Purpose : for Decision




Date :               9 JANUARY 2007










1.                    To approve the offer by Barratt Homes (Barratts) for the benefit of a right of way across Isle of Wight Council (IWC) owned land, to enable access to a large development site.




2.                    The grant of access will enable residential development in accordance with the Unitary Development Plan (UDP) towards the requirement of 520 new homes per annum, 30% affordable housing and 20 acres of employment land.


3.                    The access road will be constructed in part across IWC owned land.  Barratts will construct this to standards set out in the planning permission.  Provided the road is constructed to the required standards, the road will then be adopted by IWC as the Highway Authority




4.                    IWC own land which is identified in the UDP as the principal access to a large, mixed use development site in Whippingham.


5.                    Barratts are the proposed developer of the site, and have been negotiating with IWC for some time to purchase a right of access to it.  Their interest is in the grant of access across IWC land, not the purchase of this land.  Once the access road has been constructed to adoptable standards, the road will be adopted by IWC.


6.                    Four landowners own the development site.  IWC does not own land within the development site. 


7.                    The development site extends to:


·                       22.33 acres of residential development land.

·                       5.92 acres of employment development land.

·                       14.77 acres of marine development land.

·                       Landscaping and public open space


8.                    A planning application by Barratts was recently approved, subject to the signing of a Section 106 legal agreement.  This planning approval grants permission for

563 homes (of which 165 will be affordable units), as well as bringing forward c. 20 acres of serviced employment/marine development land.


9.                    Section 106 obligations required as part of that permission, with an estimate of value to the Isle of Wight, are as follows:


Off-site play area


Education payment


Bus provision


Community facility


Public art



Barratts agent has stated that the cost of these Section 106 contributions to Barratts is £1.492 million.  Additionally, there is a social housing subsidy or cost of £5.885million.


10.               One of the landowners has requested that the price agreed for the purchase of his land be kept confidential.  This information has been made available to DTZ, subject to a confidentiality agreement, to enable them to confirm to IWC that best value is being achieved.  This information has not been shared with IWC.


11.               The earliest offer by Barratts to IWC for the right of access was £900,000 in August 2005.  It was at this time that IWC instructed DTZ to act on its behalf to ensure best value was achieved.


12.               Following extensive negotiations, DTZ has reached an in principle agreement with Barratts at a figure of £2 million plus 2 acres of serviced employment land that it is prepared to recommend and sign off as best consideration.


13.               Barratts has agreed to this payment being made as follows:


·                       if the contract is signed within the agreed timescale, 50% of the £2 million (ie £1 million) is to be paid to IWC ten days after completion of the Section 106 Agreement or by 15 March 2007, whichever is the earlier.

·                       the remainder of the purchase price (£1 million) to be paid to IWC on 31 July 2008.

·                       the two acres of employment land to be transferred to IWC on a date to be confirmed (date to be confirmed prior to solicitors being instructed)


·                       an overage clause will be included whereby if planning permission is granted for any additional residential units over 563 Barratts will make an additional payment to IWC on a pro rata basis.




14.               The payment being recommended for acceptance provides IWC with a capital receipt of £2 million plus 2 acres of serviced employment land, and will assist IWC in achieving  the corporate objectives set out in the Aim High Corporate Plan by providing affordable housing, contributions towards transport, education and a community facility, and serviced employment/marine development land.




15.               This report has been circulated to officers, the Cabinet Member and Strategic Director.




16.               The grant of access to Barratts will create a £2 million capital receipt plus two acres of serviced employment land (value c. £300,000) to IWC, plus the benefit of £1.492m of Section 106 benefits and substantial affordable housing to the Isle of Wight.


17.               A budget of £35,489 has been agreed to complete the grant of access, much of which will be payable as abortive costs even in the event that the offer is rejected.  




18.               The grant of a right of way over IWC land will open up possible development on IWC land either side of the roadway. 


19.               The Council has the power to sell land under Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972 and in this respect the land is surplus to requirements and best consideration has been obtained.


20.               This transaction falls within Special Purchaser requirements, and accordingly two independent valuations are required.  One has been provided by DTZ and is attached as Appendix A.  The other has been instructed and will hopefully be available prior to this report being presented to Cabinet for approval.  If not it is requested that the transaction is approved subject to receipt of an acceptable second valuation, which is to be approved by the Cabinet Member




(i)                  Refuse to grant the right of access to Barratt Homes.


(ii)                Agree to grant access to Barratt Homes for the proposed consideration of £2 million plus 2 acres of serviced employment land.


(iii)              Attempt to negotiate a higher figure from Barratts.





21.               If IWC refuses to grant access to Barratts there will be a loss of a £2 million capital receipt and 2 acres of serviced employment land to IWC.


22.               If IWC refuses to grant access to Barratts, there will be a loss of 563 new homes (of which 140 will be affordable), £1.492 million of Section 106 benefits, £5,885,000 social housing value/subsidy and c. 20 acres of serviced employment/marine development land to the Isle of Wight.


23.               The site and access is allocated in the UDP for this use and therefore the principle of this arrangement being acceptable has been recognised by IWC, the landowners and the developer for some years.  Accordingly, refusal at this late stage would be difficult to justify and would negatively affect IWC’s credibility.


24.               This has been a high profile planning application/disposal, the negotiations for which have been ongoing for some years at substantial cost to all parties involved. Once again, refusal at this late stage would be difficult to justify.


25.               If IWC agree to grant a right of access to Barratt Homes, all of the benefits noted in above will be made available to IWC and the Island.


26.               DTZ has confirmed that the offer represents best consideration. Following extensive negotiations to date, it is not envisaged that further negotiations would achieve additional value and could, in fact, prejudice the figures agreed.




27.               IWC approval not being given within the timescale proposed could prevent the signing of the contract and/or Section 106 in time for the first tranche of monies to be received within the current financial year (by 15 March 2007 latest).


28.               The Section 106 not being available for signing in the timescale agreed may delay the payment. 


29.               The legal process not being progressed within the timescale proposed may delay monies being received.


30.               If the offer is not accepted and access is not granted then the Council will not benefit from the capital receipt, plus employment land, and will have to pay abortive costs.




31.               Pursue Option (ii) to agree to grant access to Barratt Homes for the proposed consideration of £2 million plus 2 acres of serviced employment land, subject to receipt of a second acceptable valuation report to be subsequently approved by the Cabinet Member for Assets, Planning and Housing.




32.               File.




33.               Appendix A – DTZ report


Contact Point :       Andrea Jenkins, Senior Estates Surveyor, ' 823263, email: [email protected]



Director of Development and Regeneration


Cabinet Member for Assets, Planning and Housing