Purpose : for Decision


                        REPORT TO THE CABINET


Date :              23 MAY 2006


Title :               HOUSING INVESTMENT PLAN 2006






1.                  The Housing Investment Programme funds the provision of new affordable housing schemes on the Island and the provision of assistance for housing renewal. The purpose of this report is to provide information and seek approval of the spending plans outlined that underpin our delivery of affordable housing and housing renewal programme.




2.                  There are no confidential or exempt items.




3.                  On 22 February 2006 the Full Council made a budget resolution for 2006/07, including the budget for capital investment for affordable housing. The amount allocated to housing capital investment was provisionally £1,769,000. The final resolution will be dependent on the final allocation that the Island receives.


4.                  An additional resolution of £800,000 was made for Disabled Facilities grants for the 2006/07 financial year.  The overall allocation is made up of an allowance of £420,000 from the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and £380,000 match funding from the Isle of Wight Council. The Island allocation of £380,000 will be a first call on capital receipts, subject to the final allocation for the Island.


5.                  The allocation of funds for affordable housing schemes are dependant on the amount of investment allocated to the Island by the Housing Corporation. For the 2006/08 period the Island has received an allocation of £7.9M which will enable the provision of 232 affordable housing units.


6.                  The allocation of £1,769,000 has therefore been split as follows:


§         Affordable Housing   £1,284,000

§         Housing Renewal      £485,000


7.                  The Housing Renewal allocation supports the work of the Housing and Community Support Services department that has responsibility for:


§         Funding for disabled adaptations,

§         Funding for fire safety in Houses in Multiple Occupation,

§         Minor repairs grants to enable people to stay safe in their own homes,

§         Funding to enable the provision of loans for home repairs,

§         Empty property grants and,

§         Additional funds for the most unfit areas on the Island.


8.                  The provision of £1,284,000 will enable the provision of an additional 40 units of affordable housing during the 2006/07 financial year and we will continue to work with our Housing Association partners to drive down the cost of future provision.


9.                  The funding for affordable housing each year will deliver around 150 units of affordable housing of all types. Therefore in order to achieve our aspirations we will either need to increase the amount of investment into affordable housing or rely on increased provision through section 106 planning obligations.


10.             Therefore there will be a need to increase our partnership work with private developers or look at new ways of working to bring forward development sites to meet this additional need for affordable housing.


11.             We will also ensure wherever possible from 2007/08 schemes that we fund will meet ECO Homes Excellent and that we fund the provision of homes that meet the lifetime homes standard as set out in our Local Area Agreement.


12.             In setting the allocations to the Housing Associations the Isle of Wight Council had to plan for the following:


§         Existing commitments to schemes in progress where funding had been allocated and not spent within the financial year,

§         Schemes that were of strategic importance,

§         Unsuccessful bids made to the Housing Corporation which were supported by the Local Authority.


13.             The Isle of Wight Council is therefore able to support the delivery of affordable housing schemes totalling £3.289M during the 2006/07 financial year and has made the following affordable housing allocations:


§         South Wight Housing Association         £2.279M (of which £1.381M was previous commitments to Oakfield

§         Medina Housing Association                 £1.010M




14.             The Housing and Community Support Services section has responsibility for enabling the provision of new affordable housing units as set out in our Housing Strategy “Building Better Island Homes” 2004-2009 and delivering our Housing Renewal Assistance programme as set out in our Housing Renewal Strategy “Creating Decent Island Homes” 2003-2008.


15.             The Isle of Wight Council, with its partners on the Island Strategic Partnership, have identified the need to increase the provision of affordable housing, both for rent and for home buy.


16.             The Isle of Wight Council’s Aim High plan sets out the following goals for the department:


§         Reduce homelessness and avoid use of temporary and inappropriate housing,

§         Provide healthy safe, affordable housing according to the needs of Island people, especially those with least housing choice,

§         Ensure housing choice


17.             The main measures of success that underpin the goals are:


§         The number of cases where homelessness is avoided through intervention measures,

§         The average time in temporary accommodation

§         The number of households accepted as homeless

§         The number of units of affordable housing per year

§         The percentage of affordable new homes built to Lifetime Homes Standard

§         The number of properties brought back into use per annum

§         The number of homes made suitable under the Health and Safety Rating system

§         The number if households assisted in securing private rented accommodation


18.             The Local Area Agreement underpins Aim High by identifying three critical factors that will improve life for residents on the Island:


§         Number of units of affordable housing built per year


§         Percentage of affordable new homes built to Lifetime Home standard


§          Number of homes made suitable under Housing Health & Safety Rating System


19.             The Housing and Community Support service plan makes specific reference to the need for additional resources for affordable housing if the department is to meet the target that has been set of enabling the provision of 200 units per annum. The department will also look for ways that service improvements can be made to increase the amount of units that can be delivered for the existing allocation.




20.             In determining the split between housing renewal and affordable housing consultation was undertaken with the following:


§         Cabinet Member for Care, Health and Housing

§         Housing Needs Manager

§         Housing Renewal Manager

§         Medina Housing Association

§         South Wight Housing Association

§         Vectis Housing Association


21.             Consultation with the Housing Renewal manager highlighted the need for assistance to be provided for fire safety in HMO’s. Consultation with the Housing Associations involved discussions following the Housing Corporation announcement in March 2006. Schemes that were not funded by the Housing Corporation were prioritised and funding allocated accordingly. Consultation with the Housing Needs Manager highlighted the need to provide affordable housing to meet our Local Area Agreement objectives.




22.             The Supported Capital Expenditure (SCE) approved by the Council of £1,769,000 was an estimate based on the 2005/06 financial year expenditure. It is normal for the DCLG to notify the Local Authority of the SCE for the forthcoming year in advance of the budget being set, but this has not taken place to date.


23.             The financial implications of delivering this programme have been set out in this document as allocated by the Isle of Wight Council’s budget 2006. The costs identified are accurate and comprehensive. 


24.             We will work with the Housing Associations and other partners to make external bids for funding to enable us to meet our aspirations for affordable housing.




25.             The provision of grants to Registered Social Landlords in respect of expenditure incurred in connection with Housing Activities is covered under the Housing Act 1996, section 18.


26.             The provision of Housing Assistance for Housing Renewal is covered under the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 as amended by the Regulatory Reform Order 2002.




27.             Option 1 - To approve the Housing Investment Plan as set out in sections 6 to 12 of this document.


28.             Option 2 - To suggest an alternative split between affordable housing and housing renewal programmes.


29.             Option 3 - To only fund specific affordable housing schemes and inform our partner housing associations that some schemes will not be supported.




30.             Option 1 is being recommended. The delivery of our affordable housing programme in partnership with our Housing Association partners needs to be planned in advance to enable successful delivery of schemes and to enable the Isle of Wight to meet objective of enabling the provision of 200 affordable housing units per annum.


31.             Affordable housing schemes need careful planning and the majority of schemes are not deliverable within one calendar or financial year. Therefore to deliver successful housing schemes there is a need to plan in advance to enable the Council to ensure that not only its Capital resource allocated for building is spent during the financial year but also to provide comfort to our partner housing associations that the funding will be available when acquisition, start on site or practical completion happens.


32.             Option 2 has not been considered because Housing Services has been able to financially plan for all but one of the schemes that did not receive funding from the Housing Corporation. This additional scheme far exceeds the funding set aside for housing renewal programmes.


33.             Option 2 has also not been considered because Housing Services needs to make provision for housing renewal assistance which is a key driver to enable the department to meet Aim High and Local Area Agreement measures of success.


34.             Option 3 has not been considered because the department would not be able to meet Aim High and Local Area Agreement measures of success.


35.             In making these recommendations this department will manage the risk of ensuring that our Housing Capital allocation for the 2006/07 financial year will be spent. Monitoring of this risk will be undertaken on a monthly basis in close liaison with budget accountants and exception reporting made available on request.




36.             Option 1 - To approve the Housing Investment Plan as set out in sections 6 to 12 of this document.



37.             Housing Corporation National Affordable Housing Programme 2006-08




38.             None.



Contact Point :     Peter Griffiths.

                               [email protected]

                               01983 823058




Head of Housing Services


Cabinet Member for Care, Health and Housing