Ms S Artress               -           Teacher – Middle School

Mrs Terri Baker           -           Connexions

Ms M Blamey              -           Childcare Service Manager

Mr H Brown                 -           Headteacher – Primary School

Ms L A Bryant              -           Headteacher – Middle School

Simon Cant                 -           Student  & Connexions Youth Sub Committee

Mr P Cavaliero            -           Governor – Primary School

Ms P Codd                  -           Portsmouth Diocesan Board of Education

Ms H Chadwick           -           Learning Skills Council

Mrs M Davis               -           Headteacher – Primary School

Mr J Dear                    -           Headteacher – Middle School

Ms V Elliott                  -           Teacher – High School

Mrs J Forsey               -           Teacher – Primary School

Ms D Harrington          -           Parent Partnership

Mrs A Hendon-John    -           Connexions

Mr P Higgins                -           Learning Skills Council

Ms M Hoather              -           Headteacher – High School

Dr M Howick                -           Healthy Schools Co-ordinator

Mrs U Hutchinson       -           Headteacher – Middle School

Mr K Lane                    -           Local Education Authority

Mrs D Lavin                 -           Principal – Isle of Wight College

Mr M Lee                     -           Headteacher – Primary School

Mr R McCarty              -           Local Education Authority

Ms L McGowan           -           Headteacher – High School

Mrs J Mead                  -           Acting Head Teacher – Primary School

Mr D Morris                 -           Headteacher – Middle School

Ms D Riach                 -           Supply Teacher

Mr M Rouse                 -           Youth service

Mr A Seaward             -           Local Education Authority

Ms J Shipley                -           Teacher – High School

Mr D Snashall             -           Headteacher – High School

Mr D Stradling             -           Headteacher – Middle School

Casey Thorogood       -           Student and Connexions Youth Sub Committee

Ms A Watts                 -           Headteacher – Primary School

Mr G Weech                -           Youth and Community Service

Mrs K Wells                -           Headteacher – Primary School

Mr P Whittle                -           Learning Skills Council

Mrs R Williams           -           Hospitality and Training Partnership

Mr R Williams             -           Headteacher – High School




Council members attending but not on the Children’s Services Select Committee


Mr M J Cunningham

Mr R A Sutton

Mr A A Taylor

Mr J Whitakker