Budget Actual Over + /   Budget
    2005 / 06 2005 / 06 under -   2006 / 07
    (£) (£) (£)   (£)
Employee costs   107286 106726 -560   115617
Premises costs            
Gas   27500 28336 836   27500 1)
Other   35913 43768 7855   35913
Total Premises   63413 72104 8691   63413
Transport costs   1184 461 -723   1184
Supplies & services            
Cremator maintenance   21230 24754 3524   21230
Other   55267 76477 21210   55267
Total Supplies & Serv's   76497 101231 24734   76497
Recharges   1559 1934 375   1559
Other adjustments   2897 0 -2897   -7322
Cremation fees   -526443 -389748 136696   -410257 2)
Other   -74821 -57756 17064   -57531
Total income   -601264 -447504 153760   -467788
Centrally controlled            
Capital financing   52080 49379 -2701   49379 3)
Depreciation   66467 67386 919   67386 3)
Other   29276 33518 4242   32586
Total central   147823 150283 2460   149351
TOTAL   -200605 -14765 185840   -67489
Total Cost of Crematorium    315,974
Adding back Capital & depreciation -49379
Net contribution to Council budget -  131,530
1) Gas prices will be held until September 2006 under the existing contract.
A new contract has been negotiated and prices will go up by 74% from 1 Oct 2006.
Electricity prices are expected to rise by 64%
2) The income budget expectation for cremation fees has been decreased, but an overall fee increase
of 9.8% (6% budgeted) has been introduced to accommodate the increase in gas prices.
3) Last year's actuals have been put in as this year's budgets.