The following decisions were taken on 3 APRIL 2007 by the CABINET




Members of the Cabinet who were present :


Cllrs Andy Sutton (Chairman), Barry Abraham, George Brown, Dawn Cousins, Tim Hunter‑Henderson, Patrick Joyce, Jilly Wood


Members also present (non-voting) :


Cllrs Geoff Lumley, Brian Mosdell, David Pugh, Melanie Swan


Apologies :


Cllrs Ian Ward, Alan Wells




Confirmed as a true record of decisions taken ……………………………………………


                                                                                    Leader of the Council


Agenda item

Minutes of the Last Meeting

Decision reference



Decision Taken

The minutes of the meeting held on 6 March 2007 were agreed.


Questions/ Amendments



Agenda item

Public Question Time

Decision reference





Mr Capon asked a question related to paragraph 18 of the Pan Development report, which stated that £11,107,500 grant funding from the Housing Corporation would enable the provision of affordable housing on site. He wished to know whether this grant would be used to provide solely ‘affordable’ housing or whether the grant would be used to provide commercial properties as well.





The Director of Community Services explained that the grant would enable the provision of affordable housing, of which, some would be available to rent and some to buy. It was stated that the Authority intended, through the development, to provide homes for first time buyers.


Mr Capon wished to know what safeguards the Authority had in place to ensure that affordable homes would go to Island residents. The Director of Community Services explained that the Authority had a nomination agreement with the Housing Association and that it would work with the Housing Association in terms of looking at the housing register and where the greatest need was. It was stated that if people on the register expressed an interest to move into the new development then the Authority would seek to meet that need.


Mr Gandy asked whether Downside Middle School had the capacity to accommodate the Pan Development. He wished to know whether the Authority had any plans to extend the school and whether there was any intention to build a community centre on the school site.


The Director of Community Services explained that the development of Pan would support the continuing need for the school, which would continue to serve the wider Pan community (both the existing Pan community and the new development). Current discussions around the future of education on the Island would complement the development of Pan in terms of the future development of the school. The Authority would look into building a community centre on the school site but further consultation with the local community was necessary. Cllr Brown stressed that it was vital that the Authority progressed from indicative to firm plans for the development through consultation with the local community.


Mr and Mrs Hemmings of Pan Lane were concerned with the impact that the Pan development would have on traffic levels in the Pan and wider Newport area. They wished to know how such an impact would be managed, with particular reference to problems of speeding and increased traffic flow through Pan Lane. Cllr Brown explained that the Authority needed to do a lot of work around traffic management in respect of the new development. The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods stated that a traffic management issue existed for Newport as a whole and was currently being examined by the highways department. 


Mr Martin wished to know whether the land for the Pan Development was owned by the Local Authority. The Director of Community Services confirmed that the Authority did own the land. Mr Martin asked whether funds acquired from the sale of the land would be reinvested into the scheme. The Leader of the Council stated that funds from the sale of the land would be reinvested into the Authority’s capital projects to the benefit of the Island community.


Mrs Gandy wished to know where the extra traffic would go when work on the Pan Development commenced. The Leader of the Council stated that conditions would be placed on planning applications to minimise the impact of site traffic. The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods explained that a road safety survey would be carried out prior to the commencement of works.


Agenda item

Pan Development

Decision reference


Decision taken






1.      Option 1 - continued delivery of the Pan Development, be agreed.


2.      the site would be disposed of under best consideration principles which included the delivery of community facilities and ongoing involvement with the development of the site through a Framework Agreement.


3.      Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) for the Pan Development be confirmed and it be agreed that the relief road was neither affordable nor desirable and that the development should proceed on the basis set out in the SPG using the spine road principle.


4.      the Collaboration Agreement arrangement between the Registered Social Landlord and the Isle of Wight Council be agreed.


5.      the Framework Agreement as the procurement route for developers be agreed.


6.      the timetable as set out in the project plan attached to the report be agreed.


7.      the appointment of a Project Manager be agreed.



By enabling the development at Pan the Council would be fulfilling several of its corporate objectives, in particular ;


‘sustainable regeneration and development of the Island


‘improving the health and wellbeing of Island communities’


‘creating safer and stronger communities’.


Options considered and rejected

Option 2 - to request that further work be done on the scheme, exploring traffic management further, redesigning the distribution of the homes and seeking further advice on the legal structure.


Option 3 – Not to pursue the scheme.



None declared.


Additional advice received



Agenda item

One Island Strategic Review

Decision reference


Decision taken






a.      the 3 themes and 24 related projects, set out in paragraphs 14 to 20 of the report, be endorsed as a focus for corporate and service planning and the move towards being an excellent council.


b.      The Chief Executive be authorised to update the Council’s strategies and plans in line with the strategic review, undertake a refresh of the performance management strategy and departmental business plans to ensure that the Authority had a streamlined policy planning process.


c.      the lobbying and consultation programme, as set out in paragraphs 28 to 34 of the report be agreed.


d.      the financial prospects as set out in paragraphs 38 to 40 of the report be noted.


e.      individual Cabinet Members in consultation with Policy Commissioners would consider how they would address the priorities and financial prospects set out in the report as part of the ongoing corporate performance management cycle.





To enable the Council to achieve its long term vision of ‘a progressive island built on economic success, high standards and aspirations, and a better quality of life for all’.


To enable the Council to continue to transform the Authority into a fit for purpose organisation.


Options considered and rejected



None declared.


Additional advice received



Agenda item

Medium Term Financial Plan

Decision reference



Decision taken



THAT the Medium Term Financial Plan be approved for publication (Option a).


To enable the Council to achieve its corporate priority of ‘being a high-performing, cost-effective council’.


Options considered and rejected

Option b – to propose alterations to the Medium Term Financial Plan.


None declared.


Additional advice received



Agenda item

Capital Strategy

Decision reference



Decision taken



THAT the Capital Strategy 2007-2013 be approved (Option a).


To enable the Council to achieve the following corporate objectives :


‘sustainable regeneration and development of the Island


‘improving the health and well-being of Island communities


‘creating safer and stronger communities’


‘improving outcomes for children and young people’


‘being a high-performing, cost-effective council’.


Options considered and rejected

Option b – to propose alterations to the Capital Strategy 2007-2013.


None declared.


Additional advice received



Agenda item

Consideration of the Forward Plan

Decision reference



Amendments / Additions / Removals

Cllr Joyce informed the Cabinet that the decision on Post 14 Education would be made by Full Council on 23 April 2007.



None declared.


Agenda item

Delegated Decisions

Decision reference




No questions were asked.




None declared.

Agenda item

Members Question Time

Decision reference




Cllr Lumley wished to know whether the 30% affordable housing target for the Pan Development would be applied to the number of actual homes built. The Director of Community Services assured Cllr Lumley that the target would be applied on a pro rata basis. 


Cllr Lumley asked whether the provision of health services was being looked at for the east side of Newport in relation to the development at Pan. The Director of Community Services explained that the Authority was in discussions with the Isle of Wight NHS Primary Care Trust regarding the provision of health care in the area. The demand for GP services and the possible locations for those services would be examined. In the meantime there was a commitment to bring health services to the community.


Cllr Lumley asked whether the Local Authority would ensure that traffic management issues in Newport would be addressed before the development at Pan commenced. The Chief Executive stated that the Authority had to look at traffic management issues across the whole of Newport to ensure it developed into a vibrant county town. He explained that the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods was currently examining traffic data for Newport in an effort to address the problem. Further it was stated that the Authority now had a Section 106 officer who would enable the Authority to maximise its Section 106 receipts, some of which could be put into a possible transport fund for Newport to be used as match funding.



None declared.