CATEGORY TWO Expenditure incurred OR Income received at IRREGULAR Intervals - Start of a Financial year - End of a Financial Year - Pupil/Initiative Specific - Grant reimbursement at Year end etc "Individual Monthly Monitoring Statements provided to Service Managers" PAGE TWO
Education Services: Budget To Date Unspent Budget To Date Income Budget To Date Spending as Unspent
   2004-2005 30.9.2004 Budget  2004-2005 30.9.2004 Due  2004-2005 30.9.2004 a % of Budget
  £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Budget £
 - School Premature Retirements Lump Sum                    
   payments 46,927 30,604 16,323 0 0 0 46,927 30,604 65.22 16,323
 - Standards Fund Non-Devolved costs 5,374,223 3,278,329 2,095,894 3,495,550 20,367 3,475,183 1,878,673 3,257,962 173.42 -1,379,289
 - Learning Support Service 280,131 109,129 171,002 0 0 0 280,131 109,129 38.96 171,002
 - Hearing Impaired Service 133,662 57,942 75,720 10,000 10,000 0 123,662 47,942 38.77 75,720
 - Centres for pupils with Specific Learning                    
   Difficulties 135,284 57,040 78,244 0 0 0 135,284 57,040 42.16 78,244
 - Support for pupils with Communication                    
   Disorders including Autism 104,650 46,199 58,451 0 0 0 104,650 46,199 44.15 58,451
 - Pupil Referral Units (Tuition Centres) 430,341 157,786 272,555 50,829 50,829 0 379,512 106,957 28.18 272,555
 - S.E.N. Mainland placements 1,374,003 1,033,145 340,858 0 0 0 1,374,003 1,033,145 75.19 340,858
 - Education Welfare Service 308,547 127,115 181,432 34,239 19,932 14,307 274,308 107,183 39.07 167,125
 - Workshop Initiative in Support of Education 124,635 38,799 85,836 97,554 58,129 39,425 27,081 -19,330 -71.38 46,411
 - The Childrens Fund 440,339 253,632 186,707 440,339 215,372 224,967 0 38,260   -38,260
 - Identification Referral & Tracking 36,498 21,166 15,332 36,498 0 36,498 0 21,166   -21,166
 - Provision of Milk 16,712 6,134 10,578 22,391 1,961 20,430 -5,679 4,173 -73.48 -9,852
 - L.E.A. Developments (Initiative Payments) 662,037 28,749 633,288 0 0 0 662,037 28,749 4.34 633,288
 - 14-19 Co-Ordinator 53,775 27,013 26,762 40,000 40,000 0 13,775 -12,987 -94.28 26,762
 - Music Centre out of school provision 39,537 8,377 31,160 17,000 410 16,590 22,537 7,967 35.35 14,570
 - School Music Fund (Grant Aided) 565,366 264,409 300,957 478,196 51,242 426,954 87,170 213,167 244.54 -125,997
CATEGORY TWO Expenditure incurred OR Income received at IRREGULAR Intervals - Start of a Financial year - End of a Financial Year - Pupil/Initiative Specific - Grant reimbursement at Year end etc "Individual Monthly Monitoring Statements provided to Service Managers" PAGE THREE
Education Services: Budget To Date Unspent Budget To Date Income Budget To Date Spending as Unspent
   2004-2005 30.9.2004 Budget  2004-2005 30.9.2004 Due  2004-2005 30.9.2004 a % of Budget
  £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Budget £
 - Transforming Youth Work Development Fund 25,501 15,271 10,230 25,501 12,751 12,750 0 2,520   -2,520
 - West Wight Call-In Centre 19,585 10,090 9,495 4,143 841 3,302 15,442 9,249 59.90 6,193
 - Student Awards - Grant Aided 150,830 7,953 142,877 150,800 0 150,800 30 7,953   -7,923
 - Grant Aided Pupil support 56,500 27,363 29,137 56,500 20,290 36,210 0 7,073   -7,073
 - Communication & Interaction - including                    
   Nodehill &Thompson House Outreach 299,167 50,445 248,722 127,080 127,080 0 172,087 -76,635 -44.53 248,722
 - Branstone farm 99,097 46,076 53,021 42,953 24,160 18,793 56,144 21,916 39.04 34,228
 - Llanbrynmair Outdoor activity centre 8,742 8,902 -160 5,030 2,980 2,050 3,712 5,922 159.54 -2,210
 - Early Years Service (Partly Grant Aided) 2,327,348 1,306,761 1,020,587 455,822 14,200 441,622 1,871,526 1,292,561 69.06 578,965
 - Ex-Education Directorate Support Services 2,026,014 869,040 1,156,974 263,544 207,539 56,005 1,762,470 661,501 37.53 1,100,969
 - Education Financial Services 103,679 35,598 68,081 4,800 2,500 2,300 98,879 33,098 33.47 65,781
 - Property rentals and Way-leave payments 0 0 0 8,593 6,788 1,805 -8,593 -6,788 78.99 -1,805
NET EXPENDITURE TO 30.09.2004: 15,243,130 7,923,067 7,320,063 5,867,362 887,371 4,979,991 9,375,768 7,035,695   2,340,073
CATEGORY THREE RESERVED EXPENDITURE where costs only incurred in exceptional circumstances
Page One
"Individual Monthly Monitoring Statements provided to Service Managers"    
 - Inter-Authority Recoupment (Special Schools) 26,600 -1,110 27,710 0 0 0   26,600 -1,110 -4.17 27,710
NET EXPENDITURE TO 30.09.2004: 26,600 -1,110 27,710 0 0 0 26,600 -1,110   27,710
CATEGORY FOUR Net Expenditure LARGELY recharged from Other Directorates or Services within the Directorate including schools where payments are IRREGULAR and often at year end. "Individual Monthly Monitoring Statements provided to Service Managers" PAGE FOUR
Education Services: Budget To Date Unspent Budget To Date Income Budget To Date Spending as Unspent
  2004-2005 30.9.2004 Budget 2004-2005 30.9.2004 Due 2004-2005 30.9.2004 a % of Budget
  £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Budget £
 - Schools Devolved S.E.N. 1,621,488 1,282,527 338,961 0   0   1,621,488 1,282,527 79.10 338,961
 - Speech Therapy - Health Service recharge 67,291 6,617 60,674 0   0 67,291 6,617 9.83 60,674
 - Home to School Transport - recharged costs 1,550,506 1,073,954 476,552 29,975 32,593 -2,618 1,520,531 1,041,361 68.49 479,170
 - Home to College Transport 401,466 268,019 133,447 40,905 11,495 29,410 360,561 256,524 71.15 104,037
 - Non-Delegated school Insurance policies 362,855 9,322 353,533 349,907 351,789 -1,882 12,948 -342,467   355,415
NET EXPENDITURE TO 30.09.2004: 4,003,606 2,640,439 1,363,167 420,787 395,877 24,910 3,582,819 2,244,562   1,338,257
CATEGORY FIVE Expenditure showing SIGNIFICANT divergence from Target spending AS AT 30.09.2004 : Target % 50%    
Page One
NO significant divergence from target at 30.9.2004