Corporate Contact Centre Premises, Terms of Reference – GAGS Programme Board and the Land and Property Gazetteer Project


At the request of the Deputy Leader, the three above papers were discussed as one.


The three reports set out the Council’s vision of improved service delivery to its customers.  The proposals would have immense implications for the way in which the Council operated.  It was envisaged that 80% of queries would be dealt with at the first point of contact and the Deputy Leader emphasised that this level of service could not be delivered by traditional methods.


The Deputy Leader noted the concerns of some, given the widespread nature of the project and the high level of change in working practises that would be required.  Mention was made of a letter which had been received from Unison setting out their concerns.


The Deputy Leader outlined the potential of involving partners in order to examine what options were available to the authority. Members noted that even if a partner were to be chosen, this would take 18 months to 2 years and would not address the current need to improve service delivery. It was emphasised that the only way of delivering a more efficient and effective service would be if it was supported by staff.


The reports set out details of using Enterprise House as a corporate telephone contact centre. To achieve a more customer centred organisation a Programme Board had been established to oversee the restructuring of the way the organisation provided its services.  The Board had determined that this could be achieved by forming a distinction between customer facing services and support services. The Board had been meeting for several months and had now progressed sufficiently to formalise its terms of reference. These were set out as appendix A to the report. The Land and Property Gazetteer Project was an initiative had been introduced by the Department of Environment for a national dataset that would contain address information based on every property and land parcel throughout the England and Wales.  All local authorities would be required to submit and maintain a Local Land and Property Gazetteer to be included into the national dataset. 


The Executive discussed in detail the financial implications of the three reports including the need to look at the project as part of the whole budget making process. Financial advice was received and members emphasised that there would be no further investment in the project until sufficient details were known relating to next years budget position, when other bids had been made.


During the debate, the following amendment was moved by Cllr Kendall and was voted on and lost.


THAT the implementation of this resolution be delayed for so long as was necessary for normal budget processes to deliver sufficient clarity in relation to the 2004/05 budget to allow implementation and that a virtual call centre be implemented as soon as the programme board approves a business case in order to test the efficacy of staff training and robustness of systems


Following further debate it was moved and seconded that due to the potential effect on service delivery in this and future years, and in order to deliver the recommendations of the Resources Select Committee




(a)   Confirms that the budget allocations for 2003/04 and in future years (including those allocated to underwrite the rent at Enterprise House, for strategic development of ICT and from savings generated by the implementation) can be used to deliver the two GAGS projects, as set out below;


(b)   Notes that the Executive will, at any time, delay expenditure on a corporate call centre if necessary to protect the standards of service delivery and/or to achieve greater clarity in relation to the 2004-05 budget.




THAT subject to approval by Full Council of the budget recommendations set out above:


(i)     THAT the first floor of Enterprise House be used as the location for a corporate contact centre, subject to there being, in the opinion of the Portfolio Holder for Resources, no suitable alternative user for Enterprise House;


(ii)   THAT the Head of Organisational Development, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and the GAGS Programme Board, be given a specific delegation to deliver the corporate contact centre and to ensure all aspects of best value were fully addressed;


(iii) THAT, if necessary in delivering paragraph (i), the Executive receive a separate report in the near future on the use of the ground floor of Enterprise House;


(iv)  THAT preliminary investigation be undertaken of the potential costs, savings and reallocation of benefits to the Council of engaging with a strategic partner and that a report be brought back to the Executive before the end of the year.


(v)    THAT the Head of Organisational Development, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Resources, be given a specific delegation to purchase, implement and operate an accredited Gazetteer System


(vi)  THAT the costs of the Gazetteer system, based on the projections set out in the report, be met from budgets made available for the strategic development of ICT


(vii) THAT the implementation of this resolution be delayed for so long as was necessary for normal budget processes to deliver sufficient clarity in relation to the 2004/05 budget to allow implementation.


In relation to Paper C2, Terms of Reference – GAGS Programme Board the Executive in order to effect the recommendations of the Resources Select Committee and to ensure an open, inclusive and accountable delivery process,




(i)         THAT the terms of reference set out at Appendix A to the report be approved, with the following amendments:


“Member of the Opposition Group” be deleted from Members of the Programme Board and that “A trade union representative, Member(s) of the opposition group(s), such further elected members as are necessary to reflect diversity of member opinion”; be added to Members of the Programme Board


(ii)               THAT the specific delegations set out in paragraph 7(a) and 9(a) of the report be approved


(iii)             THAT a request that, within it’s discretion to set its own work programme, the Select Committee for Resources continue to keep the delivery of the Great Access to Great Services Vision under scrutiny