Committee:        CABINET


Date :                25 JULY 2006










1.                  To update members on the progress being made on the Island Plan and to ensure that the Local Development Scheme (LDS) prioritises the provision of affordable housing, car parking policies, and exit strategies for redundant hotel stock in the Island Plan process. There is also a need for the LDS to be amended in order that Parish Plans are recognised in the new plan making process.




2.                  None




3.                  The Council has been making rapid progress on moving from the existing Unitary Development Plan to the new Island Plan which will guide new development and regeneration on the Island over the next 20 years.  The timetable for producing this new plan was agreed by GOSE in 2004 and is called the Local Development Scheme.  This is a project plan and sets key dates and milestones for the production and completion of documents within the Island Plan.  The document is used by government as a method of measuring all local authorities’ progress on the new Local Development Frameworks (LDF) and rewards those that meet the agreed deadlines through additional Planning Delivery Grant.


4.                  The Isle of Wight is at the vanguard of local authorities in moving to the new system and one of the few that remains within its existing LDS timetable.


5.                  Work on the first document within the Island Plan, the Core Strategy, is now well advanced and has been submitted for inspection by the Planning Inspectorate. Work is about to start on other documents set out in the agreed LDS namely:


6.                  The Bay AAP – Issues paper launched in July 2006


7.                  Cowes Waterfront AAP -  due to be commissioned Sep 2006


8.                  Housing and Employment DPD – launch via a Housing Summit in September 2006


9.                  The Council is required to submit an Annual Monitoring Report to GOSE each December setting out progress against the timetable in the LDS and agreeing revisions to the scheme as necessary. This is primarily to ensure that the LDS covers a rolling 3 years programme but could also cover missed milestones, new issues/priorities or changes in resources.


10.             Whilst the Council considers that the LDS as submitted remains robust there are a number of policy areas which it feels must be prioritised within the emerging documents and these are set out below together with the how they are intended to be dealt with through the Island Plan.


11.             Affordable Housing - the Council current policy of achieving 30% affordable housing in new developments has been hamstrung by the thresholds placed on the authority.  Smaller developments (those under 15 units) have not required any contribution and yet some 80% of all new development in recent years has been on small sites.  The Island Plan Core Strategy proposes to increase affordable provision to 35% across a range of tenures with detailed policies developed through the Housing and Employment DPD.  It is through this document that the Council will change the thresholds with the emphasis on trying to ensure that all new housing development makes a contribution to affordable housing needs.  The government is also considering the introduction of a Planning Gain Supplement which might also assist in meeting local targets. It is therefore considered that affordable housing is properly prioritised in the emerging LDS and no change is required.


12.             Car parking policy - The Council has growing concerns about the over proliferation of on street car parking in some Island towns.  Policies which have been beneficial in releasing brown field sites for housing development thereby reducing the need for green field land have led to more on street parking problems in certain areas at certain times.  Under the current policy regime developers cannot be required to provide off street parking as part of their development unless there are justifiable highway safety reasons. However it is clear that the capacity of our roads has reached this point and that contributions of a significant level will be required for transport infrastructure where there is an intention to provide off-street parking to meet the needs of dwellings.  As many of these issues are linked to the provision of new housing it is intended to review parking policies as part of the Housing and Employment DPD and again is prioritised in the emerging Island Plan and no change to the LDS is required.


13.             Exit strategy for redundant hotels - There is an urgent need to review the Tourism policies in the UDP in order that the Council can assist in delivering the step change identified in the Tourism Development Plan.  A key issue is the level and quality of the existing hotel stock and how this can be regenerated to produce a high quality hotel sector.  The Core Strategy sets out policy which focus on the need to deliver a 21 century tourism offer in The Bay and for it to become a live work areas rather than one primarily reliant on tourism. The LDS prioritises the Bay AAP as the vehicle for delivering the areas regeneration.  An Issues Paper has just been produced which identifies the change of hotel stock as a key objective.  Redevelopment proposals, which emerge during the preparation of the plan, may be judged as premature and negotiations for an appropriate S106 agreement will be judged on a case by case basis pending the formulation of the overall policy. This is therefore prioritised in the Island Plan and no change to the current LDS is required.


14.             Parish Plans - The Council is keen to ensure that Parish Plans are included in the emerging Island Plan.  Until now GOSE has been unwilling to agree the inclusion of documents whose production and delivery are outside the local authority’s control.  The Council has been in discussion with GOSE to agree how such plans can be included in order that they achieve appropriate weight as Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD’s).  The following text has been submitted for consideration in a revised LDS and the Council is awaiting the views of GOSE:


Parish & Town Plans


“The Council is working closely with Town and Parish Councils on the preparation of Market Town Health Checks and Parish Plans and village design statements. The programmes for this work are set by the local Councils rather than by the Isle of Wight Council and are not subject to the Isle of Wight Council’s direct control although we can influence and assist with the programming and progression of the work. Programmes are not sufficiently firm at the moment for them to be included in the Local Development Scheme.


The Council will work with the Town and Parish Councils to identify which plans or village design statements are being prepared. 


As and when individual Parish and Town Councils progress work on Town and Plans and design statements, it may be appropriate for parts or all of documents produced to be adopted by the Isle of Wight Council as Supplementary Planning Documents. When this is the case, the documents will be programmed into future revisions of the Local Development Scheme.


Where new VDSs and parish or town plans are prepared they would need to be in conformity with the SCI and be subject to a sustainability appraisal.  Existing VDSs would remain as material considerations.  Where they are proposed to be reviewed, the process of consultation would need to satisfy the SCI, and have been the subject of a sustainability appraisal.”




15.             The development of the new LDF /Island Plan process is a national objective proposed by government to deliver the sustainable communities agenda.  Funding through PDG has emphasised the importance placed by the government on authorities moving quickly to the new system and the need for it to replace the existing development plan (UDP).  Progressing the Island Plan is a key objective in Aim High and this is reflected in both the Corporate Plan 2006 and Service Plans.  The Island Plan is also a key delivery and policy tool for the Community Strategy and will become so for other organisations strategic documents (health etc).




16.             The Council has undertaken a wide range of consultation and engagement as part of the Island Plan in line with its agreed Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). The Council is currently undertaking a review of Parish and Town Councils progress on Parish Plans in order to advise on how these documents are produced to ensure they are as effective as possible in the planning process.


17.             Any changes to policy through the Island Plan will be subject to full community engagement (in line with the SCI) to ensure the soundness of the new plan making system.




18.             The Council has identified £250k to progress the Island Plan in line with the timetable agreed with GOSE.  A review of the documents within the LDS may warrant additional resources as it is expected that the existing programme will be delivered as a commitment to the community. Any additional plan making priorities could require additional resources.


19.             Given the resources allocated to meet the Island Plan it is felt that undertaking sustainability appraisals for Parish Plans could be met within existing budgets.  Items in respect of hotel stock, affordable housing and car parking are already factored into the existing LDS.




20.             The production of the LDF /Island Plan is a statutory requirement set out in the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. It is also a requirement of the legislation that the LDS is kept up to date and that the plans implementation and monitoring are reviewed on an annual basis.


21.             Any change to the LDS must be agreed by GOSE and can not be done independently.




22.             Option 1: Deal with the issues identified within the existing LDS and described  in this report.


            Option 2: Amend the LDS in conjunction with GOSE to reflect the priorities outlined in the report. 


            Option 3: Amend the LDS in conjunction with some of the issues identified in the report but continue to deal with others in line with the existing LDS.




23.             The Council must ensure that it continues to progress the Island plan in line with its agreed milestones set out in the LDS and that subsequent changes can only be made if agreed with GOSE.  It is important for the credibility of the existing plan with stakeholders that the Council delivers on its agreed programme but it is right that any changes in priorities are also reflected in the LDS to ensure it is relevant and up to date.


24.             There is always the danger that adding to the agreed priorities without sufficient resources to deliver them could lead to milestones being missed however the resources being made available should ensure this does not occur.




25.             Option 3 : Amend the LDS to include the text set out in paragraph 14 in respect of Parish Plans, but continue to pursue the programme of documents as agreed in order that the policy priorities outlined above are dealt with at the earliest possible stage.




26.             Unitary Development Plan (UDP)

27.             Island Plan Core Strategy - Submission

28.             Local Development Scheme




29.             None



Contact Point: Mr A Curzon, Acting Head of Regeneration ( 823346,

Email:  [email protected]




Acting Head of Regeneration


Cabinet Member for Environment, Planning and Transport