Purpose : For Decision

                        REPORT TO THE CABINET


Date :              17 JANUARY 2006


Title :               SOUTH EAST PLAN








1.                  To update members on the South East Plan and its relationship with the Island Plan




2.                  The Government is committed to developing strong, vibrant and sustainable communities and to promoting community cohesion in both rural urban and rural areas.  The Delivery of the Sustainable community’s agenda is through the new Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 200431.


3.                  Planning Policy Statement 11: Regional Spatial Strategies32 sets out the Government’s national policies on the role and importance of regional planning.   The 2004 Act makes the Regional Spatial Strategy (the South East Plan) statutory and our Island Plan documents will need to be in conformity with it.


4.                  The initial consultation draft33 of the South East Plan ( was produced earlier this year, and consultation finished in April 2005. 


5.                  The Assembly have submitted their first part of the South East Plan to Government. The remaining elements of the Plan will be submitted to Government in March 2006, by which time outstanding work on district housing numbers, sub-regions and other issues will have been completed.  


6.                  The Part 1 submission consists of the Core Document, excluding the sub-regional sections. The Final Sustainability Appraisal Report, the Implementation Plan and Monitoring Report, and the Statement of Public Participation will all form part of the later submission, together with the sub-regional sections.


7.                  The IW secured Special Policy Area status, as part of the sub-regional discussions, which enabled specific policies for the Island to be included within the SE Plan.  The policies proposed will allow the IW to progress the new Local Development Framework (Island Plan) to deliver the aims and objectives of both the Community Strategy and the Council’s Corporate Plan, as well as new LAA priorities and 2020 Vision.  The Island Plan will also need to take into account other regional and local strategies, with particular emphasis on the areas of economic development, infrastructure provision and housing.


8.                  The IW special area policies provide a framework to allow for economic led regeneration, and education, training, skills, employment, and tourism development to provide an aspirational business sector and workforce, with associated development in housing to provide for an adequate supply of homes for people on the Island. 


9.                  The Island Plan will be the route through which regeneration will be delivered at the local level.  The programme of work for the Island Plan for the next three years has been agreed with GOSE and is in the Local Development Scheme34 (LDS) (


10.             If the Island Plan is to be a successful strategy, it is clear than any future development will be predicated on the provision of infrastructure prior to developments coming forward.  This is particularly relevant on the Island as the condition of the road network is in a very poor state of repair.  The planned improvements through the Highways PFI have yet to receive government funding and as a result, the release of housing allocations will need to be phased to match the pace of this important investment.  This will subsequently be supported by a potential bid for an integrated transport system with partners operating on the Island and leading to and from it.


11.             The Council is also currently investigation the possibility of establishing an Isle of Wight Investment Company, with regional partners, to ensure that the appropriate land and premises are available to meet and develop these higher regeneration standards and aspirations.


12.             The Council will need to work closely with the Housing Associations to maximise the potential for investment from the Housing Corporation to address the need for additional homes.  The scale of this problem is growing and is due in part to the Island’s low waged economy, coupled with house price inflation.  Work on creating a better understanding of the relationship between housing supply and housing market, together with the difference between staircased housing and rented social housing will be progressed through the Pan Steering Group.




13.             The SE Plan sets the regional framework for development and as part of the new planning process; our local policies and proposals will need to be in conformity with it.


14.             It is important for the Island, that the SE Plan contains policies which will allow us to develop the more locally detailed “Island Plan”, which will help to deliver the aims and objectives of the Community Strategy. 


15.             The Island Plan will be the key strategy for delivery of regeneration on the Island. 




16.             The next round of consultation on the SE Plan will take place in March 2006, when the complete document is submitted to Government Office.




17.             Given the importance of the South East Plan to the future of the Island, the additional costs of producing the special policies have been found from PDG and have accounted for approximately 2.5 person days per week between September 2004 and March 2005.  Any additional work on the SE Plan will be resourced in the same way. 


18.             If we do not meet the timetable that is set in the LDS we will not receive further PDG.  Whilst the element of PDG relating to plan making for 2006 has not yet been fixed, it is likely that it will increase.




19.             There is a chain of conformity for LDFs similar to that which is already in place with regard to RPG9 and the UDP.  Any document the Island produces as part of its LDF will need to be in conformity with the Regional Spatial Strategy (South East Plan) and any associated sub-regional strategy or policies.  This conformity is set out in Section 24 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


20.             In addition, Section 4 of the Act deals with the assistance that the Regional Planning Body should seek from each local authority within its area.




21.             Option 1:  To support the special policy area for the Isle of Wight in the South East Plan.


22.             The special policies provide a clear framework at a regional level, to enable the Island’s regeneration agenda and supports the island Plan, by providing a regional steer from which the island can develop locally based policies and plans which will deliver regeneration and infrastructure provision.


23.              Housing development needs to be seen as a key delivery tool for regenerating island towns and villages by enabling provision of community services and infrastructure.


24.             Option 2:  To challenge the special policy area for the Isle of Wight.


25.             The Council could lodge a formal objection once the SE Plan is put out to public consultation in spring 2006.


26.             The Council would then be required to support its case for challenge at an Examination in Public, presided over by a Planning Inspector.  Any Council case would need to be based on clear planning evidence that would withstand scrutiny at Examination.

27.             Any challenge to the SE Plan would cause delay in bringing forward the new Island Plan, as there is a legal need for conformity.  This would in turn lead to the Council being unable to meet its targets within the Local Development Scheme, with associated loss of planning delivery grant, and delay in replacing the Unitary Development Plan.




28.             To support the inclusion of the SE Plan Special Policy Area for the Island and the policies contained within it, in order that the Council can deliver its regeneration objectives, through its Island Plan.



29.             Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004


30.             Planning Policy Statement 11:  Regional Spatial Strategies


31.             South East Plan Consultation Draft


32.             Island Plan Local Development Scheme, April 2005




33.             None.


Contact Point :     Ashley Curzon,ext: 5557 email [email protected]



Head of Planning Services


Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Planning