The following decisions were taken on 6 MARCH 2007 by the CABINET




Members of the Cabinet who were present :


Cllrs Andy Sutton (Chairman), Barry Abraham, George Brown, Dawn Cousins, Tim Hunter‑Henderson, Jilly Wood


Members also present (non-voting) :


Cllrs Jonathan Fitzgerald-Bond, Geoff Lumley, Susan Scoccia


Also present :


Alastair Rankine, Charlotte Smith, Stephen Taylor


Apologies :


Cllrs Patrick Joyce, David Pugh, Melanie Swan, Ian Ward




Confirmed as a true record of decisions taken ……………………………………………


                                                                                             Leader of the Council


Agenda item

Minutes of the Last Meeting

Decision reference



Decision Taken

The minutes of the meeting held on 21 February 2007 were agreed.


Questions/ Amendments



Agenda item

Public Question Time

Decision reference





Mr Dennis Russell asked a question related to the Ventnor Eastern Esplanade Development Brief. He wished to know whether the Council still subscribed to the terms of the brief and whether it would ensure that no planning application was approved, which did not meet those terms. The Head of Planning Services responded, stating that the development brief, at present, still formed part of the development plan and that any development proposal, at present, would have to be considered in relation to the contents of that brief alongside other material planning considerations.



Mr Simon Perry asked a question related to planning enforcement.  He wished to know how many planning enforcement officers were employed by the Council. The Head of Planning Services stated that at present the Council employed two officers, who were dedicated to planning enforcement work, and a number of senior planning officers in development control who carried out a mixed function role, both determining planning applications and undertaking elements of investigation regarding planning enforcement issues.


Mr Perry asked a supplementary question with regard to the number of officers the Authority believed it required to effectively enforce the planning system on the Island. Cllr Abraham stated that the Council was currently undertaking a review of enforcement across the Authority, which included planning enforcement, and that pending the outcome of this review, the Authority would ensure it had adequate resources in place to carry out its enforcement duties. The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods stated that, at present, the Authority could not comment on the precise number of officers required to do this.


Mr Perry asked the District Auditor why he believed there was no need to take further action with regard to the severance issue. The District Auditor explained that he had limited powers and could do two things;


  1. report the issue publicly, which he had done.


  1. apply to the courts to have the item declared unlawful. This he felt was not in the public interest due to the cost involved.


Cllr Wood stated that the Council had taken action to tighten severance arrangements and a decision would be made under her delegated powers on 14 March 2007 regarding this issue.


Mrs Helen Slade stated that she was aware the Council had introduced a new electronic procurement system. She wished to know whether the Cabinet or District Auditor were aware that the system was incompatible with the Council’s internal financial management system, which made it difficult for budget holders to monitor their budgets. Cllr Sutton stated that the electronic procurement system brought in was new and the financial management system, inherited from the previous administration, was not fit for purpose. He assured Mrs Slade that changes would be made to ensure the Council’s systems were fit for purpose.         


Agenda item

Annual Audit and Inspection Letter

Decision reference



Decision taken




THAT the Annual Audit and Inspection Letter be noted and the action plan in response to the recommendations of the Letter be approved.


To enable the Council to achieve its corporate objective to be a ‘high-performing, cost-effective council’.


Options considered and rejected

Option ii. That the action plan not be approved.


None declared.


Additional advice received



Agenda item

Quarterly Financial and Performance Management Report

Decision reference



Decision taken






1.      the performance of the Council at the end of the third quarter be noted.


2.      the resolutions of the Audit and Performance Committee of the 13 February 2007 be adopted.


3.      specific areas of performance, which required further explanation by the responsible Cabinet Member, be identified.



To enable the Council to achieve its corporate objective to be a ‘high-performing, cost-effective council’.


Options considered and rejected



None declared.


Additional advice received



Agenda item

Policy Commission Blue Paper on Affordable Housing

Decision reference



Decision taken




THAT the Policy Commission’s recommendations in the Blue Paper be accepted as set out in paragraph 4 of the report.


1.      To enable the Council to progress the development of Affordable Housing and Low Cost Housing on the Island.


2.      To ensure that recommendations made by the Policy Commission for Care, Health and Housing, informed the work to develop a Housing Strategy for Affordable and Low Cost Housing on the Island.


3.      To enable the Council to achieve the following aim as set out in the Local Area Agreement;


to ‘provide healthy, safe, affordable housing accommodation according to the needs of Island people, including those in rural areas and those with least housing choice.’


Options considered and rejected

Option 1. To accept all recommendations in the Blue Paper.


Option 3. To reject all recommendations in the Blue Paper.



None declared.


Additional advice received



Agenda item

Consideration of the Forward Plan

Decision reference



Amendments / Additions / Removals


Cllr Brown informed the Cabinet that the Housing Strategy would be decided at Full Council on 16 May 2007.


Cllr Abraham informed the Cabinet that the Policy Commission Blue Paper on Corporate Enforcement needed to be removed from the Forward Plan.



None declared.


Agenda item

Delegated Decisions

Decision reference




No questions were asked.



None declared.

Agenda item

Members Question Time

Decision reference




Cllr Barry Abraham asked the District Auditor whether the openness, in which the findings of the Annual Audit Letter had been dealt with, occurred in other Local Authorities. The District Auditor stated that the openness of the process was routine and had occurred in previous years.


Cllr Lumley asked the District Auditor why the issue of Undercliff Drive had not been exposed by previous inspections.  The District Auditor stated that he was unaware of the issue until it was brought to his attention by a concerned member of the public. Further, he explained that the audit was based on risk and that his team did not scrutinise every transaction that the Council had made. He suggested that the Council had a role to examine the rigor of its transactions. Cllr Sutton stated that a Committee had been set up to investigate the issue of Undercliff Drive. Information from independent specialists would be received by the Committee throughout the investigation.


Cllr Lumley asked a question related to sickness absence indicators in the Quarterly Financial and Performance Management Report. He asked whether the Cabinet would comment on those indicators. Cllr Sutton stated that when compared to the national average those indicators might not be as alarming as Cllr Lumley had first thought. The Director of Children’s Services stated that there had been some inconsistencies in reporting sickness absence figures, for example, staff that had been on long term sickness absence and had since retired through sickness absence, were still included in the figures. He informed Cllr Lumley that the Director of People and Organisation Development was undertaking a review of how the Authority records and reports sickness measures, to ensure that information was up-to-date and accurate.



None declared.