The following decisions were taken on 23 May 2006 by the CABINET




Members of the Cabinet who were present :


Cllrs Andy Sutton (Chairman), Barry Abraham, Dawn Cousins, Tim Hunter‑Henderson, Patrick Joyce, Ian Ward, Jilly Wood


Members also present (non-voting) :


Cllrs William Burt, George Brown, Mike Cunningham, Deborah Gardiner, Geoff Lumley,  David Pugh, Susan Scoccia, Melanie Swan, Arthur Taylor, Alan Wells, David Whittaker


Confirmed as a true record of decisions taken ……………………………………………


                                                                                             Leader of the Council




Agenda item

Public Question Time

Decision reference



No questions were asked.

Agenda item

Housing Investment Plan 2006

Decision reference


Decision taken

  1. Members approved the Housing Investment Plan as set out in Sections 6 to 12, subject to Government funding being made available.


  1. Members allocated £320,000 from capital receipts in order to draw down funding of £480,000 from the Department of Communities and Local Government for Disabled Facilities Grants in 2006/2007.


  1. The Leader and Cabinet Member for Care, Health and Housing would formally write to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government setting out the impact of these changes in funding allocations to the Isle of Wight and would request an explanation as to why these changes were made. 


The Council were informed that monies it had hoped to receive from the Government Office of the South East (£1,769,000), which were allocated to housing capital investment, would not be made available to the Isle of Wight for the year 2006/2007.

The Cabinet was informed that the formula for funding had changed and was now based on the amount of unfit properties that were within each area of local authority distribution, for example if there were 2000+ unfit properties and more than 7% of unfit housing within a local authority area then that local authority would be awarded funding under the new funding regime. The Cabinet was also informed that during the current financial year 2006/2007 only 22/76 councils in the Government Office of the South East’s area would receive funding for housing capital investment.


To challenge the decision of Government to withdraw funding from the Isle of Wight for housing capital investment and to ascertain why the formula used to decide funding allocations was changed.


To proceed with the Disabled Facilities Grant in 2006/2007.


Additional reasons



Options considered and rejected

To suggest an alternative split between affordable housing and housing renewal programmes.


To only fund specific affordable housing schemes and inform partner housing associations that some schemes would not be supported.



None declared.


Additional advice received



Agenda item

School Exclusion Centre – Policy Commission Blue Paper

Decision reference


Decision taken

  1. To accept the recommendations set out in the Blue Paper and adopt them as the basis of policy development.


                                    i.       Due to the capital and revenue costs of providing a new specific Exclusion Centre, and the responses received as part of consultation with key stakeholders, no further action should be taken on this issue.


                                  ii.       Based on the evidence received, endorses in addition to the existing provision, the development of:


·         A dedicated Education Centre for pupils with medically related difficulties;


·         The extension of WISE facilities;


·         The three year development of cluster based resource centres for pupils who are excluded or at risk of exclusion and those with significant social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.


                                iii.       The Commission would be willing to formulate appropriate policies and strategies for approval by the Cabinet Member leading to such implementation.



To fulfil the administration’s manifesto commitment that there should be an exclusions centre on the Island.


To meet the Council’s Corporate Objectives, in particular, ‘Improving Outcomes for Children and Young People’.


Additional reasons



Options considered and rejected

  1. To refer the matter back to the Policy Commission for Children and School Results and request it to carry out further work.


  1. To defer any decision on this matter to a future meeting.


  1. To do nothing. 




None declared.


Additional advice received



Agenda item

The Isle of Wight Children and Young People’s Plan 2006-2009

Decision reference


Decision taken

To adopt the Isle of Wight Children and Young People’s Plan 2006-2009 written in line with the requirements of the Children and Young People’s Plan (England) Regulations 2005, under section 17 and 66 of the Children Act 2004.



The Plan fulfils the requirements of the Children and Young People’s Plan (England) Regulations 2005, under section 17 and 66 of the Children Act 2004.


Vital that the Isle of Wight has a clear vision and plan for the improvement in outcomes for children and young people.


The adoption of the Plan as part of the policy framework of the Council will make explicit the contribution of the Council towards achieving and furthering the identified strategic objectives within Aim High.


Additional reasons




Options considered and rejected

To request amendments to the Plan.


None declared.


Additional advice received



Agenda item

An Action Plan for Renewable Energy

Decision reference



Decision taken


  1. Adopt the revised renewable energy and energy efficiency policies, outlined in paragraph 28 of the report.


  1. Adopt the Renewable Energy Action Plan (Option 2) and ask the Policy Commission for Economy, Tourism, Regeneration and Transport to reassess the renewable energy resource to 2010 and beyond and identify the barriers to exploitation of this resource.




To enable the Council to meet it’s 10% renewable energy target by 2010.


To enable the Council to investigate the possibility of establishing a Test Centre for tidal energy devices and locating tidal energy turbines off the coast of the Island.


To enable the Council to consider and determine the Island’s target for renewable energy contribution beyond 2010 via an ongoing process of monitoring and assessment.


To enable the Council to take a more proactive approach to the promotion of renewable energy.


Additional reasons



Options considered and rejected

  1. Do nothing and hope that private developers and individual householders make sufficient investment in renewables to achieve or make good progress towards the 10% target.


  1. Adopt a modified Action Plan, with alterations or additions to the Plan outlined above.



None declared.


Additional advice received

The Cabinet Member supported the inclusion of wind energy as an additional method for contributing to the renewable energy targets and highlighted the importance of the wind energy industry on the Island.


The Cabinet was informed that the £40,000 to fund the bid for the Tidal Test Centre would come from the Council’s efficiency savings made in the last financial year 2005/2006.


Agenda item

The Council’s Forward Plan

Decision reference



Cllr Sutton noted that, following the arrival of the new Chief Executive, a Change Management Plan should be added to the 13 June 2006.



None declared.


Agenda item

Delegated Decisions

Decision reference



No questions were asked.



None declared.


Agenda item

Members Question Time

Decision reference



Cllr Gardiner asked two questions, one relating to the current Administration’s stance toward the structure of the Island’s schools and, secondly, with regard to the nature of a ‘no blame’ bullying policy within the Council.


None declared.