Oakfield Consultation- children and youths

Executed September 2003-Jan 2004


Consultation took place with:


Primary Pupils, years 2,3&4,  by face to face interview            141


Middle School pupils by questionnaire                                       193


High School pupils by questionnaire                                           134


Users of the Barry Lawrence Centre                                         17


A combined response and face to face questioning rate of 47.43% was achieved.


The Messages


Children currently play on the streets and around Slade Road Recreation Ground


Want to see the Recreation and play space improved, extended and with CCTV monitoring


Want an area for ball games and skate board ramps


Have concerns about their own safety in the area


Other issues arising frequently:


Bullying, bad language, drug abuse, dogs mess, better housing.  Interestingly out of the 81 high school pupils responding, only 6 said that they attended Ryde Youth Club.




The pupils were invited to attend 2 free trips to mainland recreational sites to test facilities and experience different styles of provision. 15 Oakfield youths attended and these have gone on to develop the plans which have been priced and submitted for funding and planning approval. The young people decided to call themselves the Oakfield Crew and were successful in obtaining funding from Connexions with which they have now made their own 10 minute  video called ‘ Making Space’. This gives very clear messages of how they would like Oakfield to look


Present Situation


In September 2004 funding was secured from SRB V1 funds to establish a play area in Oakfield, subject to planning approval. The Oakfield Crew continue to work with the Ryde Development Trust regarding the planning & design details of this project.