The following decisions were taken on 21 DECEMBER 2005 by the CABINET


These decisions do not take effect until 10 JANUARY 2006


Members of the Cabinet who were present :


Cllrs Andy Sutton (Chairman), Barry Abraham, Dawn Cousins, Tim Hunter-Henderson, Patrick Joyce, Jilly Wood


Confirmed as a true record of decisions taken : ……………………………………..............


                                                                                    Leader of the Council



Agenda item

Public Question Time

Decision reference



Two written questions were received :


The Primary Headteachers asked several questions regarding Children’s Services (PQ15/05)

Ms K Wood asked a question regarding the Council’s long term plan for the future of education on the Isle of Wight (PQ16/05)


In addition, a number of Members of the public wished to ask questions relating to the Children’s Services report, these were taken following the presentation of the report by the Cabinet Member


Agenda item

Children’s Service – Focus, Performance and Leadership Arrangements

Decision reference


Decision taken

a)              Receive the Annual Performance Assessment and refer that report to the Audit Committee for more detailed consideration at its meeting.  The report will also be made available as evidence in the ongoing Work Programme of the Policy Commission


b)              To approve MouchelParkman as the Council’s preferred supplier.


c)              That the outcome of the negotiated contractual arrangements is reported to a future meeting of the Cabinet


d)              That the preferred supplier be invited to commence work on a daily rate to ensure continuity of leadership arrangements pending negotiation of a longer-term brief


e)              That the requirement within Contract Standing Order 2.3.1 to advertise the specification set out at Appendix 1 is waived for the purpose of this procurement only


f)                Recommend to Full Council the motion set out at paragraph 20 at its meeting on 18 January 2006.


g)              That call-on, insofar as at applies to expenditure on a daily rate basis, for a period of six weeks after the date of this decision, be disapplied.


To begin the process of working in partnership with schools to raise educational achievement and improve outcomes for children. 

Additional reasons

To reflect the outcome of the procurement process.

Options considered and rejected



None declared.

Additional advice received



Agenda item

Delegated Decisions

Decision reference



No questions were asked.


None declared.


Agenda item

Members Question Time

Decision reference



No written questions were received, however a number of questions were asked during the Children’s Services item.