Present :


Cllrs John Effemey (Chairman), Wendy Arnold, Anne Bishop, John Bowker, George Brown, Ivan Bulwer, William Burt, Charles Chapman, Vanessa Churchman, Dawn Cousins, Mike Cunningham, Jonathan Fitzgerald-Bond, Deborah Gardiner, Charles Hancock, John Hobart, Tim Hunter-Henderson, Patrick Joyce, Gill Kennett, Roger Mazillius, Win McRobert, Muriel Miller, Brian Mosdell, Erica Oulton, Lora Peacey-Wilcox, Lady Pigot, David Pugh, Susan Scoccia, Andy Sutton, Melanie Swan, Diana Tuson, Ian Ward, Margaret Webster, Alan Wells, Colin West, Julian Whittaker, Jilly Wood


Apologies :


Henry Adams, Barry Abraham, George Cameron, Barbara Foster, Heather Humby, David Knowles, Geoff Lumley, Garry Price, Ian Stephens, Arthur Taylor, David Whittaker, David Williams



69.             MINUTES




THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 22 February 2006 be confirmed.




There were no declarations received at this stage.


71.             PUBLIC QUESTION TIME


Questions were put to the Chairman as follows :


Mr Wortham asked a question about the Council’s delegated powers policy and the Leader provided a response.


Mr Page asked questions about public questions being put at Policy Commission meetings, an update on the start times of council meetings, and the possibility of Town and Parish Council representatives providing comment to the Council’s committees during their interim management period.  The Leader provided a response.


72.             CHAIRMAN’S REPORT


On a matter of Civic Pride, the Chairman drew Members’ attention to the Mace Bearers coat, which was eighty years old and advised that a new one had now been ordered.

On behalf of Council, the Chairman wished all of the Isle of Wight competitors in the Commonwealth Games much success.


Members were asked to support the Island schools for the Global Rock Challenge, and were advised that Cowes High School was through to the final.  During April a further nine schools would be taking part in the challenge and the finals would be held in May 2006.


The Chairman and Cllr Jilly Wood had attended the Hantsweb Awards 2005 earlier in the month and Members were pleased to hear that the Council was a runner up in both the ‘Community and Voluntary Website’ and ‘Accessible Websites’ categories.  Freshwater Parish Council was a runner up for the’ Town and Parish Council’ category.


The Chairman asked the Council to note the carved wooden rocking horse on display in the Chamber, which had been handmade on the Island and donated to the Chairman’s Grand Draw.  All proceeds from the Grand Draw would go to the Earl Mountbatten Hospice.


73.             PROPOSED MARINE BILL


The Cabinet Member for Environment, Planning and Transport introduced Dr Robin McInnes OBE who provided Council with a presentation about the proposed Marine Bill.  There were wide-ranging interests contained in the Bill, including spatial planning and development control as well tourism and coastal defences.  The Bill may impose new duties and powers on local authorities for which additional resources may be needed, and would go before Parliament in the late autumn. 


Members were interested to note that most of the Island’s coastline was designated as being of European environmental importance and locations such as the Solent could be designated as of ‘strategic importance’ in the future for economic reasons.  Consideration of coastal issues proposed in the Marine Bill could also provide an opportunity to investigate potential improvements to seafront areas and might also serve to integrate funding, which would support the Island’s aspirations for seaside town regeneration.


Members’ main concerns related to aggregate dredging and possible effects on the Island’s coastline, fisheries and coastal climate change.  Other matters raised included the Island’s harbours and the rate of sea level rise.   It was felt that the Marine Bill would provide an opportunity to look at all these topics in more detail and in a more co-ordinated way by integrating the terrestrial and marine environments.


The Cabinet Member proposed that Council accept the recommendations detailed in the report, with the addition that the Leader was asked to write to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM), as well as the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).  This was seconded by Cllr Roger Mazillius.




(i)                 The proposal for a Marine Bill, which sought improved governance in coastal zones, be supported, in principle, subject to further clarification of proposed powers and duties that may be provided to local authorities.  The necessary resources must be provided by central government to support any additional functions. 


(ii)               The stance of the Local Government Association, in relation to retention of coast protection powers. be supported strongly and a letter be sent to DEFRA and to the ODPM to this effect.




The Chairman read a brief statement received from the Chairman of the Independent Remuneration Panel and asked the Cabinet Member for Resources, Audit, and Efficient Council and Customer Champion to introduce the interim report regarding special responsibility allowances. 


A proposed revision of the report’s recommendations was circulated, which included suggested allowances for the Scrutiny Committee and Audit Committee Chairmen.  The revised recommendations were seconded by the Leader.




THAT Full Council:


(a)               receives an Interim Report from the Council’s Independent Remuneration Panel, and accepts recommendations 1 (in part), 2, 3 and 4, made by the panel that:


·        revised allowances be backdated to the date when each post holder was appointed to the post

·        all allowances and Special Responsibility Allowances to Members be frozen at the revised 2005/06 level pending the outcome of the Panel’s final report

·        the allowance of £400 pa for the Scrutiny Committee Co-optees also be agreed

·        Special Responsibility Allowances for the following post holders [set out in the table below] be agreed for the financial year 2005-2006:


Current post title

Special Responsibility Allowance (pa)

Cabinet Member


Chairman of the Regulatory Committee


2 Vice Chairman of Regulatory (Licensing) and (HR & Miscellaneous)





(b)               resolves to revise the existing scheme of allowances, reflecting the recommendations accepted, and


(c)               further resolves to amend the scheme to provide that Special Responsibility Allowances be paid, for the Financial year 2005 – 2006, to the Cabinet Secretaries £7,612.50; to the Scrutiny Committee Chairman £9129.00; and that the Audit Committee Chairman receive a Special Responsibility Allowance of £1,518.00.


(d)               requests that the Panel be asked to deliver its final report to the next meeting of the Council in April 2006 and that this is to include recommendations for a Members Allowances Scheme to last the lifetime of this Council.




Council was advised that the draft Community Strategy encompassed an Island-wide plan based on the Island’s Vision, which had been developed following extensive discussions and workshops held by the Island Strategic Partnership (ISP). 


Following the Government’s invitation to participate in the Local Area Agreement initiative, the ISP had taken the opportunity to develop a three year plan underpinned by aims and objectives for all agencies.  The draft Community Strategy was currently out for consultation to all partners.  The proposals as set out in the report were seconded by Cllr Margaret Webster.


Members praised the huge amount of work completed by all partner agencies to produce the draft Strategy and recognised the importance and value of the Voluntary Sector.  It was suggested that any work undertaken by the Voluntary Sector should be supported by three-year Service Level Agreements and also provide adequate funding.  It was envisaged that with this reassurance the Voluntary Sector would be able to develop longer term plans, ultimately providing better value for money.




THAT Council endorse the adoption process for the Community Strategy and support three-year Service Level Agreements and adequate funding for the Voluntary Sector when transferring services.




The Local Member, Cllr Roger Mazillius, introduced the report from the Acting Chief Executive regarding the petition from the residents of Northwood.  Members were informed that strong support existed for establishing a Parish Council.  Cllr Mazillius proposed that Council support the recommendations listed in the report and thanked the Electoral Services Officer for his contribution in bringing the emparishment of Northwood forward.

However, Cllr Mazillius also raised concerns about the potential period of delay between filing the petition with the Secretary of State and receiving official notification of emparishment, which in some cases had been up to two years.  


The Cabinet Member for Resources, Audit, an Efficient Council and Customer Champion congratulated Cllr Mazillius on the hard work undertaken in Northwood and seconded his proposal.


Members agreed that a long delay in the emparishment process was not acceptable and suggested that an additional point be added to the existing recommendations requesting that the Leader should write to the ODPM explaining the frustration and difficulties being experienced. 




(a)               THAT the Isle of Wight Council support the petition for the establishment of the “Northwood” Parish Council.


(b)               THAT boundaries of the Parish Council be as defined by the map presented with the Petition (and as set out in Appendix A of Paper E).


(c)               THAT the Parish Council should consist of 8 members.


(d)               THAT the Parish Council area should not be divided into Wards.


(e)               THAT the Leader write to the ODPM explaining the difficulties being experienced due to the long delay in the process.




The Cabinet Secretary, Cllr David Pugh, circulated a motion proposing that the Constitution be amended to incorporate changes to the Scrutiny Committee structure.  The motion included a proposal to disapply the rule of proportionality and therefore a unanimous vote would be required.  The motion was seconded by Cllr Deborah Gardiner.


Following the vote the motion fell.


Cllr David Pugh then circulated an alternative motion, proposing that the Scrutiny Committee membership be increased to 15, to include 12 Council Members.


Following a vote it was




THAT the Constitution be amended (as from 1 April 2006) so that:


(a)               The Scrutiny Committee be increased in size to 15 members, to include 12 Members of the Council


(b)               The quorum of the Scrutiny Committee be one quarter of the voting membership


(c)               There be no deputies appointed to the Scrutiny Committee


(d)               That it be explicitly stated in the call-in requirements in the constitution that the voting co-opted members can be included in the four signatories to a call-in.


Council was then asked for nominations for Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee and a nomination was received and seconded for Cllr Geoff Lumley.  There being no further nominations, following a vote it was




THAT Cllr Geoff Lumley be appointed Chairman to the Scrutiny Committee.


78.             CABINET


(a)               The Local Transport Plan (LTP2)


The Cabinet Member for Environment, Planning and Transport presented his recommendation for the adoption of the Local Transport Plan, explaining that the plan set out the Council’s transport policies for the next five years.  It was based upon Government requirements, but written to reflect local circumstances and had been updated to incorporate recent changes.


The motion was seconded by Cllr Muriel Miller, who congratulated the Transport Policy Manager and his team for all their hard work on the LTP2.




THAT the Local Transport Plan be adopted.


(b)               Reports Of The Cabinet Members


(i)                 The Leader


The Leader presented his written report, which included updates on the recruitment of the Chief Executive, the Corporate Assessment/Joint Area Review, the Wight to Be Heard Conference, the LGA Safer Communities Board, a walk-around with the Youth Service, Development Control and Civic Pride.


In addition, the Leader congratulated Cllr Mosdell on the successful launch of the Island Parking Permit and informed Council about the national day of industrial action taking place on 28 March 2006.


Cllr Deborah Gardiner declared a personal interest as a Union Representative.


(ii)               The Deputy Leader


The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education and Schools provided an oral update about the Education Bill, feedback received from Wight to Be Heard, a forthcoming conference about “Building Schools for the Future” and the Safeguarding Children’s Board.


The Cabinet Member answered a question about bullying in schools.


(iii)             Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Planning


A written question had been received from Cllr Fitzgerald-Bond regarding the decriminalisation of parking.  The Cabinet Member provided a response.  (MQ 07/06)


A written question had been received from Cllr Geoff Lumley regarding the withdrawal of a bid for a bus-gate at Furrlongs, Pan.  The Cabinet Member provided a response.  (MQ 08/06)


A written question had been received from Cllr Stephens about recent rises in Wightlink ferry fares.  The Cabinet Member provided a response.  (MQ 10/06)


The Cabinet Member presented a written report, which included updates about the new planning system and ODPM policy, a meeting with representatives from Hovertravel, and the situation regarding the Wildlife Trust and the new route of Undercliff Drive.


The Cabinet Member also answered a question about consultation with Islandline regarding integrated travel plans for the future, and a question about the amount of investment from Southern Water to ensure no further hosepipe bans.


(iv)              Cabinet Member for Economy, Regeneration, Tourism and Leisure


The Cabinet Member presented his written report, which included updates about Tourism and Leisure issues, the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership, a visit from the South East of England Development Agency, the proposed ‘Local Delivery Vehicle’ and the Adult and Community Learning Service.


(v)                Cabinet Member for Care, Health and Housing


A written question had been received from Cllr Geoff Lumley regarding the future of Wightcare.  The Cabinet Member provided a response.  (MQ 09/06)

A written question had been received from Cllr Ian Stephens regarding efficiency savings within the Adult and Community Care Service.  The Cabinet Member provided a response.  (MQ11/06)


A written question had been received from Cllr Muriel Miller regarding an update on the Law Centre.  The Cabinet Member provided a response.  (MQ 12/06)


The Cabinet Member presented a written report which included an update about the Local Government Association, various health and housing matters, and social care issues.  Particular attention was drawn to the work at Westminster House, which had been recognised as a centre for excellence for practice teaching.  Congratulations were offered to the Manager and his staff for their efforts.  Members were informed that the inmates of Albany Prison had assisted with the refurbishment work at Westminster House.


(vi)              Cabinet Member for Resources, Auditing and Council Efficiency; Customer Champion


The Cabinet Member presented a written report which included the new CorVu Performance Management System, updates on the Corporate Assessment and the Joint Area Review, and the Community Strategy.


(vii)            Cabinet Member for Safer Communities


Council received a written report from the Cabinet Member, who was currently away on other Council business.