Purpose : for Decision


Committee : CABINET


Date :           6 FEBRUARY 2007






IMPLEMENTATION DATE : 16 February 2007



1.      To progress the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Isle of Wight Council (IOW Council) and the Isle of Wight National Health Service Primary Care Trust (IOW NHS PCT) which will enable us to work together to deliver person centred Local Authority (LA) and Health Care services.




2.      There are five outcomes which will be delivered through this Memorandum of Understanding:


a. To work together to improve the health of the Island population


3.      The Director of Public Health post will be a joint appointment and will advise both organisations together. The Director will have direct access to the Chief Executives and the Annual Report will be addressed by both the PCT Board and by the Council.


b. To agree a disposal programme for a joint property portfolio


4.      Specialist property services will be jointly commissioned. They will prepare the property portfolio for the market and manage the disposal process. Capital receipts will be drawn back into the Council and the PCT to clear historic debt and to invest in new build community health and social care services.


c. To agree a move towards shared support functions where that will     produce efficiencies for both organisations


5.      Examples of functions where there may be scope for joint work include some parts of each of HR, Communications, Informatics Support, Information Management and Analysis, Finance, Procurement and Performance Management. We will test moves to shared headquarters and increasingly integrate our management and governance arrangements.


d. To develop joint commissioning arrangements which make best use of     our available resources to meet the needs of local people


6.      We will assess need, prioritise those most vulnerable and work in partnership with the third sector, private sector and local businesses to ensure people are able to live in their own homes with appropriate care and support.


e. To develop local models of joint health and social care delivery


7.      This will be work to deliver a model of care of integrated working which can be rolled out across the Island. There will be a focus on "long term conditions" and care for older people. There is also work planned with the IDeA to do some development work and a stocktake of how we work with "families".




8.      IOW Council and PCT have been discussing how they work together better for some time. A Care Trust had been planned and a Transition Team put in place to deliver that model underpinned by Joint Commissioning. This approach was disrupted by the national reorganisation of the NHS and provided any opportunity for both agencies to review the way forward. In particular the combination of the NHS Acute Trust and the PCT made the proposed Care Trust model inadvisable. This reflected a national trend away from the Care Trust model.


9.      On October 25th 2006, the Leader of the IOW Council, the Chair of the PCT, the Lead Cabinet Member , the two Chief Executives and the lead care group Directors met to agree a way forward.


10. There is a strong momentum for change, commitment to a new way of working and a determination to deliver on key areas of joint working. These are set out in the overarching Memorandum of Understanding which will be underpinned itself by Memorandums of Agreement for each of the five development areas identified in the outcomes above.


11. This approach is currently being upheld up as a good national example of joint working by both the LGA and the NHS Confederation, both of whom are keen to see us succeed and tackle some of the challenges which thwart others. They are particularly interested in our joint approach to property and shared accommodation and the collaboration on commissioning and joint working. We have been described as unique in putting delivery before structure in our new joint arrangements.




12. The White Paper "Our Health, Our Care, Our Say"  sets out a framework for joint working for the Local Authority and NHS .The approach to joint commissioning and the local joint working will deliver on the expectations in the White Paper, which seek  a shift in care pathways from acute to community based care.


13. The White Paper "Stronger Prosperous Communities" requires local authorities and all the other local agencies to work together and empower local communities to deliver services in partnership with the LA and the PCT.

14. The PCT and the LA have identified the future cost of care for older people as a key strategic risk. Delivering on this Memorandum of Understanding will enable both organisations to manage their respective budgets in the most cost effective way through a collaborative approach. Through joint commissioning and the care pathway work they will ensure that health and social care is being delivered in the most efficient and person centered way which will reduce the burden of expensive acute and institutional care.




15. There has been initial consultation with key people within the LA and the PCT. This report begins the process of consulting with the public, staff and partners on the general direction of travel for the joint approach of the PCT and IOW Council. Staff briefings and public briefings are planned with the PCT and this paper will go to the next Trust Board meeting in February for ratification.


16. We will be officially launching the MoU at a White Paper conference on 19 April 2007. We have commissioned Gerald Wistow (LSE) and Eileen Waddington (previously from the Nuffield) to run this conference which will bring national speakers to the Island and Solent and other agency partners.




17. The MoU in itself brings not budget implications other than a commitment of member and officer time to work on the proposals set out in the five outcomes. There will be a detailed financial and budget analysis done for each of the outcomes when that work is further progressed and these will be brought before the cabinet at that stage.


18. The driving force behind the MoU is to achieve better service for local people. Inherent within the proposal however is the desire within both organisations to achieve efficiencies and changes in the delivery of services and model of care which will enable us to afford the financial pressure of the unique demographic picture on of the Island.




19. Initial soundings on this approach have been sought by the LA and the PCT and there is nothing to prevent us from moving forward on this. For each of the five outcomes there will be a proposal which will require separate legal consultation and advice and these will be taken as and when required.




Option One - To agree to proceed with the Memorandum of Understanding.


20. There is a clear strategic need for the IOW Council and the IOW NHS PCT to collaborate. Without some form of agreement there will not be clarity about the aims and objectives of that collaboration and the key priority areas.


21. Partnerships between the LA and the NHS have faltered in the past where there has not been this clarity of purpose or where the agreement has been so cumbersome and legalistic (e.g. Section 31 agreements) that it has got in the way of delivering the service improvement and has taken an unprecedented amount of time. We are determined this will not happen.


Option Two - To reject the Memorandum of Understanding.


22. This option will leave us in a vacuum for proceeding with achieving the outcomes we have identified in the MoU. Neither party wants to enter into a more bureaucratic arrangement (S.31) because of the time involved but both parties are keen to have some demonstration of their commitment to work together.


23. The agreement does not tie the LA into anything legally binding at this stage and Cabinet will be able to review its success as the proposal for each of the outcomes is brought forward.




24. The decision to proceed with the MoU has been drawn up on behalf of the Leader and Lead Cabinet member of the Council and the Chair of the PCT by Chief Executives and Chief Officers who have worked successfully with such arrangements in other LA and NHS systems. What is unique about this approach on the Island is that it is tackling the very real tangible challenges for the organisations - the need for the PCT to break even, the need for the LA to make best use of its property portfolio and the need to reduce the burden of the cost of resident and patient care for the future.


25. The launch of the MoU in April will begin a process of external evaluation as the programme of work to support the delivery of the outcomes will have a validated process wrapped around it.




26. This report has set out the opportunities in pursuing this approach. A detailed risk analysis for the delivery of each of the five outcomes will be carried out at the appropriate time.


27. However the missed opportunity if we do not take this approach at this unique time of a new Directors teams, new leadership at the PCT and a determined approach to jointly managing our financial risk will far out way any risks in collaboration.




28. To agree to proceed with the Memorandum of Understanding between the IOW Council and the IOW NHS PCT which will enable us to work together to deliver person centred Local Authority and Health Care services.




1.   " Our Health, Our Care, Our Say" -

2. "Strong and Prosperous Communities" -




1. Memorandum of Understanding



Contact Point : Sarah Mitchell, Director of Adult and Community Services,   tel: 01983 821000 ext. 5667, email: [email protected]





Director of Adult and Community Services

Cabinet Member for Island Health and Community Wellbeing