The following decisions were taken on TUESDAY, 7 JUNE 2005 by the CABINET


These decisions do not take effect until FRIDAY, 17 JUNE 2005


Members of the Cabinet who were present :


Mr R A Sutton (Chairman), Mr B Abraham, Mrs D E Cousins, Mr T Hunter-Henderson, Mr P D Joyce, Mr I D Ward, Mrs J Wood


Confirmed as a true record of decisions taken : ……………………………………...


                                                                                    Leader of the Council


Prior to the start of the meeting, the Leader of the Council read out a statement to address the recent reports on School Organisation that the Standards not Tiers Group had called for the resignation of senior officers. The Leader said that he knew of no officer of this Council who had acted outside of policy and of no officer that needed to resign.



Agenda item

Public Question Time

Decision reference



Mr T Torrens regarding car parking charges (PQ01/05).

Mr E Fox regarding car parking charges (PQ02/05).

Mr C Chatters regarding Undercliff Drive.

Mr Page regarding Islandline.



Agenda item

Car Parking Charges

Decision reference


Decision taken

To discontinue charges at the parking places set out in Table A of the report.


To respond to the public response on the charges imposed in November 2004 and to conduct a review of parking charges and policies Island wide.

Additional reasons


Options considered and rejected

To discontinue charges at selected parking places only.


None declared.

Additional advice received

Cllr Ward advised that priorities were being assessed to fund the £82,000 shortfall.



Agenda item

School Organisation

Decision reference


Decision taken

Option 1 : THAT the proposed consultation stages, timetable and illustrative revenue costs be noted but no further action was required at this stage because reorganisation of schools from 3 tier to 2 tier was not to be pursued for the foreseeable future.


The following recommendations were tabled and agreed at the meeting :


That the Cabinet receive future reports setting out the outcome of consultation with stakeholders in the education system and recommendations from the Policy Commission, and to agree :


At the 2 August meeting :


(a)               Criteria by which to identify island schools for property support and intervention (including evaluating the use of techniques based on the Audit Commission methods of weighted scoring and categorisation of performance).


(b)               By applying those criteria to deliver a prioritised support and intervention strategy for all island schools, to drive improved performance.


At the 20 September meeting :


(a)               An evaluation of options to recruit and deploy teaching and/or other staff within school clusters.


(b)               A strategy to identify and tackle problems in schools relating to the use of illegal drugs (including an analysis of the need and viability of a drug testing programme).


(c)               A capital programme for schools within a three tier system utilising all available capital resources.


In order to deliver the political commitment to improve school standards within a 3 tier system.

Additional reasons


Options considered and rejected

Option 2 - Consultation with local communities proceed from September 2005. Capital and revenue streams are pursued in order that a reorganised school system can be delivered by September 2008 if possible.

Option 3 - The proposed consultation stages, timetable and illustrative revenue costs are noted and may be revisited if a systematic review of standards and sustainability issues demonstrates that the current system has not provided sufficient improvement in standards within a sustainable system.


None declared.

Additional advice received




Agenda item

Fourth Quarterly Performance Management Report (2004-05)

Decision reference


Decision taken

(a)           That Cabinet Members commit to addressing with senior Officers the performance issues identified.

(b)           That the Cabinet request that the Commissioner and the Scrutiny Committee consider the under-performing and over performing areas when setting their priorities.


To deliver best value in service delivery through performance management.

Additional reasons


Options considered and rejected



None declared.

Additional advice received




Agenda item

Complaints Annual Report

Decision reference


Decision taken

That the report be received.


To monitor complaints alongside the QPMR to ensure minimal risk of bad service experience for service users.

Additional  reasons

To strengthen Corporate Complaints to ensure an efficient response for service users.

Options considered and rejected




Additional advice received



Agenda item

Highway Improvement, Undercliff Drive, St Lawrence - Compulsory Purchase Order

Decision reference


Decision taken

To make a Compulsory Purchase Offer under Section 240 of the Highway Act 1980, to acquire the land described in the report and to continue negotiations with landowners.


To secure acquisition of land to ensure access to government funding.

Additional reasons

Beneficial effect on police response times.

Options considered and rejected



None declared.

Additional advise received




Agenda item

Forward Plan

Decision reference



Cllr Joyce suggested that the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee examine the report on St Mary’s Road Car Park prior to the Cabinet Meeting on 19 July 2005. The Chairman for Scrutiny agreed to look at this providing the report was delivered as timetabled.


None declared.



Agenda item

Delegated Decisions

Decision reference



No decisions had been taken.


None declared.



Agenda item

Members Question Time

Decision reference



Cllr Mazillius regarding the Health Care of Island residents (MQ01/05).

Cllr Gardiner regarding school organisation (MQ02/05).

Cllr Gardiner regarding car parking charges (MQ03/05).