr J A Bowker, Mrs T M Butchers, Mrs B D Clough, Mr A C Coburn, Mr M J Cunningham, Mr J Effemey, Mr J H Fleming, Mrs B E Foster, Mr E Fox, Mrs D Gardiner, Mr C M Gauntlett, Mr P G Harris, Mr J F Howe, Mrs M A Jarman, Mr G S Kendall, Mr C H Lillywhite, Mrs M J Lloyd, Mr R G Mazillius, Mrs M J Miller, Mr A J Mundy, Mr K Pearson, Mr G P Price, Mr H Rees, Mr R C Richards, Mrs S A Smart, Mr I R Stephens, Mr R A Sutton, Mr A A Taylor, Mr A F Tiltman, Mr D G Williams,  Mrs J White


Apologies :

Mr B C Buckle, Mr C B W Chapman, Mr C R Hancock, Mr P D Joyce, Mr D J Knowles, Mrs B Lawson, Mr A J Mellor, Mr V J Morey, Mrs E Oulton, Mrs J L Wareham, Mr D T Yates



43.              MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 11 September 2002 be confirmed.




There were no declarations received at this stage.


45.              PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


Questions were put to the Chairman as follows :


Mrs S M Swan concerning a statement made by the Strategic Director of Education concerning Asperger Syndrome Statements for Special Educational Needs (PQ90/02)


Mr J Wortham asked a question concerning funding for a new health and fitness and centre at Westridge, Ryde (PQ91/02)


46.              CHAIRMAN’S REPORT


The Chairman announced that she was in the process of setting up a Civic Award Scheme for those undertaking voluntary work within the community.




Members paid tribute to Mr Charles Waddicor the Strategic Director of Social Services and Housing who was leaving to take up a new position as Director of Social Services at Oxfordshire County Council.




THAT the Council place on record its appreciation and most grateful thanks to Mr Charles Waddicor for his hard work and achievements over the last two and half years, in particular the award of two stars in the government’s recent assessment of the country’s social services departments and wishes him much success in his future career.


Mr Waddicor replied accordingly.


48.              RETIREMENT OF ALAN KAYE


Members paid tribute to Mr Alan Kaye, Strategic Director of Education and Community Development and Head of Paid Service on his retirement.




THAT the Council place on record its appreciation and most grateful thanks to Mr Alan Kaye for his long and distinguished service in education both in this country and abroad, and in particular, for his service to the Isle of Wight Council since 1995 as Director of Education and Community Development and since last year as Head of Paid Service, and to express to Mr and Mrs Kaye every good wish for a long and happy retirement


Mr Kaye replied accordingly.


49.              LOCAL DEMOCRACY WEEK


As part of local democracy week students from a number of local schools were invited to put questions to the Council on a variety of issues. This was followed by a motion put forward by Alex Clough, Isle of Wight Member of the UK Youth Parliament.




THAT the motion put forward by Alex Clough, Isle of Wight Member of the UK Youth Parliament namely “We call upon the Isle of Wight Council to support the setting up of an Isle of Wight Youth Council, to incorporate the Youth Council into it’s democratic processes and to offer help in seeking funds to maintain it” to be put on the agenda and be discussed at the next Council meeting


50.              EXECUTIVE


(a)               Recommendations From The Executive


(i)                  Military Road - Stabilisation of Afton Down and the Realignment of Carriageway at Shippards Chine


The report of the Portfolio Holder for Transport as considered by the Executive on the 10 September 2002 was submitted.  The Portfolio Holder explained that the high cost of the tenders received were due to the high risk elements of the work required.  In order to reduce the risks the stabilisation of the works were required to be undertaken as soon as possible.  There was a shortfall in the 2002/3 capital budget provision of £1,225,000.




THAT an allocation of £1,225,000 be agreed as a first call from the 2003 - 2004 Highway Capital Budget, to allow for the Afton Down works to start as early as practical.


(ii)                Recommendation from the Meeting of the Liaison Committee held on 20 August 2002


Consideration was given to the recommendation from the Liaison Committee to amend its title to the Co-ordinating Committee in order to reflect its role. An amendment was proposed by Cllr Cunningham and seconded by the Leader and as




THAT the title of the Liaison Committee be amended to the Co-ordinating Committee and that the Chairman of the Co-Coordinating Committee shall, in line with other Select Committee Chairmen, give reports and answers to any written questions from members at Council meetings


(iii)               Annual Library Plan


The Annual Library Plan was required to be submitted to the Department of Culture Media and Sport.  The document set out how the Council  would deliver library services over the next three years




THAT the Annual Library Plan be adopted


(iv)              The Corporate Plan 2002 – 2005 Achieving Excellence Through Teamwork


The Corporate Plan had been updated to reflect feedback received from consultation.  It’s overall vision was to ‘improve Island life’ through six strategic aims and would be supplemented by an Annual Action Statement.




THAT the Corporate Plan be approved


(v)                Byelaw to Regulate the Use of Skateboards


Following a request from Hampshire Constabulary, consideration was given to the adoption of a byelaw to regulate the use of skateboards on any footways and carriageways throughout the Island.  In order for this to be achieved, the existing byelaw covering South Wight would need to be revoked first.




(i)                  THAT the draft byelaw be formally made and the proper officer of the council be authorized to seal and date the byelaw on behalf of the Council


(ii)                THAT the byelaw be advertised in accordance with recommendations of the DTLR and then after the period of deposit sent to the deputy prime minister for possible confirmation


(iii)               THAT the Council develop in consultation with the Police, proposals for byelaws prohibiting the skateboarding in areas identified as having a particular problem


(b)               Executive - Reports Of The Portfolio Holders


            (i)         The Leader


The Leader congratulated Anne Hendon-John for reaching the finals of the Business Woman of the Year. The Leader gave details of a number of conferences that she had recently attended and particular mention was made of the recent launch of the Island Futures Strategy


(ii)        The Deputy Leader


Members were informed that the final draft of the CPA had been received and that the District Auditor had advised that it should remain confidential until December.  The Deputy Leader would, however circulate it to Members. A question was asked orally of the Deputy Leader concerning the release of the information.


(iii)               Agenda 21 and Countryside Matters


On behalf of the Portfolio Holder the Leader updated members on current issues. Members were advised that the South East England Regional Planning Committee had appointed Cllr Rees as Tourism Champion.

(iv)              Economic Development, UK and EU, Regional Issues


Cllr Cunningham asked a question relating to industrial and office accommodation in Cowes.  A copy of the question and reply given is contained in the Members' Question Register (MQ72/02)

(v)                Education and Lifelong Learning


On behalf of the Portfolio Holder the Leader updated members on current issues.

(vi)              Fire, Emergency Planning and Consumer Protection


As the Portfolio Holder was not present, the Leader read out an update on her behalf, which covered, in particular, members were informed of the latest situation regarding possible industrial action by the FBU.  Cllr Sutton wished to thank the portfolio holder for regular briefings on the issue.            

(vii)             Resources

The Portfolio Holder informed members that the Executive would shortly consider a report on the reorganisation of Council’s management structure.

(vii)      Social Services and Housing


On behalf of the Portfolio Holder the Leader updated members on current issues. Mr J Doyle had been appointed Acting Director following the departure of Mr C Waddicor. The SSI report on social services had now been released. An oral question was asked to which the Leader responded accordingly.

(viii)           Tourism and Leisure

The Portfolio Holder gave details of a number of conferences that she had recently attended.

A question was asked orally of the Portfolio Holder.

(ix)              Transport

The Portfolio Holder updated members on a number of projects currently being undertaken and in particular, the repair at Coppins Bridge.

A number of questions were also asked orally to the Portfolio Holder.




(a)        Reports by Chairman of Select Committees


(i)                  Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services


The Chairman advised members that informal meetings of the Select Committee were currently taking place to discuss the Externalisation of Wight Leisure.


(ii)                Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning

The Chairman updated members on various issues. As part of Local Democracy week student representatives from the High Schools had been invited to attend the recent Select Committee meeting.

(iii)               Environment and Transport

The Chairman updated members on various issues.

 (iv)      Fire and Public Safety

The Chairman submitted a written report to members on the work the Select Committee and its related Task Groups.

(v)        Resources

The Select Committee had recently received a presentation on delivering e-government and had discussed a wide range of other issues.

(i)                  Social Services, Housing and Benefits

The Audit Commission report on Homelessness had recently been received and the Council had been awarded £100,000 to help with bed and breakfast accommodation.


(i)                  Development Control Committee

No written questions were received.

(ii)                Licensing Panel

No written questions were received.

(iii)       Regulatory Appeals

                        No written questions were received.


The meeting closed at 14:02.