Purpose: for Decision

                        REPORT TO THE CABINET


Date:               TUESDAY 2 MAY 2006










1.                  This is the Quarterly Performance Management Report (QPMR) for the fourth quarter of 2005/06 for approval and agreement on future activity relating to under or over performance of performance indicators.  The report includes information on all indicators that are currently held within the CorVu system that data has been collected for relating to 2005-06.




2.                  The QPMR has been produced since August 2003 as part of the Council’s overall performance management framework.


3.                  It highlights areas of under performance and enables in year decisions to improve performance.


4.                  This QPMR covers the period from 1st January 2006 to the 31st March 2006. It is the first Cabinet report produced using the new CorVu performance management software that the Council procured in January 2006 to improve the Council’s performance culture, move from measurement to management and to be the driving force towards becoming an ‘excellent’ council.


5.                  It was agreed that the two reports detailed in the Appendices would be presented to Cabinet to demonstrate what the new system can produce relating to performance data and therefore stimulate debate on what information is required and how it will be used to generate service improvement.


6.                  These two reports attached are Appendix A which is the list of annual data received for the national Best Value Indicators, and Appendix B which is the quarterly data for the QPMR. Both are listed by the Council’s Aim High Corporate Objective and Aim. Appendix C is a visual display produced by CorVu of the number of QPMR indicators and the percentage that have achieved or not achieved their targets which Members may wish to receive as part of future performance management reports.


7.                  Performance data that has been collected from services across all Directorates are the local indicators that have appeared in previous QPMR reports to Cabinet, and the national Best Value Performance Indicators.


8.                  Because this QPMR is being presented to Cabinet two weeks earlier than it was in previous quarters, not all data has been received from services, especially for the national indicators therefore only indicators where data has been received is included.


9.                  Both reports show indicators in colour for the actual figures received for the annual BVPIs and the quarterly QPMR indicators using the following:


Red - Target not met by plus or minus 5% or more - intervention required

                        Amber - Target met within 5% - Keep under review

                        Green - Target exceeded by 5% or more - on target


10.             During the last quarter a number of under-performing indicators were identified as needing immediate improvement. Heads of Service produced an action plan and updates were agreed with each Cabinet Member. Due to resources being allocated to the implementation of the new CorVu software system, it has not been possible to present an update today. The progress of all indicators, action plans and initiatives will now be accessible to all through CorVu.


There is concern on the following indicators that have not met their targets:


a.      BVPI109a - Percentage of major planning applications determined in 13 weeks

b.      LBVT6 - Visit to Tourist Information Centres per annum

c.      BVPI064 - Number of private sector vacant dwellings that are returned into occupation or demolished




11.             The proposed options for Cabinet approval will help towards the achievement of the Council’s Corporate Objectives and Priorities through the measuring and monitoring process of the Council’s performance management framework.




12.             Heads of Service and their staff have supplied the information within this report with Directors being fully consulted on the content. External consultation has not been necessary for this report since it is concerned with internal management arrangements.




13.             This report should be considered alongside financial exception reporting to enable in year decisions within, or amending, budget allocations in order to improve performance.




14.             It is a requirement of the Local Government Act 1999 to deliver best value in service delivery of which an effective performance management system is an essential part.




15.             Option 1 - That Cabinet Members commit to developing, with Strategic Directors and Heads of Service, solutions to under performing indicators for monitoring through future reports to the appropriate governance process.


Option 2 - To receive a further report at the next Aim High Strategy Group on the under performance of BVPI109a, percentage of major planning applications determined in 13 weeks, that will include detailed background information for further discussion and decision on improving and supporting the service delivery.


Option 3 - To select further indicators for investigation by the Scrutiny Committee or Policy Commissions.




16.             The main risk associated with the above options is that if quarterly reporting fails to achieve ownership amongst Members and staff, progressing performance management will fail to be recognised as the way to improve services and achieve our Corporate Objectives. Improving the performance of the Council is a key component of the Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA).





17.             To approve the three options identified as follows:


          Option 1 - That Cabinet Members commit to developing, with Strategic Directors

          and Heads of Service, solutions to under performing indicators for monitoring

          through future reports to the appropriate governance process.


          Option 2- To receive a further report at the next Aim High Strategy Group on the

          under performance of BVPI109a, percentage of major planning applications

          determined in 13 weeks, that will include detailed background information for

          further discussion and decision on improving and supporting the service delivery.


          Option 3- To select further indicators for investigation by the Scrutiny Committee

          or Policy Commissions.




18.             Previous Quarterly Performance Management Reports 2005-06, quarters 1-3

Best Value Performance Indicators data information 2005-06

Aim High 2005




Appendix A - CorVu Best Value Performance Indicator Report Quarter 4 2005-06

Appendix A2 – Best Value Performance Indicators 2005/2006

Appendix B - CorVu Quarterly Performance Management Report Quarter 4 2005-06

Appendix C - CorVu QPMR Pie Chart (Colour copies of these appendices shall be sent to Cabinet Members and Directors separately).



Contact Point :     Heidi Marshall, Principal Policy Officer, Performance and Improvement Team. Tel 821000 email [email protected]



Assistant Chief Executive


Cabinet Member for Resources, Auditing, and Council Efficiency; Customer Champion