The following decisions were taken on 9 January 2007 by the CABINET




Members of the Cabinet who were present :


Cllrs Andy Sutton (Chairman), George Brown, Dawn Cousins, Tim Hunter‑Henderson, Patrick Joyce, Ian Ward, Jilly Wood


Members also present (non-voting) :


Cllrs Vanessa Churchman, Jonathan Fitzgerald-Bond, Geoff Lumley, Brian Mosdell, David Pugh, Arthur Taylor, Alan Wells


Apologies :


Cllr Barry Abraham




Confirmed as a true record of decisions taken ……………………………………………


                                                                                    Leader of the Council


Agenda item

Minutes of the Last Meeting

Decision reference



Decision Taken

The minutes of the meeting held on 5 December 2006 were agreed.


Questions/ Amendments



Agenda item

Public Question Time

Decision reference




Mr Foister asked a question related to the present situation concerning a possible 4th ferry operator utilising Woodside Bay. Cllr Ward stated that residents of Woodside could expect a long period of consultation before anything could possibly happen.


A further question was asked by Mr Foister related to sea level rise and the impact this would have on owners of low lying properties in Woodside. He was concerned that residents would find it difficult to protect their homes due to restrictions placed upon them by special designations in the Woodside area.


The Director of Regeneration and Development referred Mr Foister to the Shoreline Management Plan, produced by the Council and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). He stated that with sea level rise the Council would look at cost/benefit analyses in the localities to decide what action to take.


Mrs Watford asked the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport to explain the Highways Maintenance Private Finance Initiative, which the Council sought to obtain from Government. Cllr Ward explained that the Council had bid for a grant from Government. He stated that it was not a loan that the Council would have to pay back and that the only requirement for the Council would be to contribute what the Authority had planned to spend on highways maintenance anyway. He informed Mrs Watford that from this Government grant the Contractor(s) would be paid.


Mrs Foister asked a question related to special designations, which had been put in place in the Woodside Bay Area, with particular concern for the impact such designations would have on local endangered wildlife. Cllr Sutton suggested that a meeting be arranged with Mrs Foister’s group to address the issue.


Mr Davis asked a question related to a development in Wootton and sought assurance that the Council would ensure that planning conditions, which had been imposed by the Authority, were adhered to. The Director of Regeneration and Development stated that he was aware of this development and would discuss the issue further with the Development Control Manager to ensure conditions placed on the development were enforced.


Mr Groocock asked questions related to transforming tourism and economic development on the Island (Paper D on the agenda). He wished to know whether the main areas of tourism on the Island would be regenerated, how the Island Renewal Company would be run, and sought assurance from the Cabinet Member for The Economy, The Customer, Communications, Leisure and Tourism that key stakeholders in the Island’s tourism sector would be involved in the process.


Mr Thie asked questions related to transforming tourism and economic development on the Island (Paper D on the agenda), in particular, with regard to the aims and objectives of the transition arrangements and the Strategic Agency.


Cllr Hunter-Henderson responded to Mr Groocock and Mr Thie and stated that he believed the following had to be done:


  1. The Council, the private sector and key stakeholders had to work together for the benefit of the Island’s Tourism Industry.


  1. Operational tourism services needed to be kept together.


  1. The Tourism Development Plan must be delivered.


Further, he explained that the Strategic Agency would enable a professional cohesive marketing strategy for the Island to be developed and, in addition, could develop strategies for economic development.



Agenda item

Island Plan - To agree the Bay Area Action Plan Options for Consultation

Decision reference



Decision taken




That the Bay Area Action Plan Options Report (Appendix A to the report of the Cabinet Member for Assets, Planning and Housing) be agreed for formal public consultation.


To meet the Council’s Aim High corporate objective for the ‘Sustainable regeneration and development of the Island’.


Additional reasons

To meet the requirement under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 for the Council to produce a Local Development Framework.



Options considered and rejected

To delay the Bay Area Action Plan Options Report for further consideration.


None declared.


Additional advice received



Agenda item

Right of Access at Whippingham – Barratt Homes

Decision reference



Decision taken




That Option (ii), to agree to grant access to Barratt Homes for the proposed consideration of £2million plus 2 acres of serviced employment land, subject to receipt of a second acceptable valuation report to be subsequently approved by the Cabinet Member for Assets, Planning and Housing, be pursued.



To assist the Council to achieve its Aim High corporate objectives through the provision of affordable housing, contributions toward transport, education and a community facility, and serviced employment/marine development land.


Additional reasons

Grant of access would enable residential development in accordance with the Isle of Wight Unitary Development Plan towards the requirement of 520 new homes per annum, 30% affordable housing and 20 acres of employment land.


Options considered and rejected

(i)                 Refuse to grant right of access to Barratt Homes.

(iii)      Attempt to negotiate a higher figure from Barratts.



None declared.


Additional advice received



Agenda item

Transforming Tourism and Economic Development

Decision reference



Decision taken






I.                     The commissioning of a 3 year contract which rolls forward annually with the Isle of Wight Economic Partnership for the activities outlined in the report be approved.


II.                   The Cabinet Member for Assets, Planning and Housing be nominated as an additional representative of the Council on the Board of the Partnership.


III.                  Officers be authorised to work on the necessary steps to achieve the merger of Isle of Wight Tourism and the Partnership in consultation with the Cabinet Member for The Economy, The Customer, Communications, Leisure and Tourism.


IV.               A project team, led by the Chief Executive, be established with the necessary skills to achieve the transition arrangements for the merger.


V.                 Officers be authorised to establish a separate Island Renewal Company in conjunction with the Partnership and the South East England Development Agency (SEEDA) under Articles of Association to be approved by the Cabinet.


VI.               The Cabinet Member for Assets, Planning and Housing and the Chief Executive be nominated as the Council’s representatives on the Board of the Island Renewal Company.



To enable the ‘sustainable regeneration and development of the Island’ and ‘to be a high-performing, cost effective council’, both of which are Aim High corporate objectives of the Isle of Wight Council.


Additional reasons

To meet the following objective of the Community Strategy:


‘A Thriving Island – to create an Island with a first rate infrastructure where business can grow and where young and old alike have the skills and qualifications to access well-paid sustainable job opportunities’.


To enable delivery of the Tourism Development Plan, which states under the section entitled Working Smarter (p.64), that ‘The long term success of the Tourism Development Plan will be dependent on having in place the correct structure that will not only enable and encourage necessary change but also optimise the effectiveness of current delivery in the public and private sector’. 


Options considered and rejected

  1. The proposals outlined in the Policy Commission’s ‘Blue Paper’ published on 10 May, 2006 for a Strategic Tourism Function, a franchise arrangement for the production of brochures and the website, and partnership arrangements for Tourist Information Centres.


  1. A Strategic Tourism Function supported by a more cost effective in house Service.


  1. A proposal by the Chamber of Commerce, Tourism and Industry to operate a not for profit company to deliver some of the current services (this may also be a franchise as proposed in Option 1).



None declared.

Additional advice received



Agenda item

Consideration of the Forward Plan

Decision reference



Amendments / Additions / Removals



None declared.


Agenda item

Delegated Decisions

Decision reference




No questions were asked.




None declared.


Agenda item

Members Question Time

Decision reference




Cllr Churchman asked a question related to transforming tourism and economic development on the Island (Paper D on the agenda). She wished to know the composition of the Project Team and the timescales involved for the team to carry out its work. Cllr Hunter-Henderson stated that the Project Team would consist of financial, legal, human resource, risk management and other experts and would be lead by the Chief Executive. The timetable for the Project Team was outlined in his report (Paper D).



None declared.