Purpose : for Decision

Committee:      FULL COUNCIL


Date :              14 SEPTEMBER 2005









1.                  To make further amendments to the Constitution to reflect evolving governance arrangements in relation to Scrutiny and Audit Committee work, to continue to disapply the requirement for political proportionality in relation to the Scrutiny and Audit Committees, and to approve a scheme of co-option.




2.                  The new Council has already made amendments to the Constitution to reflect new and emerging governance structures.  This report takes this process further and also implements recommendations from CIPFA and the District Auditor in order to strengthen the Audit Committee function.




3.                  Consultation has been exclusively internal, with the added benefit of the views of the District Auditor.




4.                  Changes to the governance structures can be accommodated within an existing budget allocated to support these member governance functions.




5.                  The Local Government Act 2000 sets out the requirement for a Scrutiny function, co-optees are provided for by the Local Government Act 2003.  An Audit Committee is a requirement of good governance.




6.                  The proposed structures are one mechanism of delivering the aspiration of independent scrutiny and a robust, apolitical Audit Committee.  The proposed changes also enshrine for the first time, a Town and Parish Council perspective within the Local Authority’s governance structure.


7.                  It is proposed that one co-opted member of the Scrutiny Committee be nominated by Town and Parish Councils.  The principal criteria for appointment should be that the nominee has the confidence of Town and Parish Councils and it is therefore proposed that the nomination mechanism be suggested by the Association of Town and Parish Councils.


8.                  The merits of alternative ways of delivering the stated objectives are entirely within the discretion of elected members.





9.                  It is recommended:


(i)                 That the Constitutional provisions set out in the Appendices 1 to 4 be approved.


(ii)               That requirement for political proportionality in relation to the Audit and Scrutiny Committees be disapplied to this report.




10.             Appendix 1 - Article 5 Scrutiny Committee and Article 9 Audit Committee

Appendix 2 - Job Profile – Scrutiny Committee Members

Appendix 3 - Person Specification for Co-opted Member

Appendix 4 - Scheme for Co-option.



Contact Point :     John Lawson, Head of Legal and Democratic Services ' 823203 [email protected]





Head of Legal and Democratic Services


Leader, Isle of Wight Council





Terms of Reference & Membership


9 members, comprising:


                                 i.            A chair who is not a member of the majority political group;

                               ii.            Two co-opted members appointed in accordance with Section 115 of the Local Government Act 2003;

                              iii.            Two opposition members;

                             iv.            Three members of the majority political group;

                               v.            One member to be nominated by Island Town or Parish Councils, representing a Town and Parish Council perspective.


No Cabinet Member, Commissioner or Cabinet Secretary will be a member of the Scrutiny Committee.


(1)               To undertake the statutory functions of overview and scrutiny except insofar as:


(a)                they relate to health scrutiny, or


(b)                statutory education scrutiny functions


where, in each case those overview and scrutiny functions are undertaken by one of the Policy Commissions, or


(2)               In order to prevent duplication of policy development and scrutiny, and unless exceptional circumstances dictate otherwise, no enquiry will be undertaken by the Scrutiny Committee where the proposed enquiry is the subject of an ongoing enquiry by one of the Policy Commissions; has been the subject of such an enquiry completed within the last 6 months, or will be the subject of such an enquiry planned to commence within the next 3 months.


(3)               To undertake enquiries into the budget and policy framework of the Council, exclusively at a political and strategic level.


(4)               To adopt and deliver a work programme which reflects the priorities of the administration, corporate strategic objectives and the priorities of scrutiny members and the communities they serve.


(5)               To play the leading role in the development of and challenge to  an annual revenue budget.


(6)               To play a leading role in the development of and challenge to the Policy Framework.


(7)               To maintain and operate a system of call-in as a safety net in the event of a Cabinet decision which proves unexpectedly controversial.


(8)               Enquiries will be time limited, to published terms of reference and lead to recommendations which are directed to named individuals and are clear, measurable, achievable, resourced, time bound and based on evidence received.




Quorum will be 4 members.  In the absence of both the Chair and Vice Chair the Committee will elect a chair for that meeting.




The Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee in consultation with the Proper Officer will agree an agenda for each meeting.  There will be a presumption that no agenda will require more than two hours to complete.




Meetings will be held at 6.00 pm on weekday evenings, other than in exceptional circumstances when the timing must, with the agreement of the Chairman/Commissioner and the Leader of the Council, be varied to ensure a quorum or to suit the needs of members of the public or stakeholders attending the meeting.  The reason for any variation in timing will be set out on the face of the agenda.


Any member of the Committee may place an item on the agenda by giving notice to the Proper Officer in sufficient time to allow consultation with the Chairman.




Any 4 members of the Scrutiny Committee may sign a call-in notice in relation to any decision by the Cabinet member or an officer exercising a delegation from the Leader of the Council.  On receipt of a call-in notice the Proper Officer will:


·                     Stop implementation of the decision.


·                     Call a meeting of the Scrutiny Committee, to meet within seven working days


When considering a call-in notice the Committee may:


(i)                 Endorse the decision.


(ii)                Refer the decision back to the decision-maker with recommendations.


(iii)              Refer the decision to another body, with recommendations.


(iv)              Add an enquiry to its own work programme


(v)               If advice has been received that the decision is outside of the Budget and Policy Framework refer the advice to Full Council with a recommendation that the Budget or Policy Framework be amended.


Only in (v) is implementation of the decision prevented after the meeting of the Committee has disposed of the call-in.


Attendance and Speaking at the Scrutiny Committee


·                     Unless the law requires or allows otherwise meetings of the Committee will be in public.


·                     The Chairman has an obligation to enable members of the public, stakeholders and community representatives to make representations to the Committee in order to assist to agree a work programme and to undertake specific enquiries.




The Scrutiny Committee may take reports to the Cabinet, Cabinet Members, Policy Commissions or the Full Council.




Decision makers may need to take decisions under the urgency provisions in the Access to Information Rules and/or the Budget and Policy Development Rules.


In such exceptional cases the Call-in arrangements may be abridged or disapplied if to do so is necessary to safeguard the interests of the Council or of the public.  In any such case reasons for the disapplication will be given on the face of the report to the decision maker and by this means made available to the Scrutiny Committee Chair..


Task and Finish Groups


The Scrutiny Committee may establish working parties or other task and finish groups.  These groups will be time limited, have clear terms of reference, may include members other than elected members and will not be committees or sub-committees under the law.




Any vote shall be by show of hands. A simple majority prevails and in the event of a tied vote the chairman has a casting vote.










To provide assurance of the adequacy of risk management structures; scrutiny of the Council’s financial and non-financial performance (to the extent that it affects exposure to risk) and to oversee financial reporting processes – including approval of the Council’s accounts.




The Audit Committee will comprise of 7 members selected for their interest in audit committee business rather than political affiliation.  Members nominated by Group Leaders preferably should have a background in accounting or budgetary control or able to demonstrate a commitment to and interest in the finances of the Council.  Quorum will be 4 members.




The Chairman shall be appointed on an annual basis by the members of the Full Council.  In the absence of the Chairman at the meeting a Chairman for the day shall be elected from the Committees membership.


Terms of Reference


·                     Annually, approve the internal audit strategy, plan and performance.


·                     Review summary internal audit reports and the main issues arising, and seek assurance that action has been taken where necessary.


·                     To consider reports on deficits in trading operations, future liabilities, investments in operating terms and underspends in the capital budget.


·                     Consider the reports of external audit and inspection agencies.


·                     Consider the effectiveness of the authority’s risk management arrangements, the control environment and associated anti fraud and anti corruption arrangements.  Seek assurances that action is being taken on risk related issues identified by auditors and inspectors.


·                     Be satisfied that the authority’s assurance statements, including the Statement on Internal Control, properly reflect environment and any actions required to improve it.


·                     Ensure that there are effective relationships between external and internal audit, inspection agencies and other relevant bodies, and that the value of the audit process is actively promoted.


·                     Review the financial statements, external auditor’s opinion and reports to members, and monitor management action in response to the issues raised by external audit.


·                     Approve the Council’s accounts.


·                     To make recommendations (to any member body, any officer of the Council and/or to any other interested party or stakeholder) as it sees fit under these terms of reference.

·                     To receive periodic reports from the Chairman of the Investment Panel identifying risks associated with management of the pension fund and the strategies to address those matters.




·                     Senior Officer input sufficient to enable at least 4 meeting per year – including attendance by statutory officers.


·                     Access to the External Auditor, at least annually in a public meeting, and at other times by request.


·                     Access to other member bodies, including the Cabinet.


·                     The ability to commission and submit reports directly to the Cabinet and/or Full Council.




Scrutiny Committee Members


Scrutiny Committee Members are the Chairman, Vice Chairman and members appointed annually by Full Council together with two co-opted voting members appointed under Section 115 of the Local Government Act 2003.


No Cabinet member, Cabinet Secretary or Commissioner may be Scrutiny Committee Members.





To determine a programme of work reflecting exclusively at a political and strategic level the policy priorities of the administration, corporate strategic priorities and the priorities of Scrutiny Committee members and the communities they serve.


To scrutinize, by being a critical friend, the services of the Council and to make recommendations to improve quality and efficiency in service delivery.


To maintain a call-in procedure as a safety net in the event of unexpectedly controversial decisions.




1.                   To drive and participate in programmes of policy review and development, both as decided by the Scrutiny Committee and at the request of the Full Council and of the Cabinet. The programme of review may include consideration of anything which is of interest to the area or its inhabitants, even where the issue is not the responsibility of the Council.


2.                   To scrutinize both decisions of the Cabinet (including the individual Cabinet Members and Officers taking key decisions) and existing policies, procedures and processes of the Council, in accordance with the Committees’ work programme.


3.                  To play the leading role in developing and challenging the Council’s Budget processes.


4.                  To play a leading role in developing and challenging the Council’s Policy Framework.


5.                  To participate, when required, in the Call In procedure.


6.                  To apply, when undertaking these duties, the Constitution of the Council, and particularly the Scrutiny Committee Procedure Rules, the Access to Information Rules and the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules.


7.                  To commission and receive expert witness.


8.                  To undertake additional functions as required by the Council or by statute.


9.                  To undertake Scrutiny functions in a constructive, positive and non-partisan way and exclusively at a political and strategic level.


10.              To co-ordinate with Policy Commissioners and Policy Commission Members to ensure each Commission and the Scrutiny Committee agree complementary work programmes.





1.                   The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee receive (in addition to the basic allowance) a Special Responsibility Allowance (SRA) as set out under the scheme of Members allowances.


2.                   The two Co-opted members will receive an allowance as set out under the Council’s scheme of members allowances.


3.                   Scrutiny Committee Members have additional rights to access information of relevance to their areas of responsibility. These rights are set out in the Scrutiny Committee Procedure Rules.


4.                   Mandatory and further specialised training in overview and scrutiny is provided for Members who are encouraged to ensure that they are well informed and able to develop the skills to undertake these responsibilities.












  • Not having been a candidate for election to the Isle of Wight Council, or another principal council, since May 1995.
  • Not to have been an employee of the Isle of Wight Council since May 1995.
  • Not currently holding a management position in a statutory public sector body.
  • Not a close relative or friend of, any member or senior officer of the Isle of Wight Council.


  • A track record of impeccable standards of probity in personal, working and/or public life.
  • Ability where appropriate to take an independent view which varies from that of other members of the Committee.
  • Prepared to declare and register financial or other interests.
  • Never been bankrupt or have unpaid or unexpired composition or arrangement with creditors.
  • Never been convicted of a criminal offence leading to a three month (or longer) prison sentence.


  • Current or recent experience of complex service delivery in the private, voluntary or public sector.
  • Experience of participating in a Committee environment.
  • Should be IT literate and be able to use a variety of methods to engage with members of the public, elected members and officers of the Council and other stakeholders outside of formal meetings.
  • Some knowledge or experience of consultation techniques.
  • Must live or work on the Island.

Political awareness and sensitivity

  • Knowledge and/or experience of democratic (or other political) environment.
  • Must not be actively involved with a political party or similar organisation.


Able to grasp new concepts, attune to new environments and become credible and confident with new responsibilities.


A commitment and ability to apply the principles of equality of opportunity in all aspects of the Scrutiny process.

Strategic vision

An ability to identify and focus on issues affecting the whole Island, over a period of time, rather than immediate or local issues.


  • Formal meetings will be held monthly at 6.00pm in accordance with the Council’s calendar of meetings and constitution. 
  • A time commitment of approximately 1.5 days per week in addition is envisaged.
  • Willing to attend appropriate training courses operated by the Council or relevant nationally recognised organisation.










Number of Co-opted members – Two.


Voting rights – Yes.


Period of co-option - Two years.


Committee for which co-option applicable  – Scrutiny Committee.


Background required – Should be from a voluntary or public sector background, demonstrate independence, integrity, relevant experience and personal credibility and have a commitment to equality and diversity. The skills of the co-optees should compliment rather than duplicate each other.


Role and Duties – Attendance at regular monthly evening meetings together with background preparation and liaison with elected members, officers and the wider community where appropriate together with all other roles and duties contained within the Job Profile for

Scrutiny Members as contained in the Council’s Constitution.


Allowances – There will be an allowance payable, to be determined by the Independent Remuneration Panel, together with reasonable travel and subsistence expenses.


These co-opted members are in addition to the statutory co-opted members representing the Diocesan Authorities and Parent Governors on the Policy Commission for Children and School Results