The Government intends to make the changes specified below in various statutory and administrative requirements, as they relate to the Isle of Wight Council.  If the precise changes specified prove infeasible, the Government will use its best endeavours to achieve substantially the same effects by other means.


It is noted that some of the changes are dependent on the outcome of consultation and/or can be brought about only with Parliamentary approval.


The legal and practical feasibility of some of these changes had not been established at the time that this agreement was concluded.



In respect of Target 1 - Raise the achievement of 14 year olds above the agreed LEA targets in English, mathematics, science and information and communications technology (ICT). The baseline for this enhanced performance will be the percentage of island pupils achieving level 5 or above of the National Curriculum in the national tests for 14 year olds in these subjects


In respect of Target 2 - Raise the achievement of boys’ in English above the agreed school targets for 11 year olds in Downside, Osborne and Ventnor Middle schools and for 14 year olds in Medina High school. The baseline for this enhanced performance will be the percentage of boys achieving level 4 or above in the National Tests for 11 year olds (Middle schools) and for 14 year olds (High school).


In respect of Target 3 -  Providing educational support to the achievement of children in public care through enhanced study access at school, public libraries and youth service settings. This planned study support programme will enhance the children’s achievement of the targets within their personal education plans.


In respect of Target 4 - Providing family literacy support to schools through the development of the ‘Family Literacy and Basic Skills programmes. Increasing the number of primary and middle schools settings for the programme beyond the targets of the 2002/07 EDP. Improving the ‘Basic Skill qualifications of the adults involved in the programmes.  


Change 1

To retain any unspent monies from the Standards fund, and to use this, at the discretion of the LEA, to secure progress on the PSA targets.


This will allow unspent resources associated with different parts of the Standards Fund to be used to help achieve the stretch PSA targets on raising attainment. It will enhance the LEA and schools ability to work in partnership to achieve the stretch national and local targets.



Change 2

Any funding of Education from the PSA pump priming, or from the performance reward grant, will be treated as outside of the Local Schools Budget and will not be included on Section 52 statements.


It is important that the LEA is given the flexibility to deal with the PSA funding in the most appropriate way to ensure that the stretch targets are met. Whilst many elements of the funding will have direct impact upon schools it is felt important that the pump priming and the performance reward grant should be centrally managed and kept outside of the Section 52 statement. The LEA is already meeting the required budget delegation to schools targets.


Change 3

Agreement that all pupil achievement targets should be in a four point range to allow a tolerance in relation to the local context.


A single year cohort for the LEA will range from 1450 to 1650 pupils. When pupil achievement is measured in fixed point raw percentages then the movement of fifteen pupils will make 1% difference to the LEA scores. In addition turbulence (the movement of pupils in and out of schools) averages 12% (approximately 180 pupils) in anyone year group. As a result of these factors fixed point percentages are very volatile and not robust statistical measures of Island performance. To support our achievement of the PSA stretch targets we would want to agree a + or – minus 2% tolerance on all pupil achievement targets.


Change 4

Agreement with the DfES for a pilot of a two year Key stage 3 curriculum model and 14-19 LEA Pathfinder project.


To support the achievement of the stretched PSA targets and to maximise the effectiveness and efficiency of a three-phase system within the developing national 14-19 context the LEA would wish to agree and pilot a two year Key stage 3 curriculum model.



Unsupported Credit Approvals


The Government will permit the Council scope for an additional £1,000,000 of borrowing during the period of this Local PSA.  The borrowing will be unsupported by any additional grant or subsidy.


The Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions will therefore issue an “Unsupported Credit Approval” (UCA) (a Supplementary Credit Approval that attracts no additional revenue support) of £1,000,000 to Isle of Wight Council.  This UCA will be usable at any time during the Local PSA in respect of any of the projects listed below, subject to the maximum amount mentioned against each project.




Target 13  

Increase the numbers of transactions that are delivered electronically (e-documents)



Target 14

Increase the numbers of transactions that are delivered electronically (planning applications)


