Isle of Wight Council Forward Plan – July 2005 to May 2006


The Forward Plan is a list of all matters that are due to be considered by the Cabinet over the next eleven months.  This will be updated each month.


Nature and Short Description of Decision to be Taken

Decision Maker

Consultees and when Consultation is to Take Place

Consultation Method

Background papers and Relevant Documents

Electoral Division

Lead Officer

Cabinet Member

Reason for change from last Forward Plan


Decision not to be taken before

Monday, 4 July 2005







Best Value Performance Plan/Annual Action Statement

Cabinet Member Delegated Decision

Directors and Officers




John Bentley 823346

Cllr Wood, Resources, Audit, Efficient Council and Customer Champion


Anticipated Date of Decision

Tuesday, 19 July 2005







To consider next steps to develop a proposal for a multi-storey car park at St Mary's Road Car Park, Cowes


Cowes Town Council, Cowes Business Association, Members, Public

Public Consultation and Exhibition, Meetings and Correspondence

Portfolio Holders previous delegated decision taken 10/4/03 (ref 13/03)


Tony Flower 823263

Cllr Wood, Resources, Audit, Efficient Council and Customer Champion

Slipped from 20 April - More information needed to be gathered

To consider the potential for a local delivery  vehicle for Cowes Waterfront to secure long term investment funding and  a gateway review of options

Cabinet Member

To be advised

To be advised

To be advised


Derek Rowell 823146, John Metcalfe 823825

Cllr Wood, Resources, Audit, Efficient Council and Customer Champion

Text Box: PAPER CSlipped from 5 July 2005 - gathering information

Anticipated Date of Decision

Tuesday, 19 July 2005 (Continued)







To agree a CPO for land at Fishbourne Quay


Members, Public

Meetings and Correspondence

SPG Fish Bourne


Tony Flower 823263

Cllr Wood, Resources, Audit, Efficient Council and Customer Champion

Slipped from 20  April - More information needed to be gathered

Anticipated Date of Decision

Tuesday, 2 August 2005







Health and Social Care Consultation Document


The Two Health Trusts, a range of voluntary organisations and all staff within the Council and the two Health Trusts - January to March

E-mail, Web Site, Team Brief and Meetings

TSB Agendas and Minutes


John Lawson 823207

Cllr Cousins, Care, Health and Housing

Slipped from 21 June - further work required.

Anticipated Date of Decision

Tuesday, 30 August 2005







Comprehensive Improvement Plan


To be advised

To be advised

To be advised


Paul Street


Cllr Abraham, Safer Communities

New Entry

Anticipated Date of Decision

Tuesday, 20 September 2005







Corporate Asset Management Plan


Service Managers, Members, Public

Meetings and Correspondence

Earlier Asset Management Plan


Barry Cooke 823266

Cllr Wood, Resources, Audit, Efficient Council and Customer Champion

New Entry

Tourism Development Plan


To be advised

To be advised

To be advised


Nigel Smith 823871

Cllr Hunter-Henderson, Island Economy, Regeneration, Tourism & Leisure

New Entry

Anticipated Date of Decision

Tuesday, 11 October 2005







Housing Strategy


Housing Associations, various outside agencies and other Council Departments

Meetings and Correspondence

Various source documents ranging from 2001 - 2004


Graham Wilmshurst 823061

Cllr Cousins, Care, Health and Housing

New Entry

Anticipated Date of Decision

Tuesday, 22 November 2005







Community Strategy


To be advised

To be advised

To be advised


John Bentley 823346

Cllr Abraham, Safer Communities

New Entry

Anticipated Date of Decision

Tuesday, 13 December 2005







Economic Development Plan


To be advised

To be advised

To be advised


Lesley Williams 823797

Cllr Hunter-Henderson, Island Economy, Regeneration, Tourism & Leisure

New Entry

Anticipated Date of Decision

 Tuesday, 17 January 2006







Local Development Framework - Preferred Island Plan Options and Issues


Statutory consultees, stakeholder groups, Local Strategy Partnership - Theme Group 7 attractive Island, Agencies and local residents

Meetings and correspondence

Core Strategy Topic papers, Local Development Scheme, Core Strategy Issues and Options Papers


Wendy Perera 823697

Cllr Ward, Environment,Transport and Planning Policy

New Entry

Anticipated Date of Decision

Tuesday, 28 February 2006







Local Transport Plan


To be advised

To be advised

To be advised


Steve Matthews  823788

Cllr Ward, Environment,Transport and Planning Policy

New Entry

Anticipated Date of Decision

Tuesday, 21 March 2006







Fire Integrated Risk Management Plan 2006/7


To be advised

To be advised

To be advised


Paul Street 823199

Cllr Abraham, Safer Communities

New Entry

Anticipated Date of Decision

Tuesday, 11 April 2006







Children and Young People's Plan


To be advised

To be advised

To be advised


David Pettitt 823400

Cllr Joyce, Deputy leader and Member for Children

New Entry

The Adult and Treatment Plan (Substance Misuse) 2005/06


To be advised

To be advised

To be advised


Sandy Weller 822247

Cllr Hunter-Henderson, Island Economy, Regeneration, Tourism & Leisure

New Entry

Safer Communities Young Peoples Plan 2005-2006


To be advised

To be advised

To be advised


Sandy Weller 822247

Cllr Abraham, Safer Communities

New Entry

Anticipated Date of Decision

Tuesday, 2 May 2006







Local Development Framework - Consultation on Preferred Options


Statutory consultees, stakeholder groups, local strategic partnership, theme group 7 attractive island, agencies and local residents

Meetings and correspondence

Core Strategy topic papers, Local Development Scheme, Core Strategy Issues and Options papers


Wendy Perera 823697

Cllr Ward, Environment,Transport and Planning Policy

New Entry

Anticipated Date of Decision

Tuesday, 23 May 2006







Housing Investment Plan


To be advised

To be advised

To be advised


Graham Wilmshurst 823061

Cllr Cousins, Care, Health and Housing

New Entry


Items removed from the last published version of the Forward Plan and reasons for removal


Anticipated Date of Decision

Nature and Short Description of Decision to be Taken

Electoral Division

Lead Officer

Cabinet Member

Reason for Deletion from the Forward Plan

05 July 2005

Diversity Update


David Pettitt


Cllr Wood, Resources, Audit, Efficient Council and Customer Champion

Dealt with by Member Training

05 July 2005

National Joint Council for Local Authority Fire & Rescue Services, Conditions of Service 6th Ed , Hours of Duty; Retained Duty System - Implementation


Max Burton


Cllr Abraham, Safer Communities

Consultation exercise complete, existing duty system for Fire fighters to continue - no additional cost to Council