Purpose: For Decision

                        REPORT TO THE CABINET


Date :              21 MARCH 2006











1.                  To provide the Cabinet with an update on the integration of Occupational Therapy with the Local NHS Trust and request support for a formal Section 31 Agreement.




2.                  The key objective in entering into any Section 31 agreements is to raise standards, improve the quality of services and improve the way in which the partners exercise their statutory functions.


3.                  The Council and Trust have already taken several steps to integration by appointing a joint Head of Service who manages both OT staff and budgets for the Council and the Trust Occupational Therapy Department, on behalf of each partner organisation.


4.                  There was a Blue Paper produced by the Policy Commission for Care, Health and Housing which considered the future location for all of the constituent parts of the Housing department.  It supported the integration of the Occupational Therapy service with the local NHS Trust.  This was supported by the Cabinet.


5.                  During 2005 the Council and Trust Occupational Therapy Department staff were co-located on the St Mary’s site and now work using the same IT system.


6.                  The next steps are to consider full integration, which will lead to further benefits.


For the service user these benefits include:


§                Maximising the opportunities from the total resources available to service users on the Island; and


§                Providing a single focal point for occupational therapy services.


For frontline services:


§                Creation of a single identity for occupational therapy services;

§                Development of staff with core transferable generic skills and specialist skills;

§                Improved clinical supervision;

§                Improving training and development opportunities for staff;

§                Integrating management of pooled fund resulting in faster decision making and more efficient and better-targeted use of resources;

§                Ensuring that there is a joint planning process for investment in and development of occupational therapy services;

§                Integration of performance management frameworks to better monitor and improve the overall performance of the service; and

§                Ability to support all occupational therapy teams in times of sickness and vacancy.


7.                  The Council Occupational Therapy staff will be seconded to the IW Healthcare NHS Trust (not TUPE), pending the overall health and social care integration.




8.                  The integration of Occupational Therapy Services in Health and Social Care on the Island has been a commitment of the current administration and continues the direction of travel for the creation of a new integrated health and social care organisation on the Island.


9.                  Integration and closer working between Health and Social Care organisations is a national policy driver as evidenced by the recent Green Paper, ‘Independence, Wellbeing and Choice’, National Service Frameworks and Valuing People White Paper and Our Health, Our Care, Our Say White Paper.




10.             Consultation was undertaken with staff and key stakeholders from 6th February – 3rd March 2006.


11.          The consultation sought their views and comments on the proposed service integration, especially around the following areas:


§      Is the right direction for the Occupational Therapy Service?

§      Should the Intermediate Care Occupational Therapists be included in this section 31? and

§      Should the Mental Health Occupational Therapists be included in this section 31?


12.             The consultation paper was distributed to:


§      All OT staff employed by IW Council and IW Healthcare NHS Trust

§      Head of Housing, Council

§      Interim Director of Adult and Community Service

§      IWC Cabinet Member for Health, Care and Housing

§      Associate Directors of Healthcare Trust Care Groups

§      Executive Team of Healthcare Trust

§      Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee

§      Director of Commissioning, PCT

§      Patient and Public Involvement Forums

§      Chief Executive, Earl Mountbatten Hospice




13.             It is expected that the Council OT budget will be transferred to a pooled budget, along with the Health OT budget. Both budgets are approximately £400,000, combining to produce a pooled budget of approximately £800,000.  Secondment of Council OT Staff to IW Healthcare NHS Trust will happen at the same time.


14.             Council OT Staff and resources are already based at the St Mary’s site of the IOW Healthcare NHS Trust.


15.             The exact level of resource transfer will be negotiated between the Council and IW Healthcare Trust representatives. The process will be supported by the Transition Project Team.




16.             Health Act flexibilities will be utilised through a Section 31 Agreement to enable pooling of health and social care budgets.  Work is underway through the legal services team and the Transition Team to ensure that this agreement will be robust and fit for purpose.  External lawyers have been instructed by the Council Legal Services Team to complete the agreement.


17.             In effecting the integration we will ensure that we comply with all relevant legislation including employment law.


18.             Pat Szatter, Programme Lead – Internal Governance, has reviewed the Section 31 Partnership Agreement for the S31 Team and Transition Project.




19.             The Section 31 Agreement for OT Services consulted upon the following options:


·                    Council OT Service and IOWHCT OT Department should be part of this partnership agreement.

·                    The above and IOWHCT Mental Health OT Staff should be part of this partnership agreement

·                    The above and the IOWHCT Intermediate Care OT Staff should be part of this partnership agreement.

·                    The above and the IOWHCT Mental Health and Intermediate Care OT Staff should be part of this partnership agreement


20.             Generally the proposal for a formal agreement was welcomed by staff and stakeholders.  From the post consultation discussion with key stakeholders, the proposal is to omit Mental Health and Intermediate Care Occupational Therapists from this Section 31. They will be part of Section 31’s for Mental Health and Intermediate Care.


21.             This proposal will be presented to the Joint Trust Board (for PCT and HCT) for approval on 29th March 2006.


22.             The next steps:


·                    Seek agreement to the above option at Council Cabinet on 21st March 2006.

·                    Seek agreement to the above option at the Joint PCT/Trust Board on 29th March 2006.

·                    Section 31 Partnership Agreement to be finalised by 31st March 2006.




23.             The principal risks are outlined with actions currently in place or proposed to be taken that will address the risk




i) Service specification that is fit for purpose

Outcome of budget will determine the level of service provided. OT Team Leaders integrating service specification and recommending changes.

ii) Inadequate budget identified

Service being matched to budget available.

Some efficiencies possible in bringing two services together.

iii) Cultural differences in philosophy of service provision

Much informal work already taken place.

Co-location has helped this.





24.             That the cabinet support a formal Section 31 Agreement for Occupational Therapy Services with Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Trust.





25.             Consultation Paper: Section 31 Partnership Agreement for the integrated provision of Occupational Therapy Services – Nicola Turner, February 2006.


Contact Point: Mark Price, Transition Project Director, Tel 550942 email : [email protected]



Transition Project Director



 Cabinet Member for Care. Health and Housing



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