A politically proportionate committee of 7 elected members, to include the Portfolio Holder for Resources, established under sections 101 and 102 of the Local Government Act 1972 in order to:


1.      Discharge the functions of appointing staff and to determine the terms and conditions under which they hold office (including procedures for their dismissal).


2.      To be available for consultation on proposals by the Executive, collectively, or by Portfolio Holders, individually, to significantly change the size and/or deployment of the workforce.


3.      To adopt, oversee the development and implementation of strategies and plans, in particular in relation to:


·        Recruitment and Selection

·        Training and Development

·        Pay and other benefits

·        Redundancy and redeployment

·        Performance and Motivation

·        Attendance at Work

·        Equalities and Diversity

·        Industrial and employee relations


4.      So far as not prescribed by law to devise and adopt procedures for determining capability and conduct issues in relation to staff.


5.      To hear appeals against dismissal by staff not on JNC for Chief Executive and Chief Officers’ conditions of service.


6.      To determine issues referred by the JCB.


Under s13 Local Government Act 2000 and the Local Authorities (England)(Functions and Responsibilities Order) 2001 responsibility for the deployment of staff and for the monitoring of the size and deployment of the establishment are the responsibility of the Executive, and particularly within the delegation to the Portfolio Holder for Resources.