Isle of Wight Council (Parking Places) Order No 1 2006                                                                APPENDIX A


Parking Area(s)





On Street Generally

Cllr Cunningham on behalf of Newport Forum

Charge for 30 minutes should be reduced to 70p, supports 5 hour limit for resident’s permits in Shoppers Car parks.

Charges have not been increased since 2004, increased charges are required to support residents’ permits. Off street parking is less expensive for the same duration as an alternative.


Cowes Town Council

No Comment


The Arboretum / Medina Leisure Centre

Mrs V Taylor, Chairman of Medina High School Governors

Objects to a five hour time limit for non permit holders.

Five hours is considered sufficient for casual visitors, holders of Residents’ permits would be able to park for up to eight hours which would cover the school day.

Coach Parking



Mr J Blanchett, Shanklin

Increased charges will drive coaches away, no provision for short break visits of up to 4 days.

Increased parking charges still represent a small part of the overall operating costs; charges better reflect the impact large vehicles have on the road network. Propose that a four day ticket priced at £60 be introduced to facilitate short breaks.





Sandown Town Council

Objects to:

Increase cost of 63% in short stay car parks

Increased costs of Tourist tickets

Increased costs for HGV’s / Coaches


Consider there will be more people chasing spaces and that system appears complicated.

Charges have not been increased since 2004; increased charges are required to support residents’ permits. Tourist tickets still offer very good value and flexibility. Increased coach parking charges still represent a small part of the overall operating costs; charges better reflect the impact large vehicles have on the road network. Traffic management implications were an identified risk that will be closely monitored.



Ms M Wakeman, Cowes

Unhappy with time limit on blue badge holders, will cause problems for those who need longer for mainland trips to hospital etc. On street parking not a viable alternative.

Intention was that blue badge holders would have same rights as Island residents’ permit holders and should therefore be able to purchase tickets for any additional period required.

Long Stay, Ryde area


Mrs P Reeks, Ryde

Concern about the effect the new permits will have on the availability of parking for shoppers in Ryde

3 hour maximum free entitlement should ensure turnover in short stay car parks, such traffic management implications were identified as a risk that will be closely monitored.

Well Road, East Cowes

East Cowes Town Council

Would like to see this Car Park re-designated as short stay to safeguard the needs of businesses and local residents.

There would be no alternative off street facility for long stay parking, such traffic management implications were identified as a risk that will be closely monitored.

Coach Parking

Shanklin Town Council

Would like coaches to be able to purchase a five day permit, £20 is too much for just a couple of hours parking.

It is recommended that a four day ticket be introduced. Day permits would be transferable between parking places.