Chief Executive Officer

County Hall


Isle of Wight

PO30 1UD


3 June 2003




You are hereby summoned to attend a MEETING of the COUNCIL to be held on WEDNESDAY, 11 June 2003 in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, COUNTY HALL, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT commencing at 10.00 am for the transaction of the business set out in the agenda below.






1.             To approve as a correct record and to sign the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 14 May 2003 (Paper A).

2.             To receive any declarations of interest.


3.             To deal with any questions from members of the public.


Questions may be asked without notice but to guarantee a full reply at the meeting, the question must be delivered in writing or by electronic mail to Committee Services no later than 10.00 am on Monday, 9 June 2003.


4.             To receive any official communications and correspondence submitted by the Chairman.


5.            To consider the following business as deferred from the last Council meeting:


Development Of The Full Council Meeting


To consider the attached report of the Leader of the Council on the Development of the Full Council meetings (Paper B).


Attached at Paper C are a list of motions moved by Mr R Barry at the last meeting. Attached at Paper D are some further motions – moved as an amendment by Mr A Sutton at the last meeting.

6.            Motions submitted under Procedure Rule 11:


(a)         By Mrs D Gardiner CC :


This Council, noting with concern the low voter turnouts at the 2001 elections and particularly at the recent by-election, determines to conduct the 2005 local elections entirely by postal ballot, provided:


1.            there is not a general election on the same day;

2.            the cost of such an election is not significantly more than the usual running costs.”


(b)         By Mrs T Butchers CC :


That given the renewed debate following the Government’s announcement to start issuing commercial licences for the cultivation of GM crops the Council re-confirm it existing policy as set out below:


“THAT having regard for wider public opinion it should be the policy of this Council to discourage, by whatever means and by working in partnership with Island landowners, from allowing or authorising the use of their land for production of GM crops, either in trials or commercially, and to communicate this policy to the Isle of Wight branches of the National Farmers Union, County Landowners Association, and other relevant organisations.


THAT it be the policy of this Council to resist attempts, by whatever means, to grow GM crops locally with a view to the Island being promoted as a GM Free Zone. “


(c)         By Mr B Abraham CC :


“This Council calls upon the Government to hold a referendum on the proposed European Constitution.


And through its membership of the Local Government Association calls upon all Councils to support the referendum and lobby the Government.”


(d)         By Mr B Buckle CC :


Members are probably not aware that incoming E-mails from third parties (i.e. not from Council laptops) are liable to be diverted without either the intended recipient or the sender being advised. Such a practice is possibly illegal for the same sorts of reasons as "tapping" a phone line (via which, of course E-mails are transmitted) without a Court Order or Home Office warrant is illegal.


“(a) This Council urges the Portfolio Holder for Resources to establish a speedy enquiry into the current protocols and to review them especially so that Members’ confidential E-mails do not fall into the wrong hands;


(b) And to report back to Members.”


(e)         By Mr G Kendall CC and Mr H Rees CC :


“This Council will make the following commitments and asks the Isle of Wight Primary Care Trust, Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Trust to do the same.


·              In future we wish to see Health and Social Care services delivered collectively with a view to an appropriate integration of these services that best meets the needs of the Islands community.


·              Services should be driven by the needs of the service user and our wider community rather then by professional or organisational boundaries.


·              All Managers would be expected to apply these principles in the future design and delivery of health and social care services.”


7.            EXECUTIVE :


(a)         To report to full Council that at the meeting of the Executive on 21 May 2003 the call in period was abridged, under rule 15(h) of the Select Committee Procedure Rules, in relation to the item on the Isle of Wight Rock Festival 2003 as the contract needed to be completed in good time for the festival on 14 and 15 June 2003.


(b)         Portfolio Holders to give an update on major issues and to answer written and oral questions on budget or policy :  


(i)           The Leader (Mrs S A Smart)

(ii)         Deputy Leader (Mr P G Harris)

(iii)       Economic Development, UK and EU, Regional Issues (Mr H Rees);

(iv)        Education and Lifelong Learning (Mrs J L Wareham);

(v)          Fire, Emergency Planning and Consumer Protection (Mr D J Knowles);

(vi)        Resources (Mr R R Barry);

(vii)      Social Services and Housing (Mr G Kendall);

(viii)    Sustainable Development, Environment and Planning Policy (Mrs T Butchers);

(ix)        Tourism and Leisure (Mr J Fleming);

(x)          Transport (Mr E Fox).


To guarantee a full reply Members must submit a question in writing or by electronic mail to Committee Services no later than 10.00 am on Tuesday, 10 June 2003. A further period of 7 Minutes will be allowed for oral questions to each Portfolio Holder.


8.             To receive a report from the Chairman and to answer any written questions in respect of the following Committees :


(a)         Select Committees :


(i)                 Co-Ordinating Committee (Chairman yet to be appointed)

(ii)               Economic Development, Planning, Tourism and Leisure Services (Mr C Hancock);

(iii)             Education, Community Development and Lifelong Learning (Mr J F Howe);

(iv)              Environment and Transport (Mr G Price);

(v)                Fire and Public Safety (Mr V Morey);

(vi)              Resources (Mrs M Lloyd);

(vii)            Social Services, Housing and Benefits (Mr I R Stephens).


(b)          Regulatory Committees :


(i)                 Development Control Committee (Mrs M J Miller)

(ii)               Licensing Panel (Mr C B Chapman)

(iii)             Regulatory Appeals Committee (Mr C Richards)


Any questions from Members for items 8(a) and 8(b) above must be submitted in writing or by electronic mail to Committee Services by 10.00 am on Tuesday, 10 June 2003.




                                                                                  M J A FISHER

                                                                           Chief Executive Officer