

Lead School

Key Contact

Talented and Gifted

(incorporates KS 3 bids)


-  Development of a policy across the cluster

-  Promote cross-phase working of TAG co-ordinators and enable time for this

-  Using common terms of reference to identify gifted and talented pupils and establish a cluster register

-  Set up support systems across the cluster

-  Establish a multi-cultural dimension

Carisbrooke High

Jay Shipley


Raising Standards in



A 2-3 Year Project designed to raise achievements in writing of pupils who have not achieved national average at end of KS1 through

-  Targeting and tracking progress of specific children within cluster

-  Delivery of high-impact/focussed training and coaching by External Consultant

-  Implementing a “specific” framework for assessment and focussed teaching of writing

-  Enhanced professional development of individual teachers for managing the project within School (16 leading teachers within cluster)

-  Regular on-going support and training of Year 3/4 in First 1 year of project and Year 5 and 6 teachers (2nd Year Project) by LEA consultant/AST

-  Systematic feedback, monitoring and evaluation of project

-  Additional T.A. support for spelling/phonics programme

-  Non-Contact time for leading teachers to monitor, coach and evaluate pupil progress within their School

Shalfleet CE Primary

Viv Collins and Linda Cahill


Key Stage 1 Intervention

-  The aim of the project is to work with children in year 1 and their families to provide good basic skills through an intensive intervention programme.

-  Children will be selected on the basis that they are unlikely to achieve national norms at the end of key stage 1.

Carisbrooke CE



Wendy Gibbins


Year 4/5 Writing Project

-  Facilitate the transition of pupils from year 4 to year 5 and ensure progression and continuity when pupils transfer from primary to middle school.

-  To raise standards of writing across the curriculum in Key Stage 2

West Wight Middle

Lesley Anne Bryant




COWES CLUSTER 2003 – 2004



Lead School

Key Contact

Inclusion and Family


-  The aim of this project is to work closely with the schools to identify underachievers early on, agree the possible causes of the underachievement and to work closely with the pupils, teachers and parents to bring about an improvement. The post holder will be working more with children where the problems are attendance, social and behavioural.

Osborne Middle

Colin Parker


Improving Standards in

Children’s Narrative


-  The project will target 28 teacher researchers engaged in gathering evidence, reflecting and analysing their practice

-  Innovative use of data with older pupils providing the opportunity to keep learning logs

-  Focus on pupils’ perceptions at the transfer points in their education

Northwood Primary

Vicki Johnson


Raising standards

through Enrichment

Activities for Gifted and

Talented pupils

-  The aim of this project is to work closely between the schools to support gifted and talented pupils so that they are extended appropriately in order to fully meet their potential


Somerton Middle

Marion Smith


Raising standards

through effective

transition between

schools within the

cluster (EDP objective)


-  The aim of this project is to work closely between the schools to build up trust and confidence to:

-    Use data to track pupil progress throughout their school career

-    Use this to identify those borderline pupils who need additional support to achieve the higher level

-    Share expertise and effective teaching and learning practice

Solent Middle



Making the difference at

Key Stage 3

in Maths,

English, Geography and





Focus to writing and boys’

achievement in English in

particular non fiction


-  Working with, targeting, tracking and monitoring borderline level 6/7 in yr 9 and also working with students at the top end in year 7 & 8

-  Working with level 4/5 and level 2/3 students in year 9 and level 3/4 and lower end of the ability range in yrs 7 & 8.

Cowes High

Pat Warner

Cross Phase maths

extension classes for the

more able mathematicians

with special emphasis on

the girls

-  There will be 10 sessions run after school hours where students mathematical thinking is challenged. ( Continuation of what has already been happening at CHS this term.

-  Puzzle and tasks for the more able circulated every three weeks to year 7, 8 & 9 with prizes allocated for the best and most original solutions. Entry for these students into the World Class Maths Tests



The development of writing and ICT within History and



-  Development of a website where students’ work is displayed. Students can access materials on the site.

-  Purchase of interactive white board for all of cluster to use in class.

-  Training and associated CPD for staff on the creation and delivery of the above






MEDINA CLUSTER 2003 – 2004



Lead School

Key Contact

Arts Olympiad

To provide a sustainable Arts / Creativity focus within the cluster that will support the priorities of the EDP and the raising of achievement and

-  through the work of consultants, continue the introduction of the KS3 strategy and raise awareness of the teaching and learning emphasis within it.

-  engage Headteachers, senior mangers, teachers and governors in the leadership and management of teaching and learning

-  including Beacon schools and G&T co-ordinators in identifying and supporting gifted and talented pupils

-  raising awareness of governors, parents and businesses in raising achievement across the key Stages.

-  address issues of attendance and engagement with the educational process

Medina High

Richard Williams


Improving Writing and

Reading at KS 3


the Development and

Use of Interactive Media

-  Units developed to improve students analytical reading – increased focus on Language.

-  Closer working links between the cluster schools – MHS staff to deliver some lessons in both Downside and Ventnor

-  Increase in percentage of students gaining level 5 in Year 8 optional SATs

-  Increase in percentage of students gaining levels 6/7 in KS3 SATs

-  Increase involvement in the writing process, particularly among boys

Medina High

Debbie Rashley


Developing Interactive

Learning in KS 3



-  Units of work developed to improve outcomes in Algebra and Geometry across Key Stage 3, but particularly with able students.

-  Increase in the percentage of pupils attaining level 5 and above at the end of Key Stage 3

-  Increase in the percentage of pupils attaining level 7 and above at the end of Key Stage 3

-  More interactive lessons than at present with pupils better able to orally communicate their understanding of mathematics

Medina High

Karen Begley


Improving data handling

and numeracy in Key

Stage 3



-  Increase data handling opportunities for students in lessons within the Cluster Group.

-  Improve data handling of students in Science lessons.

-  Develop numeracy skills specific to scientific investigation.

-  Increase percentage of pupils attaining Level 5 and above by the end of Key Stage 3

-  Science staff in Cluster understand how the whole Key Stage is taught, the needs and requirements

-  Improve motivation of students towards numeracy, students wanting to use data logging equipment.

Medina High

Mark Whillier




RYDE CLUSTER 2003 – 2004



Lead School

Key Contact

Raising Standards and

Involvement for Gifted

and Talented pupils


To appoint a cluster G and T co-ordinator (Vanessa Hicks) to:

-  devise an action plan;

-  liaise with G and T AST;

-  develop programme of activities for G and T;

-  research provision across cluster

To establish common criteria and register for G and T

Binstead Primary with

Ryde High


Helen Flynn with

Linda McGowan


To inform the Inclusion

Agenda and improve the

support networks within

each individual school,

provide training to

designated support staff

and teaching staff in

order to provide a

consistent model

A consistent approach to:

-  Behaviour Management leading to cut in exclusions, improvement in behaviour

-  Family Support – parents attending support group sessions

-  Out of Hours Learning – increase in activities

-  Family Learning – parents and children accessing opportunities

-  Trained Behaviour Support Workers

-  Teaching Staff given opportunities for Behaviour Management training


Ryde High /


Middle/ Haylands



Gary Booth


Interactive Teaching for

purposes of raising

standards at KS2.


The aim is to develop materials that can be delivered via an interactive whiteboard. The objective is to raise the standards of attainment of a target group of pupils who have a CATs score range of roughly 90 – 100. Initially the subjects involved would be English, Mathematics and Science. The plan is for each school to identify a Year 4/ Year 5 teacher who is happy to pilot the scheme. The whiteboard will be placed in that teacher’s classroom in order that he/she can develop good practice with the new software and with new teaching strategies.

Bishop Lovett

Rob Ellis


Use of ICT and Literacy

to enhance learning at

KS3 Art &



-  Co-ordinate staff on research and purchase of appropriate goods

-  Provision for ICT within the department

-  Several inset days for all staff using ICT used in context for KS3, KS4 and Post 16

-  Sharing good practice – lesson observations, meetings and discussions

-  Evidence of students’ work – increased quality and in-depth, especially coursework

-  Teachers schemes of work modified to include new resources and teaching methods

Ryde High

Sarah Emms


Improving Writing and

Boys’ Achievement in

English at KS3



-  Through interviews and data analysis identify the reasons for boys underachievement in writing

-  Develop schemes of work that address these issues

Ryde High

Linda McGowan


KS 3

Geography -


Explore the use of IT in Schemes of Work

-  Focus on structures of writing

-  Establish baseline levels and use formative assessment targets

-  Teacher peer observation to focus on teaching and learning / work scrutiny

Swanmore Middle

Jan O’Mara







Lead School

Key Contact


- promote better attendance

- enhance teaching and learning

- explore wider collaboration in training

The focus is to develop the education of the students by ensuring that they are in school, receiving a diet of activities that are challenging, relevant and appropriate to individual needs and this diet is delivered by a workforce that is confident and well trained in accelerated teaching and learning methods.


Sandown High


John Bradshaw


Raising achievement in KS3 MFL


-  Cross school group to meet for training, to identify teaching opportunities and to collaborate in teaching styles, content and literacy

-  New course established in high school

-  Student visits between high school to middle school

-  Continuing ICT package with targeted middle ability groups in each school

-  Cluster writing competition on an agreed theme

-  Review impact upon students and learning

-  Identify objectives for following year

Sandown High


Douglas Radnidge


KS3 History -

Transitional working across schools through


The aim is to develop a cross phase project based on crime and punishment or similar theme

-  Liaison between co-ordinators to determine the materials required for the project

-  Production of materials and web links

-  Literacy training ( as required)

-  Install E Learning equipment in history rooms in each school

-  Training on use of above where required

-  Students carry out tasks and school visits take place

-  Assessment of progress made against aims and predicted performance


Sandown High


Vicky Elliott /

Spencer Brown


Developing the literacy skills of boys at KS3:

The aim is to develop the level of interest, interaction and attainment of boys in reading and writing

-  Audit existing materials and outcomes and student attitudes

-  Adapt course and texts as required and seek to vary the teaching and learning styles to match the learning styles of the students

-  Use the IOW transitional English unit and texts

-  Focus upon boys’ reading habits and increase the profile of boy friendly tests in lessons and in the libraries, developing existing good practice

-  Newspaper day with Middle school pupils attending High school and on line activities

Sandown High


Ian Vickers


To develop the level of accelerated learning in science with a view to increasing the engagement and attainment of all students

-  Initial focus on the middle ability in the high school and the more able in the middle schools

-  Beneficial to the development of teaching and learning in general

-  Audit of schools’ needs and identifying responsibilities

-  Pilot lessons/units based upon accelerated learning techniques and the use of liaison meetings to monitor progress and review projects


Sandown High


John Fairey