Chief Executive

County Hall


Isle of Wight



You are hereby summoned to attend a MEETING of the COUNCIL to be held on WEDNESDAY, 11 APRIL 2001 in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, COUNTY HALL, NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT commencing at 10.00 am for the transaction of the business set out in the Agenda below.



1. To approve as a correct record and to sign the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 14 March 2001 (Paper A).

2. To deal with any questions from members of the public.

3. To receive and take measures respecting official communications and correspondence, if any, submitted by direction of the Chairman.

4. To receive such reports as the Leader of the Council may desire to bring before the Council.

5. Recommendations from the Executive

To consider the following matters as recommended by the Executive at its meeting on 29 March 2001 :-
(a) Corporate Objectives 2001-2004
The report of the Chief Executive proposed a range of corporate objectives for 2001-2002 which had been considered at Select Committees and also at a recent Member development day.
THAT the Council's corporate objectives for 2001-2002 be as follows :-
(i) To care for vulnerable and disadvantaged people,
(ii) To raise standards of achievement, encourage learning and promote opportunities for all,
(iii) To develop the knowledge and skills needed for employment opportunities,
(iv) To protect and enhance the health, safety and environment of the Island and its people,
(v) To develop the Island's transport network for the benefit of local people,
(vi) To support and develop Council staff and to manage the Council's property and resources efficiently and effectively,
(vii) To promote tourism, economic, leisure and cultural development.
(The report of the Chief Executive as considered by the Executive is attached as Paper B)
(b) Directorate of Education and Community Development Strategic Plan 2001-2004
Members received the Directorate of Education and Community Development's Strategic Plan for 2001-2004. This was aimed to provide a link between the Council's Corporate Plan and the individual Service Plans within that Directorate. The Leader expressed her thanks to those involved.
THAT the Strategic Plan for the period 2001-2004 be approved.
(The report of the Director of Education and Community Development as considered by the Executive is attached as Paper C)

6. Best Value Fundamental Review of Control and Communications

To consider the Best Value Review of Control and Communications as submitted to the Executive on 5 April 2001 and any recommendations arising therefrom. (Paper D refers and Members are requested to bring the Review document previously circulated).

7. Unitary Development Plan - Objections to Proposed Modifications

To consider the recommendations arising from the Planning Committee held on 3 April 2001 in connection with the Unitary Development Plan. (Paper E refers).

8. Notice of Motion - Standing Order No 7

To consider the following notice of motion as submitted by Mr P G Harris CC
THAT this Council re-affirms its confidence in the comprehensive system which has served the Island so well and asserts its determination to further support Island schools to enable them to develop and improve so as to ensure that all Island children have the opportunity to achieve their potential.

9. To ask questions of the Members of the Executive :

(a) On any matters considered at the meetings of the Executive held on 8 March, 22 March, 29 March 2001 (Paper F)
(b) To ask general questions of and to receive updates from the following spokespersons:
(i) The Leader (Mrs S Smart);
(ii) Resources (Mr R Barry);
(iii) Education and Lifelong Learning (Mr P Harris);
(iv) Public Safety, Environment Protection and Waste (Mr G Kendall);
(v) Transport (Mr M Cunningham);
(vi) Social Services and Housing (Mr G Nichols);
(vii) Fire and Emergency Planning (Mr A Sutton);
(viii) Tourism and Leisure (Miss H Humby);
(ix) Economic Development and Regional Issues (Mr H Rees);
(x) Social Inclusion and Voluntary Sector (Mr A Hollands); and
(xi) Agenda 21 and Countryside Matters (Mrs T Butchers)
Note: Standing Order 9 requires that questions should be submitted to the Director of Corporate Services (via the Committee Services Section) at least one clear working day before the meeting (10 am on Tuesday 10 April 2001). Once questions so submitted have been dealt with there will be a further period of seven minutes for each spokesperson during which time members may ask any other questions relating to the Spokespersons portfolio.

10. To receive an oral or written report from the following Chairmen of Select Committees:

(i) Economic Development, Tourism and Leisure Services (Mr M Barton);
(ii) Education and Community Development (Mrs J Wareham);
(iii) Environment and Transport (Mr E Fox);
(iv) Fire and Public Safety (Mr B Abraham);
(v) Resources (Mr C Huggins);and
(vi) Social Services and Housing (Mrs A Leigh).

11. To receive for information the Minutes of the following Committees, consisting of decisions under delegated powers:

Planning Committee - 13 March 2001 and 23 March 2001 - (Paper G)
Licensing Committee - 16 March 2001 - (Paper H)

Under Standing Orders Members can only ask the Chairmen of the above Committees about general matters affecting the Committees provided that they have given written notice of the question to the Director of Corporate Services before 10.00 am on the previous day (Tuesday 10 April 2001).


To consider passing a resolution that, under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business, namely Agenda item 13, on the grounds that there is likely to be disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1 and 11 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


To consider the recommendations arising from the Resources Select Committee held on 2 April 2001. (Paper I)


Chief Executive