Committee :               FULL COUNCIL


Date :                          15 MARCH 2006


Title :                           20:20 VISION – THE ISLAND COMMUNITY STRATEGY







1.         To comment upon and endorse the draft Community Strategy for the    Island. The Strategy is currently out to consultation amongst all partners.




2.         In 2000 the Government introduced a requirement for all councils to co-ordinate the drafting of a Community Strategy for their areas. The first step was to set up the Island Strategic Partnership (ISP) – bringing together representatives from across the public, business, voluntary and community sectors, the partnership aims to ensure that we all work to the common goal of creating a sustainable Island community.


3.         The ISP has recently appointed a new independent Chair and Vice Chair (John Owen and Paddy Lightfoot respectively).


4.         The first Community Strategy was approved by the ISP in the summer of 2002. Since that date much has been achieved both collectively and by individual partner agencies.


5.         At the time an undertaking was given to review that Strategy in 2005. In late 2004 work commenced to develop a longer-term strategic vision as the basis for a new strategy. Following a series of partner workshops and discussions the vision described in Appendix 1 was agreed by the   ISP.


6.         In June 2005 the Island was also invited to take part in the second round of the Government’s Local Area Agreement (LAA) initiative. This has provided the opportunity for all partners to develop a 3 year plan setting out specific aims and targets for all agencies to work towards. This is due to be formally signed-off with ministers on March 23rd.


7.         The 20:20 Vision and LAA have provided the basis for a revised Community Strategy. A draft of the Strategy has been completed (Appendix 2) and is currently out for consultation with all partners, including the Council. A revised version will be submitted to the May meeting of the ISP for consideration and approval – thereafter all partners (including the Council) will be asked to formally adopt and support the Strategy. The Strategy will also be widely publicised through the media, the partnership website, schools, libraries, etc.


8.         The Council is invited to comment upon the draft Strategy and the approval process. The authority’s Aim High plan will set out in greater            detail how the

Council will specifically contribute to delivery of the Community Strategy; this,too, is shortly due for approval by Full Council.




9.         The Community Strategy aims to provide a strategic plan to promote the economic, social and environmental well-being of the Island. It is a framework for all partners to work towards.




10.       The draft Strategy has been developed out of the previously agreed 20:20 Vision and the Local Area Agreement. Both of these were subject to extensive consultation and discussions with all partners.


11.       Prior to its formal adoption by the ISP, the draft Community Strategy is being circulated to a partners for comment. The Council is invited to express its views as part of this exercise.




12.       Support to the activities of the ISP is currently provided by the Council. This is contained within existing budgets.




13.       Section 4 of the Local Government Act 2000 placed a duty on every local authority to prepare a Community Strategy for promoting or improving the economic, social and environmental well-being of their area and contributing to the sustainable development in the United Kingdom.


14.       Statutory guidance on Community Strategies was published in 2000; further non-statutory guidance was published in 2001. The guidance requires that strategies are produced in partnership with all local delivery agencies and their communities. The guidance also introduced the concept of local strategic partnerships (LSPs) and placed an expectation on local authorities to seek the participation of local stakeholders in this process via an LSP where possible.




15.       The options are :


            (i)         To approve the draft Community Strategy together with any                               appropriate comments.


            (ii)        To not approve the draft Community Strategy




16.       As part of the forthcoming CPA / JAR assessment the Council will be assessed on its approach to community leadership and partnership      working. Having a revised Community Strategy in place will assist this process.

17.       The draft Strategy has emerged from extensive partner consultation undertaken as part of the process of developing the 20:20 Vision and Local Area Agreement. The draft Strategy has also taken into account the views of the public.


18.       The draft Strategy is commended to members

Recommendations :


i)          Members are invited to comment upon the draft Strategy.


ii)         Members are invited to endorse the adoption process for the             Strategy :


Ø      All partners invited to comment on the draft by mid-April

Ø      Report to ISP on May 9th for formal consideration and approval

Ø      Partner Boards invited to formally approve the Strategy by the end of June

Ø      Strategy widely publicised through the media, partner website, schools, libraries, etc























Report to the ISP Board on the 20:20 Vision – June 2005

The draft Local Area Agreement for 2006-09

Results of Citizen Panel and other consultation exercises

Internal working documents




Appendix 1 : 20:20 Vision

Appendix 2 : Draft Community Strategy  - (to follow under separate cover)



Contact point : John Bentley – Head of Policy & Communications

                            Tel 01983 823346            [email protected]





Head of Policy & Communications




Cabinet Member for Resources, Audit, an Efficient Council & Customer Champion










            “A progressive Island built on economic success, high standards and

            aspirations and a better quality of life for all.”





            Raising standards, creating opportunities



            Key messages


            We will create an Island with a first rate infrastructure where business can             grow and provide well-paid sustainable job opportunities.


            We will create an Island where everyone enjoys the best possible health,             has a good quality affordable home and generally enjoys a good quality of             life.


            We will create an Island where people value and respect one another and             feel safe and secure.


            We will create an Island where young and old alike have the skills and             qualifications necessary for a happy and fulfilled life.


            We will achieve our goals through working in partnership to raise             standards and aspirations and create a sustainable Island able to meet             community needs both now and in the future.